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Thread: October 17th is coming, what about a different marking on uppers?

  1. #71
    CGN Regular
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    Tells us how we are Fudds for not wanting drugs mixed in with firearm? Look at all the gun crime caused by criminals in the drug world?. Hey police go after them... And you think it's a great idea to mix them together? It's still illegal in other counties. Like others said. Smoke your pot, get stoned, try to forget your ####ty life. I don't care, when you start going on like its your life. You're a stoner.

    Most people I know on MMJ are abusing it, or using the wrong types. They're high all the time.

    And I got stupid family members that are huge pot heads, and yet on welfare. Or quit her job at a dispensary because her back hurt.

    Then you got the people that don't make it everybody else life that they do it.
    And as soon as it’s legal here we won’t be telling the police to go after them. Jeez look at that.

    Sorry your family sucks.

    My life is far from ####e. I own various business and real estate ventures all across North America and am looking to venture into the Asia market soon. I get to travel all over and have great experiences. If getting stoned at the end of the day to relax, let the creativity flow and explore a different path of thinking makes me some scum bag, good for nothing, crumb of the earth well damn my life does suck.

    Let me guess, still spend Sunday’s in church?

  2. #72
    CGN frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    So you denying that most street and gang shooting crimes are not a result to drugs and mainly pot sales? That people do not fight about the so called harmless plant? So if people are killed people over it. HOW can you say it's harmless?
    Yes, I am. It's over far more profitable drug sales, hard drugs which property crimes are committed to pay for. Your ignorance is astounding. You think the guys on the corner in Toronto are peddling pot, not heroin or crack ?

    If you believed they were done FOR pot, that would be the strongest argument to legalize there, bud. If the government sold it (as well as being the least harmful out of alcohol. tobacco and marijuana), then by your logic there would be 0 shootings as they are all done over pot (lol) and there would be no more money in selling it, therefor no more dealers or shootings.

    Hell, no more pressure on us gun owners as the shootings stop! Yay marijuana ?

    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    So you're saying everybody that disagrees is a FUDD? No that just disagreeing.
    No, those that are stuck in the "rawr! pot is bad and everybody who does it is too!!" mentality are fudd like, again, extrapolate information. Resistant to change, cantankerous, stuck in the past.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    Nice insult. I wouldn't want you in my immediate family anyways. We're respected hard workers and vets.
    Hard working, vets who quit there dispensary jobs to smoke pot when their back hurt ? Or the other family members you had who became "hopelessly addicted to pot" ??

    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    I don't understand why people make it a lifestyle? It's like the person that is ### and has to let everybody know hes ##### WE know.
    Like the guys in Budweiser/Jack Daniels shirt, hats etc... the guys at the range with crown royal bags for ammo... how is it ANY different? Just because you have some weird hate for marijuana doesn't mean it needs to stay in the shadows, or that everyone is the same. Just because YOU know nothing but screw ups doesn't mean the rest of the world can't / doesn't use it normally and responsibly.

    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    What is DARE? only dare I know, is truth and dare.
    A US based anti-drug education system where they taught (amongst many other things) kids Marijuana was as bad as Heroin, leading to vast public misconceptions that several are being parroted by you. It was taught to kids before they knew better, and it turned out to have negative effects towards other drug trial / addiction rates. It's widely viewed as a failure, with research articles detailing addiction rates.

    But if you learned all that misinformation on your own, kudos!

    Oh, and on topic I would not have a leaf other than the Maple on my rife, but I wouldn't want a bottle on it either. I just find the obvious hate and disdain rather unsettling.
    Last edited by dacron; 10-08-2018 at 11:21 AM.

  3. #73
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Brianma65's Avatar
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    Can we get an LSD label to? Purple mic or orange double barrel.
    Those were the days . Ha ha

  4. #74
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer IvoB's Avatar
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    Stoney Creek, Ontario
    "This one is for you"

  5. #75
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Chumlee Bumsnag's Avatar
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    The only pictures that should be allowed on firearms are little geese and ducks and stuff engraved on high end shotguns and big game rifles.

  6. #76
    CGN frequent flyer Prairie Plinker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    You dont pay your dealer, you get killed. You try and take over a dealer turf you get killed. You take money away from another dealer, you get killed. Whole gang/turf wars are normally over drugs.

    I seen family members become hopeless addicts to pot. I seen people goto jail, I seen people killed over it. I seen good people turn bad over it. Not as harmless as people are trying to make it out to be. It still kills people or people are killed over it.
    You are clearly delusional....and I think you've watched one too many TV shows.

    But keep on preaching, maybe you'll be able to save just one child!

    While you are at it you better turn in your guns and get on the gun-grabbing bandwagon too because if you truly believe the sh-ite spewing from your fingertips you must know that guns can also KILL PEOPLE! (in the wrong person's hands of course, and how can you guarantee your guns will never reach those hands??? can't.)

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chumlee Bumsnag View Post
    The only pictures that should be allowed on firearms are little geese and ducks and stuff engraved on high end shotguns and big game rifles.
    LOL I do enjoy that high end engraving and gold inlay work. I want to see a modern sporting rifle done up like that

  8. #78
    Super GunNutz
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    The main 'harmful' drugs in society are Alcohol, Opiods, most or all pharmaceuticals, Tobacco, and near the bottom would be Marijuana, Caffeine, etc. If it was a drug, I would also include sugar...

    However, the challenge is that other than alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, the 'harmful' drugs can both be useful and deadly if misused. The best example is Fentanyl which is deadly on the streets, but critical for pain management under a doctors care.

    Health wise, if you can avoid them all, you are better off.

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    im sure there are some small portion of our population that do drugs and drink without damaging their lives,but most people use it way too much and they know it and so do their families.

    how many can on cgn can share how these things have damaged their lives with them ? if you have not yet you will at some time.

    its a free country so do as you will.

    i wlll stick with the maple leaf yolo

    i love you all my canadian brothers now lets enjoy our guns and our freedom

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Strange topic for a gun forum.

    My only complaint with pot is people that smoke up in public. That s%#t stinks and I dislike the smell. Complain about it and I am labeled as alt right freedom hating redneck... Ok I am redneck but hardly alt right and I like freedom just fine

    Oh and the Maple Leaf is just fine.

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