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Thread: The Musings of Mr. Wolverine - October Edition.

  1. #31
    Pound of Fire
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    Reminds me of my childhood when kids all had air rifles. Nowadays the sight of a kid with an air rifle sets off an ERT response.

    Times sure have changed.

    Wing Nut

    "No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson.

  2. #32
    CGN frequent flyer Mil Specs's Avatar
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    In our jr. secondary school the Principal was the local fac instructor. While I was there he(grade 10) offered the core r/pal courses for the price of writing the exam and books. I think it was 50 bucks for all 3. Eventually, before he retired he talked the district into making the core and pal courses an elective available free of charge to grades 9-10 students. Our school had guns in it and we all learned the safe ways to handle guns.And in our community for those years (even though most dads and grandparents had a rifle or shot gun stuffed in a closet somewhere in the house)There were no accidents , no close calls and no school shootings.
    acyrologiaphobia – the feer of the incorrect use of english?

  3. #33
    CGN frequent flyer Mil Specs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash View Post
    Source for that bullshony stat? Numbers that high indicates an expanded definition of a school shooting.
    New definition, Kindergartner drawing a gun. Creating a horizontal L with thumb and forefinger. Shouting Pew pew while not in proximity to a squirrel on the playground. Logging in to gunnutz during free time in the library. God forbid they pick up a stick and pew pew... Damn kids anyway
    acyrologiaphobia – the feer of the incorrect use of english?

  4. #34
    CGN frequent flyer reddog9x19's Avatar
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    in a 905 county that prohibits Sunday hunting with guns. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
    Great thread folks. Keep 'em coming!
    "Totally incompetent blowhard, an idiot and a fool." - Detective John Corey describing what could only be Dear Leader or maybe the Kommissar for Public Safety. You decide.

  5. #35
    Super GunNutz Thunderhog's Avatar
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    Great story Mr. Wolverine!....

    I keep hearing times have changed, have they really? Or have people changed? I'm not really sure. One thing for sure is society in itself has gone to hell and a hand-basket. We are slowly self destructing by being politically correct while catering to bull ####.

    Wrong has become right, Right has become wrong. Good has become evil, Evil has become good.

    I too carried a 22 cooey while heading out to check traps near Barrhead, Alberta. We had town Police in those days, they knew I carried my 22 and that I was responsible with it. Never had to call out the ERT team, go figure.

    If we do not stop the corrupt Government with all their laws that violate the rights our fore-fathers fought and died for, maybe we need to. It may be time to stand up and fight for our rights. Yes I said rights, not privileges like the bag-lickers would have us believe.

    Enough is enough!!!!

  6. #36
    CGN frequent flyer
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    I was born in the 80s, Air rifles were pretty rare for most of my friends in the 90s. Cap guns however were everywhere. The corner store, dollar store etc. My 9th birthday party everyone that came got a cap gun 100 rounds of caps and we went to the playground to shoot at each other AKA Cowboys and Indians. I cannot imagine what would happen if I let my son and his friends go to a public park on a weekend with cap guns and start setting them off. The cap guns at the time also didn't have any orange on them.

    I even had an MP5 that made machine gun noises but didnt shoot anything. Again no orange on it. I would use around the house and take camping to play in the woods. Imagine you did that now.

    Times sure have changed.
    Take someone shooting - Encourage someone to get a Pal/ RPal

  7. #37
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Milanczar's Avatar
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    Cabin boy aboard the New England whaler Pequod
    What is being described is a phenomeon of Social Control that is literally 'out of control'

    The formal and informal processes that Canadian Society used to deal with norms of behavour are being artificially taken political and media forces beyond the actual standards of the society.

    Its not about the perspective and norms of average law abididing citizens but about controlling those law abdiding normal citizens using rules shaped by and aimed at societies 'outlier's - behavours and issues that are competely beyond that normal average society norms.

    Instead of us living our lives in relative freedom we give up those freedoms because we are not dealing with those people who do not or cannot do so.

    The idea has become to change the behavour of society instead by imposing more rules instead of dealing with the problem and problem people.

    So it becomes about creating rules to control the normal citizens with ideas of what a crazy person 'might do' and what 'should be' done to protect society from crazy or abnormal people.

    As an example: A Farmer instead of dealing with the fox come to eat the chickens tolerates the fox and simply puts more control, fences and rules on the chickens because of the fox.

    Instead of simple and natural freedoms and responsibilties that naturally evolved we are in a hyper sensitized spiral of creating more and more involuntary controls on Canadian society.

    The actions and behavour of individuals, born with behavioral potentialities of enormously wide range, is progressively more and more reduced and confined to the narrower range of what is acceptable because of a small majority of non acceptable people.

    The tail is wagging the dog and has been for a good while now and it is getting worse and only going to get worse.
    Last edited by Milanczar; 10-09-2018 at 12:29 PM.
    The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run.
    - Moby Dick, Herman Melville

  8. #38
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Ruger007's Avatar
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    I brought my shotgun into wood shop in Grade 11. Built a new stock. No one cared at all. Early 90s. After I did mine a few more old rifles and shot guns showed up to get refinished.
    You meet the nicest people on a Honda!

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