RCMP to be held accountable for Parliamentary Violations

Oh, and TeeJay

I won’t paint you with the same brush you’ve painted me.

That you think all cops are ####s. That’s fine, your entitled to your bias. Just realize it’s ignorant bias that paints gun owners negatively too.

No worries tho. I’ll fight for your freedoms amongst my peers anyways.
For all the Police critics on here......MP Motz is a former / retired Police Officer.
So be careful painting all officers with the same brush....High Ranking Police Executive / Politicians are often driven to different opinions than rank and file working Police Officers (whom are often pro gun / anti criminal),


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Bill Blair an ex officer too?
I guess there is division in the police force too over firearms. Who do you believe or trust anymore? What a mess!
tlovell......you are unfortunately correct.....that said, in my experience most are pro-gun & anti-criminal gun.


I can see that being from a rural area. I do wonder if the officers in urban centers are more anti gun, as compared to our rural RCMP? As it is my point of view that most of this ban talk is originating from those urban areas.
tlovell......you are unfortunately correct.....that said, in my experience most are pro-gun & anti-criminal gun.


I’d love to agree with you. In my experience it’s pretty split. A cop is more likely to be pro gun if they grew up rural or are at a rural detachment.

Unfortunately, I’ve dealt with cops who think nobody but us should have them. I’ve even dealt with one arrogant cop that said anyone who owns a handgun should go to jail for life, and for the slightest violation - to be made an example of.

So, we have idiots among us too!
I can see that being from a rural area. I do wonder if the officers in urban centers are more anti gun, as compared to our rural RCMP? As it is my point of view that most of this ban talk is originating from those urban areas.

Crap. My post is almost a double post of yours!
I don’t like seeing RCMP get in trouble anymore then I like seeing responsible gun owners get in trouble.

As a cop myself I feel for the RCMP decision makers, but also as a cop I realize the most dangerous guns are the ones that criminals have and illegally obtained - people who could care less about any laws.

I’ve dealt with a number of criminals with guns in years past, even one in the last week. They don’t give a crap about our silly firearms laws. Make as many as you like - they won’t care.

I would wager that I deal less with lawful firearms owners then any segment of the population. Most are real good people, ifnot somwhat distrustful of cops, and that’s too bad.

That's the real tragedy of criminalizing guns, Gun owners and the RCMP used to respect each other.
Crap. My post is almost a double post of yours!

Lol, you seem like a straight shooter Jeff. The thing that bothers me is if this ban comes into effect. I don't even know that "if" is right word at the moment. A point I'd like to bring up, is police officers, some of them like you may have to come and retrieve my firearms. I can't imagine the anger I will feel that day. When somebody that I've have trusted comes on to my property to take my hobby. Not only that, but trample every ideal that is right in my mind, and my family, friends as well. It will create a huge divide. I am and will do anything in my power to try to stop it. But we as firearms owners have a mountainous task ahead of us. We need more officers like yourself.
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Thanks for posting Jeff. Hope you don’t get yourself in trouble with the brass. I think they are a problem us gun owners deal with infrequently, but they are always looking over your shoulder.

I hear you. Enjoying freedom will always involve men willing to fight for it (through legal means.)

I think we’ll be able to keep our guns for our lifetime. I think Trudeau would rather see us go extinct by not allowing us to pass our firearms on to our children. That makes me ill.

As we move towards diversity, of everything but ideas, we become a low trust society. A low trust society is full of people who take advantage, game the system, consume resources, understands criminality as a societal issue, and can’t be trusted with firearms.

When Trudeau, or any politician, takes our guns it’ll be admitting that society can’t be trusted anymore. Then only criminals will have guns and they’ll have plenty.

A high trust society is based on morality, community, and a self respect for ones own dignified behavior; think of the Canada your grandfather knew. Sadly, It’s slipping away.

Yikes. I’m rambling.

Edit to add - I have no issue with diversity. I have issues with diversity at any cost. I have issues with not respecting others ideas and becoming violent to those with different ideas then their own.
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I have a cop neighbor that I see at my kid's school. He likes to joke around, seems like a nice guy but I'm afraid of talking about guns with him as I am not sure how he would react.

I’d love to agree with you. In my experience it’s pretty split. A cop is more likely to be pro gun if they grew up rural or are at a rural detachment.

Unfortunately, I’ve dealt with cops who think nobody but us should have them. I’ve even dealt with one arrogant cop that said anyone who owns a handgun should go to jail for life, and for the slightest violation - to be made an example of.

So, we have idiots among us too!
I hate to be a pessimist, but I have no confidence in this administration's ability to dole out appropriate justice. Maybe the person(s) accountable will get to hang out at a healing lodge with child murderers or they can be rehabilitated at one of the never to be used ISIS reintegration centers...
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