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Thread: Handgun BAN consultation

  1. #21
    CGN Regular boonerman's Avatar
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  2. #22
    BANNED Kanaskichuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boonerman View Post
    Done. Let them know . I did.

  3. #23
    CGN Regular Mr Wolverine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingjenky View Post
    John....your a wise man who’s been around along time and should know full well that all the letters we write will never change the outcome of the libs plan! The soon implementation of C-71 should tell ya that along with a petition with 80k sigs totally ignored. I know your heart is in the right place but you old wise gunnies tactics have failed us all and it’s time to take an approach not yet tried.
    Voting cpc may holdem off(I doubt it) but will give them my vote again but if we continue this make belief fairy tale of letters,hopes and prayer will save us they will roll over us as they have done in the past!! Wake up people.
    Firstly voting for the CPC is a must. I for one will never give up, I firmly believe that we will end up with a gun control system in Canada that we "Collectivly deserve"! In my opinion Education is the key.
    I emigrated to Canada for three reasons, cheap Farm Land, reasonable gun control and hunting, and finally a democracy. Now I am exercising my right to voice an opinion, to lobby politicians if I fail to do that I have no right to complain.

    It is not my way to give up with out a "fight", I truly believe that we can make a differance, we must be heard but our voices must be loud and I don't believe that e-partitions do us any good.

    The answer is in education and envolvment in our political system.

    How many of you are members of the CPC? How many of you are members of your local EDA?

    You may not be impressed with Andrew Scheer, but he will grow stronger with our support.

    The liberals must be told very firmly that a handgun ban will cost them dearly in the next election.
    Last edited by Mr Wolverine; 10-14-2018 at 09:14 PM.

  4. #24
    CGN Regular SSG69's Avatar
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    Done and letter written

  5. #25
    BANNED Rem7's Avatar
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  6. #26
    Newbie crewchaud's Avatar
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  7. #27
    CGN Regular GasCap's Avatar
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    I quoted nogunbancanada in my email

    * I do not support a ban on handguns and semi-automatic firearms.

    Upon reviewing Stats Can data on homicides in Canada, some very disturbing facts were found. Of the 611 homicides in 2016, a staggering 588 are reported as having known ties to organized crime or street gangs. That is 96.24%. The trend has increased since 2011. That leaves 23 homicides that have unknown connections. Suicides are counted separately. We know there have been some terrorists each year and family honour killings too. We should expect similar magnitudes in 2017 when they release the data.

    * Why do we need to ban guns for law-abiding Canadians?

    The table above illustrates number of homicides due to unknown links to the bad guys is dropping— noting a 55% drop since 2011. There is no “spike” or “dramatic increase” in law-abiding citizens using guns or any other method to commit homicides. Today CBC news reported: [John Paul Tasker · CBC News · Posted: Sep 12, 2018 7:27 AM ET] ‘Blair told CBC News on Tuesday "there's an urgency" to the gun control issue and he is prepared to look at "any measure" to reduce violence. "We are absolutely resolved to do what is necessary to keep communities safe," he said.’ Well Right Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, there sure is an urgency.

    *When are you going to reduce the homicides due to organized crime and street gangs?

    * Why are you targeting law-abiding gun owners?

    *Are you going to report back to the Prime Minister that the government needs to tackle criminal organizations instead of legal gun owners? The government continues to falsely claim the majority of guns are coming from domestic sources. September 8, 2018, Matt Gurney of Global News reported, “Data shows Toronto’s gun ‘surge’ never happened”. When you look at the method of homicide, Stats Can has 223 of the 611 related to firearms with no distinction of firearm type either. That is 36% of the homicides. The data clearly identifies non-firearm methods account for 64% of the homicides in 2016.

    So why are you so quick to ban handguns and semi-automatic firearms?

    * Law-abiding gun owners refuse to be labeled as the problem in Canada. The problem is the ineffective action of the federal government using scare tactics and false statements to mislead the media and the public on the true problem. Besides making us the scapegoats with your statements based on false data about the phony surge of gun crime and that a majority of guns from domestic sources, we are also victims of the criminals stealing our property.

    Why do you blame the victims when their guns are stolen?

    *We, law abiding citizens, demand that politicians stop marginalizing us and start producing tangible results to protect us from the real problem of organized crime and street gangs.

    I look forward to your response.

  8. #28
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer philhut's Avatar
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    I have completed the assigned tasks requested on this "website" provided by the tyranny. I have yet to receive the confirmation email that I was promised. likely not counted in my votes or information at all. I also did not include my Race or Orientation or location as I find these aspects irrelevant to the discussion I am a Canadian Citizen. To include such is divding the issues among groups which is the liberal way.

  9. #29
    CGN Regular Anvil109's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Wolverine View Post
    Firstly voting for the CPC is a must. I for one will never give up, I firmly believe that we will end up with a gun control system in Canada that we "Collectivly deserve"! In my opinion Education is the key.
    I emigrated to Canada for three reasons, cheap Farm Land, reasonable gun control and hunting, and finally a democracy. Now I am exercising my right to voice an opinion, to lobby politicians if I fail to do that I have no right to complain.

    It is not my way to give up with out a "fight", I truly believe that we can make a differance, we must be heard but our voices must be loud and I don't believe that e-partitions do us any good.

    The answer is in education and envolvment in our political system.

    How many of you are members of the CPC? How many of you are members of your local EDA?

    You may not be impressed with Andrew Scheer, but he will grow stronger with our support.

    The liberals must be told very firmly that a handgun ban will cost them dearly in the next election.
    /\ /\/\
    This exactly.
    Thank you John.
    IPSC CCFR Blacksmithing
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