October 17th is coming, what about a different marking on uppers?

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Put his on your Atrs
THIS is kinda what I envision the Turd will change our flag to resemble and I gotta say I am real glad I am not the only one who sees the demise of Canada as a pot nation.
Being honest I posted this question after a slightly heated conversation with a buddy who seems to feel that in a little time everyone will get over the "pot a phobia" and it will become regarded the same as beer. I disagree, I think maybe in a generation or 2 it might be, assuming Canada survives at all.

I know the ATRS guys have done some interesting engraving on things having seen and shot several of Rick's personal guns so felt he would not mind if I used his forum to pose the question as he can easily delete it.

I am a very proud Canadian and would be appalled if most of you guys had said "hell yeah". I am on the fence on the pot thing politically, I can see both sides, it just grinds my gears to see our country degrading due to what the Turd is passing as important changes to our society.

The demise was here long before legalized pot was an issue and , there are way bigger issues than legalized cannabis.
Just happy we got another lightweight multi caliber platform approved. Maybe buddy can get a bottle of beer etched into one side and a pot leaf on the other? I'll give it a miss
Just happy we got another lightweight multi caliber platform approved. Maybe buddy can get a bottle of beer etched into one side and a pot leaf on the other? I'll give it a miss
Good thing to promote at the range. Drunk or Junky. Good way to promote gun rights. Ralph and Justin will infiltrate and turn it into divide and conquer thread. Teach future communists how to rule over the population.
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