Trudeau Fails to be Transparent with Canadians

The average sheeple won't care about this matter one bit. However. Stupid tends to destroy itself and it does. So here is an example of a few sock boy's mishaps.

- Admiration for China due to its basic dictatorship.
- When tyrant Castro finally dropped dead, Justine mourned him and proclaimed what a servant to his people he was.
- Endless budget deficits.
- Khadr $10.5 million payoff.
- A minor groping mishap in B.C..
- That amazing India trip.
- A handful of Canadian hostages in China.
- $20 million to Clinton Foundation.
- Carbon Tax.
- Kinder Morgan pipeline.
- C-69 and its demolition of all natural development projects.
- Botched New NAFTA while steel & aluminum tariffs still in place.
- Illegal immigration flood into Canada from all parts of the world.
- Over the top political correctness.
- Construction workers are a problem, because, well, they are mostly men.
- Antagonizing of Quebecers for being concerned about immigration costs.
- $595 million media purchase.
- The $50 million grant in a form of a tweet.
- Creation & submition to UN migration compact.
- M-103
- Unfair Federal transfer payment system made worse by taking more from Alberta and giving to Quebec.

The list is becoming endless.
My American friends get a good laugh when we talk politics....hows the clown show up north Murph?... goddamn it Oct yet?
The sad truth is throughout history, things get so bad that there has to be a period of blood-letting to sort #### out, we are long past due.
I like the early post saying turf the turd. maybe we should call him Justin Turdeau . Maybe we do I am just late. Wouldn't be the first time or the last.
What's he gotta screw up enough to get Canadians to see the light? He's still ahead in the polls.

And that worked out pretty well for Hillary back in 2016, the polls don't mean much if all the respondents are from their base, or don't just tell the pollsters to pound sand.
I remember all the recalled "Mrs President" papers and magazines.
I give Tredeau a little credit for playing the system. After all he's a snake of a man which makes him a perfect politician, and that's what politicians do. What we need in the next election is someone who will say enough to politics! Let their yesses be yesses and their nos be nos. Would get a lot more done that way!
I give Tredeau a little credit for playing the system. After all he's a snake of a man which makes him a perfect politician, and that's what politicians do. What we need in the next election is someone who will say enough to politics! Let their yesses be yesses and their nos be nos. Would get a lot more done that way!

You mean someone like Trump!
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