CSC on 22 Minutes

I love her as my MP... she stands up to Trudope, Notley and Nenshi equally... best Prime Minister we will never have, sadly. Best vote I ever cast! Good segment.
It was a bit of fun to watch. Critch is a funny guy but he comes off as a bit of a city boy. For the next segment let’s get him out on a moose hunt.
Nice..... Surprised that CBC would allow anything in support of handguns ?

They even gouged the Turd a few times.

It might be worth tuning back in, as the last few years were way too much Trump bashing, following plenty of Harper bashing.

PS - I guess Majumder got the boot! He was the funniest one on the show.
nice for a change from the cbc. just wait though; someone will find that segment offensive and worthy of a letter or social media post. *sigh*
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