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Thread: Liberal Handgun Ban?

  1. #51
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie View Post
    Well, it is either support him; box up your handguns and semi-autos and drop them off at the detachment; or wait for ERT to come and get them. You choose.
    I don't do blackmail, which is the CPC strategy. People have been owning unregistered firearms for 20+ years, I'll be fine.

  2. #52
    CGN frequent flyer ghostie's Avatar
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    Last edited by ghostie; 04-20-2020 at 01:24 AM.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie View Post
    Sadly, I don't think so. Reading SCC decisions on firearms is a brutal, frustrating and demoralizing experience for gun owners.

    Parliament's power to pass criminal law measures would have to come up against another constitutionally protected interest, like the right of Aboriginal people to hunt for "food, social and ceremonial purposes", in order to get a balancing of the rights going. This hasn't been fully litigated, but I don't think there is even a right for non-Aboriginal Canadians to own firearms for hunting, even on a subsistence basis. A counter argument could certainly be put forward, but I wouldn't hold my breath. In any event there is certainly no protection for sport shooting or collecting.

    The last Canadians to privately own firearms will be Aboriginal subsistence hunters, but the whole firearms industry in Canada will be a distant memory at that point.

    The Liberals, those lying scumbags, said we promise no long gun registry. Never mind that C-71 is just a back door decentralized registry, they got us! We don't need a registry if we just ban everything.

    I keep picturing that lying, sycophantic, hypocritical, arrogant, POS with his family all dressed up in ridiculous costumes on his trip in India. I tried to give that guy a chance. Seeing his face and that hair just fills me with anger.

  4. #54
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Aprilia Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie View Post
    So you've already given up? Too bad. Make sure to take some pictures of your handguns and your semi-auto rifles before they come to pick them, which at the current rate of "progress" should be in about 2 years from now.

    As the old saying goes: If you think you can, you might be right. If you think you can't, you're definitely right.

    As the one person here who actually is a lawyer who has taken firearms cases through Canadian courts, both trial and appeal, I can tell you without reservation: don't waste your time. Nothing that happens in any court is going to do anything positive for gun owners (as a group, you can often times achieve really good outcomes for individuals). There isn't a single example of a case in the post-École Polytechnique period (1989-present), or call it the "R. v. Hasselwander to present" era in which any Canadian firearms legislation was interpreted in a way that favoured gun owners contrary to the position put forward by the state. Not one, folks. If you want to get really technical, there are a couple of low-level Provincial Court cases, but these were either explicitly overturned on appeal, or are implicitly overturned by superior court and appeal court cases.

    The Supreme Court of Canada's position on firearms in a nutshell: The regulation of firearms falls within the Federal government's power under section 91(27) of the Constitution Act, 1867, giving Parliament the power to make law related to the criminal law. Full stop. That is our nightmare version of the "2nd Amendment": Parliament has the full scope of power to regulate firearms as it sees fit. See Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) [2000] 1 SCR 783 for some really depressing reading if you have any doubt of that, or want to talk about the rights of Provinces in the area of "property and civil rights".

    Contrast that with the Harper majority years... long-gun registry eliminated, ATTs folded into the PAL, beat back the RCMP on CZ-858s and Swiss Arms, etc., etc.. It wasn't perfect, but it was more... way more... because it was the ONLY.... time that the needle moved in the other direction in modern Canadian history.

    The only way we are going to stop anything is with the Conservative Party. The rest of it means nothing. Courts don't matter. Letters don't matter. Polls and petitions don't matter.

    If we don't accept that and get behind the Conservatives, then not just that battle, but the war, is already over - and we lost.

    The least we can do is TRY to elect a Conservative government. But in typical Canadian fashion, most of us here aren't even going to try. Nobody thought Trudeau had ANY chance to win the election up until about mid-summer 2015. Tons of people around my way (Vancouver) swore up and down that the Conservatives would NEVER form another majority government in this country... ever... and particularly not with Stephen Harper. Hundreds of millions thought a Black man would never be President of the United States; Nobody thought the NDP could win a majority of seats in Quebec... and on and on it goes forever.

