New Website, Please Read


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Our new website will be going live tonight. You will know the new site is live when you see a black background on the home page. You do not need to make a new account but you will need to reset your password to login. All you have to do is click on "login" at the top right hand side of the screen then click on "forgot your password". After that you can follow the directions on screen.

A few non firearm and ammunition products are still asking for a PAL number but we're working on fixing that.

If you have any questions, issues or spot a link that isn't working please let us know
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I like the idea of a nice sale to test it out and drive some traffic. A cool 20% off would be extra sweet. ;p ;p some news about a Badger would be really nice as well.
This site seems much better, but if you're not completely done with the development, let me make a suggestion:
When displaying the results of a search, show all the results of the search. Or at least, let us choose a large number, like 100 items per page. Right now only 15 are displayed, so if I search for "glock" and get 63 results, and I have to flip through 5 pages to see if I can find what I want.

I like the wishlist. You will especially see the effect of the wishlist when you make a sale, as people will frenetically buy the stuff they have been salivating over for a while. Mine is already being filled with stuff I want :)
I think the new site will pay for itself. You have items in stock that I would have bought on black friday sale if I had known you had them. Now I do, so I'll send a couple grand your way. I'm sure a lot of people are in the same boat.
This site seems much better, but if you're not completely done with the development, let me make a suggestion:
When displaying the results of a search, show all the results of the search. Or at least, let us choose a large number, like 100 items per page. Right now only 15 are displayed, so if I search for "glock" and get 63 results, and I have to flip through 5 pages to see if I can find what I want.

I like the wishlist. You will especially see the effect of the wishlist when you make a sale, as people will frenetically buy the stuff they have been salivating over for a while. Mine is already being filled with stuff I want :)

This x 1000. I hate these outdated websites that think we still use 1024x768. I am on 1080p and there is a lot of empty space on the sides of the site.
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