Liberal Handgun Ban?

I took the Restricted Course last year and have not upgraded my PAL to include restricted. I know I would go out and Blow at least $3-5K on Restricted product immediately. My reluctance is not the spending of the capitol rather the possibility of me having to turn in my purchases without compensation. I won`t even spend the $80 for the PAL upgrade. Once this gets ironed out I plan to proceed and enter the restricted world.
You might want to reconsider that position. It's exactly the position the Liberals are hoping for. An option is to get yourself a entry level handgun, S&W M&P for example and then at least you have something if the ban/confiscation happens (which it won't, logistics will prove too costly).
Preach'n to the choir here pal. You should try to let the tongue go to folks who need to hear it.

really? this logic is what underpins and supports all gun control legislation. The logic displayed in AZG's post is precisely why Canada can not be realistically classed as a 'FREE' nation. Self-defense IS not a separate issue, but Canadians have allowed their legal system to view criminals as victims and victims as helpless prey that should know their place. Why do you think Brazil is about to change their very stringent gun control laws? self-defense plain and simple.
AZG is correct that the Canadian shooting sports fraternity is its own worst enemy. A prime example of the reason for that is the logic displayed in AZG's post. As far as i can tell 'freedom' is a dirty word in Canada.
I took the Restricted Course last year and have not upgraded my PAL to include restricted. I know I would go out and Blow at least $3-5K on Restricted product immediately. My reluctance is not the spending of the capitol rather the possibility of me having to turn in my purchases without compensation. I won`t even spend the $80 for the PAL upgrade. Once this gets ironed out I plan to proceed and enter the restricted world.

You should at the very least get your rpal if you took the course already......I just went and bought another handgun....norinco1911 .45acp
....figure its only $350
I took the Restricted Course last year and have not upgraded my PAL to include restricted. I know I would go out and Blow at least $3-5K on Restricted product immediately. My reluctance is not the spending of the capitol rather the possibility of me having to turn in my purchases without compensation. I won`t even spend the $80 for the PAL upgrade. Once this gets ironed out I plan to proceed and enter the restricted world.

No way! Stock up on restricteds!
I took the Restricted Course last year and have not upgraded my PAL to include restricted. I know I would go out and Blow at least $3-5K on Restricted product immediately. My reluctance is not the spending of the capitol rather the possibility of me having to turn in my purchases without compensation. I won`t even spend the $80 for the PAL upgrade. Once this gets ironed out I plan to proceed and enter the restricted world.

I think the all-out ban on handguns will not happen. As mentioned, i don't think the RCMP or all law enforcement combined for that matter, have the resources to seize all restricted firearms out there. Some restricted firearms may fall under a new category of prohibited, and only those who have said prohibs will be able to buy/sell the same class in the future. Hopefully that doesn't happen, and the worst that comes out of the new bill is enhanced background checks, or more frequent checks, or more focus on mental illness. I also don't think the ATT changes will take effect, and putting the onus on retailers to keep records of all purchases is a moot point because they already do that.
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I have my restricted as well, but I’m eluctant to buy anything restricted just because the ranges around Edmonton are expensive, and there’s usually a wait list. Does anyone know if I can have a range membership in a different province?
Criminal lawyers? That's redundant.

He will never for a second face a judge he doesn't want to. Butts may have pressured. Another third party may have pressured. The PM may have discussed a file with one of his ministers. There's a world of difference and for the most part, the public doesn't give a #### about this. Sponsorship scandal? That was govt money being redirected to the Liberal Party for work that was never done. The public can get behind that. A politician talking to another politician about helping out a major employer? That's just good politics...

When i write something down here, more than often i have chat about it with both my lawyers ( my kid sister and hubby are criminal lawyers and avid shooters).

When JWR speak, if she say trudo pressure her on a criminal matter ( the SNC Lavallin is exactly this) he will be charged with criminal behavior .

I agree with you, they wont jailed him but he could be CHARGED.
You can please yourself. Personally, I have been buying as many restricteds as I possibly can. 3 handguns so far lately and that's just because 3 are all I can afford right now and I already have a large number of restricteds. You may find yourself in a position where, by not buying now, you may never be able to buy restricteds. Perhaps you should reconsider and at least buy one. Then you will at least be in the game.
I took the Restricted Course last year and have not upgraded my PAL to include restricted. I know I would go out and Blow at least $3-5K on Restricted product immediately. My reluctance is not the spending of the capitol rather the possibility of me having to turn in my purchases without compensation. I won`t even spend the $80 for the PAL upgrade. Once this gets ironed out I plan to proceed and enter the restricted world.
You can please yourself. Personally, I have been buying as many restricteds as I possibly can. 3 handguns so far lately and that's just because 3 are all I can afford right now and I already have a large number of restricteds. You may find yourself in a position where, by not buying now, you may never be able to buy restricteds. Perhaps you should reconsider and at least buy one. Then you will at least be in the game.

I agree with this. There are sonething like 900 000 restricted firearms in Canada. If they ban them, they will not have the resources to confiscate them all. They would go through the grandfathering process and, though only a chance, could one day be brought back to a more useable status... If you choose not to buy one, then, should a ban kick in... You're SOL on getting one. EVER.
I agree with this. There are something like 900 000 restricted firearms in Canada. If they ban them, they will not have the resources to confiscate them all. They would go through the grandfathering process and, though only a chance, could one day be brought back to a more useable status... If you choose not to buy one, then, should a ban kick in... You're SOL on getting one. EVER.

There are more than 1 million REGISTERED restricted firearms. The number of Unregistered restricted firearms has been estimated at between 3 and 5 million.

The last round of prohibitions under the firearms act prohibited approximately 600,000 short barreled handguns. Very few of them were re-registered under C68. The only ones that were actually seized were those that were seized from people who were trying to register them without actually being eligible for a grandfathered license, and people found incidentally by police in result to some kind of public complaint.

It will be interesting to see the 2019 commissioner of firearms report to determine the one year boost in registered restricted firearms. The YoY change in growth of that number could largely be attributed to panic buying.
I agree with the position that we should be buying as many restricteds as we can.
I bought three handguns last week and plan to buy several more this year.
If you have a "dream gun" in restricted, this is the time to get it.
If that idiot gets re-elected, you may never have the chance to buy it again.
The more restricteds there are out there, the harder it will be for them to confiscate them or try to buy them back. More likely they will be grandfathered.
Going to have to book the RPAL course in my city...
I'm new to guns, just have a rifle for hunting. What is a good, entry-level handgun to get started with (total noob question)?
I've only shot a desert eagle in Vegas at the Gun Store a few years ago, that kicked more than my 30-06!
Going to have to book the RPAL course in my city...
I'm new to guns, just have a rifle for hunting. What is a good, entry-level handgun to get started with (total noob question)?
I've only shot a desert eagle in Vegas at the Gun Store a few years ago, that kicked more than my 30-06!

If you don't want to spend a bunch, check out IRG. Revolvers can be had for about $200 Canadian.
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