    Don't give up before you even draw your sword. Nothing is set in stone when it comes to electoral politics.
    Quote Originally Posted by THESEUS View Post
    Actually what happened was the Government of the time after Hungerford jumped on the emotion at the time and used the event to push through major gun control/confiscations somewhat how the Trudeau Government are doing with the TO shooting.
    As an example Suppressors are legal in the UK so not to scare anyone when legal gun owners are using their weapons hunting.

    I believe the only option left is to focus all energy on getting a Conservative Government into power, no polls, no letters, no emails just votes.
    We are surrounded by sheeple who believe the police or the Government will come to their rescue at any time.
    A Conservative Government is our only chance to be left alone. Hoping we can get them in on 2019 ....

  5. #55
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer nowarningshot's Avatar
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    One of the simple things to remember is that enemies will often tell you what they think and intend to do .....before they do it.

    The libranos have reaffirmed that they are our enemies. Even if it doesnt go through this time, which it might, we need to listen. They are at the least ...priming the pump....through a deliberate and misleading media campaign.

    Time for the liberals to go. Not just as a government, but as a party .....time for the pendulum to swing back.
    A free society must outlaw harming innocent people to function, but when we seek to curtail what all of us can do, rather than holding each of us responsible for what we actually do, we give up on freedom itself.

  6. #56
    CGN Regular winruger's Avatar
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    Did your coworker vote Liberal? he have not but I know of a few that do...and I dont understand their "logic"...but the fact is there are gun owners that vote their rights away every time they vote Fiberal or NDP

  7. #57
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer DT741's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winruger View Post
    Did your coworker vote Liberal? he have not but I know of a few that do...and I dont understand their "logic"...but the fact is there are gun owners that vote their rights away every time they vote Fiberal or NDP
    A few here voted liberals, they have been very silent lately
    Left wing, right wing, they belong to the same bird.

  8. #58
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer BAAC's Avatar
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    Agree, Mr. W.

    "If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”
    ― Carl Sandburg

    The law is against us, but the facts are on our side. So, argue the facts... and pound the table. Constantly draw attention to the facts - the reality that takes away the fear.

    The Liberals are arguing the fear, because fear is a short-cut to compliance. Rob them of the fear, and people will resent them for fear-mongering and treating them like children. Use their fear against them.

    Information is our path to victory, fear to defeat. Stop hiding in the shadows.
    "Canadians, in this fateful hour, I command you and I trust you to fight as you have ever fought with all your strength, with all your determination, with all your tranquil courage." Sir Arthur William Currie

  9. #59
    CGN Regular Dirk72's Avatar
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    Good lord.

    You guys will never learn. You aren't going to 'educate' Lefty. Most of you think of political liberals as clueless but otherwise well meaning people. In the last 20 years these guys launched abortive attacks on the freedom of speech, the right to private property, the right to free speech, to freedom of religion - and they've tried to establish state censorship. That's just for starters. During the years of Jean Poutine Cretin every second liberal was a bag man stuffing his pockets with tax payer and lobbyist's cash. You old hands might remember a liberal hack named Alan Rock, and how he waved his pudgy little fists around while screeching about house-by-house searches for illegal duck and deer guns.

    Do you really think these guys are going to give you a fair shake? Every time these guys get into power they take a run at us. Every time the result is law that is so bad, it would be right at home in a third world country. It's so bad, the cops won't enforce it, and the courts will only pay it the merest lip service.

    And here we go again. Conservative cucks will argue courteously and firmly with Lefty, the liberals will lie and cheat, and the cuckservatives will go down in a noble defeat.

  10. #60
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer BAAC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirk72 View Post
    Do you really think these guys are going to give you a fair shake?
    Nope. You will never move the antis. You will never change the opinion of hard-core die-hard Liberals. It's a waste of time even trying.

    But the 60% to 80% in the middle don't have entrenched opinions. Their opinions are shaped by what they are told, and they are the ones who elect governments.

    Conservatives will always vote Conservative. Liberals will always vote Liberal.

    But last election only 2/3rds of eligible voters voted, and the difference between a rock-solid Liberal majority and a Conservative wipe-out was 1.3 million votes. Move 5% to 10% in the middle and the Conservatives are now making the laws. (For what that's been worth lately...)

    You don't have to move everyone. You have to move 1 in 10.
    "Canadians, in this fateful hour, I command you and I trust you to fight as you have ever fought with all your strength, with all your determination, with all your tranquil courage." Sir Arthur William Currie

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