NDP support local power to prohibit firearms!

Mr Wolverine

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Manitoba. Canada
The following was just sent to me, it speaks for itself!

Thank you for writing about the need to tackle gun crime in Canada.

New Democrats share your concern about the escalation of gun violence in our cities. Montreal and Toronto—two of our largest cities—are calling for the right to place a ban on the possession of handguns. The federal NDP has long supported giving this power to our cities.

We agree more needs to be done to keep guns from falling into the wrong hands—to make sure Canadians are protected from gun violence and our communities are kept safe. That’s why we support a consultation process on a federal handgun ban. It’s an opportunity to have a national conversation on gun crime in Canada, with a focus on the public’s safety—to hear from experts and the public, from urban and rural communities. It’s a chance to make sure we have the right measures in place, such as updating the regulations governing firearms to deal with technological changes like 3D printed guns.

What’s more, New Democrats know that a credible crime prevention strategy must include ways to reduce poverty, fight racism, break down the stigma associated with mental health, and address other social determinants of violence in our communities.

Canadians expect their government to take real action on fighting gun crime in Canada. I delivered this message to Prime Minister Trudeau, urging his government to do more—to develop long-term, effective solutions on the root causes of gun violence and collaborate with the communities directly affected. You can read my letter to the Prime Minister here.

And, direct action can happen now. We can give more power on gun control to our provinces and cities, provide funding for preventative, youth-focused programs, and allocate more resources to the Canada Border Services Agency to help stem the flow of illegal firearms crossing the U.S. border. Finally, our government can condemn all hate crimes and racist confrontations relating to misinformed reactions to gun violence.

Again, thanks for taking the time to share your views with me.

With love and courage,

Jagmeet Singh
Leader, Canada’s New Democrats

We’re building a movement in communities across Canada. Check us out on:
How does anyone actually think that banning something(anything) in a city but not in the surrounding area will help prevent it from finding its way to the city? Look at Chicago.
There's obliviously an agenda from behind the scenes with all this gun grab ####. Nothing they do makes sense its all, disarming the population for the coming chaos.
How does anyone actually think that banning something(anything) in a city but not in the surrounding area will help prevent it from finding its way to the city? Look at Chicago.
Making sense doesn't matter, it's all to do with vote getting. That's what Comrade Tory is hoping for. Same argument could be had about illicit drugs. They are illegal and yet they a readily available.
Banning something like handguns will not solve our social problems. Look at what happened when they banned Alcohol in the 1920's, it just gave gangsters a new avenue of making money.
There's obliviously an agenda from behind the scenes with all this gun grab ####. Nothing they do makes sense its all, disarming the population for the coming chaos.

I think its simpler than that. Both the NDP & Liberals are vehemently anti gun and would like to remove all guns from private ownership.

Gang bangers killing each other has gotten a lot of attention lately in the media so the Liberals & NDP see this as an opportunity to spin it to their favour and press on with the agenda
I think its simpler than that. Both the NDP & Liberals are vehemently anti gun and would like to remove all guns from private ownership.

Gang bangers killing each other has gotten a lot of attention lately in the media so the Liberals & NDP see this as an opportunity to spin it to their favour and press on with the agenda

Nailed it 100%
In their twisted worldview it’s as reasonable as curing cancer.
And there’s no interest in negotiating with cancer
Love how the end of the memo contradicts the beginning statements...then sprinkling some majical problem solving dust over every general "sociatal problem"...yeah were gonna fix all that if you give us your vote.

Cheers! Grab your ankles...shhhhhhhh shhh shhh
I think the senate should be abolished and Canada leave the UN. Senate pretty much does as it's told by the ruling party anyway.
I don't think Liberals or NDP will do well in 2019. NDP is in disarray with leader people do not trust and Liberals (Trudeau)will continue to ruin anything they lay their hands on so I predict there will be vote splitting from both those but- going towards green as left leaning voters are fed up with both. This proposed gun ban has nothing to do with fighting crime, but rather pushing anti gun agenda at all cost and at all levels. It fits well with other idiotic social changes that are being forced upon general population. Do you remember that leap document some NDP members put forward that was to ban fossil fuels overnight? Somebody is sitting comfortably in their city mansion, drinking latte and fantasizing how the world should function. And if you disagree then you are fascist, racist etc.
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