Modern Sporters starting to ship

Maybe I haven't read the right thread but it says first to contact to discuss shipping then says not to contact unless you are notified that your receiver is done then later in this thread it says all receiver are complete. Question: Should I be emailing to have my receiver shipped or did I miss a notification that mine is done? Sorry if this is addressed elsewhere.

No, that sounds like a pretty good synopsis of what we did... We got a bunch of receivers back, we then said "hey, everybody! theres a bunch of receivers here!"... to which EVERYBODY emailed us and flooded our inbox.

Serial numbers 1-100 are done, and here, ready to pick up or ship out. IF YOUR SERIAL NUMBER is between 1-100 and you have not received your lower, or contacted us yet, please do.

Serial numbers 101-180 are done, but at our anodizers. We will have them early next week. Once we have the pins installed, We will announce on CGN, Facebook, and likely a mass email notifying everyone.

Serial numbers 181-224 are packaged up to go to anodizing, and looking at a few more weeks before they are available.

For those still looking to order, the second production run still has some spots available, but I would strongly suggest putting your order in VERY soon. Time frame on the third run is currently in discussion, but it likely won't be soon.
If we plan to have our receiver cerakoted but we’re in the second run do we need to email about that now or just worry about it way down the road. Just read up on the steps involved and I don’t want to be that guy who has his ready to ship and is like oh ya btw can you strip the oil and cerakote if for me. By the sounds of the timeline for the second batch and my lack of memory I’ll have my head in the clouds come game time and forget haha
Maybe I haven't read the right thread but it says first to contact to discuss shipping then says not to contact unless you are notified that your receiver is done then later in this thread it says all receiver are complete. Question: Should I be emailing to have my receiver shipped or did I miss a notification that mine is done? Sorry if this is addressed elsewhere.

I'm glad you asked this and was already answered cuz I had the exact same question ha.
Are the next batch shipping today?

I finished installing the rear pins yesterday and some shipped out today. Many more will ship out next week. I will be picking up the last of the 1st production run of lowers Monday so they should start to ship out later next week as well once the rear pins are installed.
All of this is assuming folks have let us know they want their lower shipped when ready as opposed to hold till the upper is available.
I finished installing the rear pins yesterday and some shipped out today. Many more will ship out next week. I will be picking up the last of the 1st production run of lowers Monday so they should start to ship out later next week as well once the rear pins are installed.
All of this is assuming folks have let us know they want their lower shipped when ready as opposed to hold till the upper is available.

If my serial number comes up ready for shipment, do you send out emails? Im between #110-130
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