Current US Government Shutdown and Export update.

i think it'll end sooner rather than later.

It's bad buisness when large segments of "post-shutdown" population start camping out at the white house, homeless and hungry.

Any president that conveys the us as a 3rd world country will forever be remembered poorly. It might even be too late as it is.

But back to the point... Still ordering and when it comes it comes ;) thnx irg.

Make America Great Again! :)
I think it'll end sooner rather than later.

It's bad buisness when large segments of "post-shutdown" population start camping out at the White House, homeless and hungry.

Any President that conveys the US as a 3rd world country will forever be remembered poorly. It might even be too late as it is.

But back to the point... Still ordering and when it comes it comes ;) Thnx IRG.

Define "sooner".

Been 32 days now. The end to this shutdown is nowhere in sight. If anything, it seems farther than it was when it started. In a normal democracy, an election or a referendum would be the solution, but no such thing in the US system for the next 2 years.

I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts until the summer. It'll be a complete mess by then.
At least my both my 44 mag Bad boy as being transfered. Trumpet is holding them thight on the South of the border.:)
I'm going to say latest, March. It would be terrible if it went as long as Summer... I've got a Glock 26 ordered, but can wait. I feel for those not getting paid.

I think earliest is march. I don't consider that soon though. That would be another 2-4 paychecks missing for workers, and huge consequences on a lot of things. Can you just imagine the backlog at state and commerce for everything that needs an export licence? Crazy, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The fact that it would be terrible if it goes as long as this summer seems very inconsequential. It is already terrible imho.

Keep dreaming, he knew he lost about a week ago when he was told not to show up for SOTU. In his (oh so) infinite wisdom and threatened to do the shutdown he built the cross he was going to be nailed to. The left played him and played him well and the final nail was saying they would give him the 5.7billion for border security but not for the wall. They manipulated him the whole way.
Total speculation on my end, but, since there was a 1-month shutdown, everything affected will probably be delayed by at least 2-months.
Total speculation on my end, but, since there was a 1-month shutdown, everything affected will probably be delayed by at least 2-months.

Assuming 1 month's productivity has been lost is assuming government employees fill their days doing actual work and not shuffling papers around, leaning on each other's desks, taking 1 hour dumps or having "network issues".
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Trying to make a purchase online. When I go through all the hoops and finally try to check out, it says "Missing shipping information". It's all there and correct so what hoop do I need to jump through next?
Trying to make a purchase online. When I go through all the hoops and finally try to check out, it says "Missing shipping information". It's all there and correct so what hoop do I need to jump through next?


I suddenly learnt how to red,
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