Trudeau Fails to be Transparent with Canadians

Wolverine .303

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From our friends in Parliament.

January 11, 2019


Ottawa, ON – Pierre Paul-Hus, Shadow Minister for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and Glen Motz, Deputy Shadow Minister for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, today issued the following statement regarding the Trudeau government’s repeated refusal to release documents related to the Firearms Reference Table:

“Justin Trudeau has repeatedly failed to be open and transparent with Canadians. Now he would rather go to court than release documents that simply lay out the classification of all firearms in Canada. What is the Prime Minister trying to hide?

“The documents that have been requested are already widely shared with international law enforcement partners and firearms industry groups. However, despite a ruling from the Information Commissioner, the Liberals are refusing to provide them to Canadians.

“Justin Trudeau has shown a complete disrespect for law abiding firearms owners by adding increased regulations and red tape though Bill C-71. This is just another example of the Liberals’ unwillingness to stand up and support Canada’s firearms owners.

“Canada’s Conservatives will always stand up for law abiding firearms owners. We are calling on the Prime Minister to follow the ruling from the Information Commissioner and immediately release all documents related to the Firearms Reference Table.”

For more information:

Office of Pierre Paul-Hus
Phone: 613-995-8857

Office of Glen Motz
Phone: 613-996-0633
Fellow Canadians,
Given that our fearless leader is in fact a drama teacher! (No disrespect to teachers ) who has been god knows how? elected to a position of leadership/responsibility, because he has nice hair, talks well ( In circles ) and supports LGBTQ rights and freedoms ( No disrespect to aforementioned) does not make him a leader!
Sure! with classroom caps of 20, young impressionable youth, I'm sure that any drama teacher can engage and entertain while teaching Drama skills ( we all know a drama Queen/King! )
My question to Canadians is: Were you really surprised that a Drama Teacher with limited to no political experience has a hard time getting a handle on running a country like Canada?
Or perhaps you were surprised when the drama teacher was convinced (By firearm laypersons) that all Canadians with guns are bad people!
Perhaps we should all take the time to reflect on the engagement of selecting our new leadership?
Are you prepared to give up your moral values, and ethics because some manicured prince, sweet talks and promises the moon the stars and the sky? I'm Not!
How brutal!....:( I wonder if Canadians will ever wake up, you can't fix stupid. 16 years of Pierre should have been a huge wake up call for all. But no, JT legalizes pot and voila, he's a hero.

Hopefully Canadians will realize if you sell your soul to the devil, you will end up in Hades......:evil:
Fellow Canadians,
Given that our fearless leader is in fact a drama teacher! (No disrespect to teachers ) who has been god knows how? elected to a position of leadership/responsibility, because he has nice hair, talks well ( In circles ) and supports LGBTQ rights and freedoms ( No disrespect to aforementioned) does not make him a leader!
Sure! with classroom caps of 20, young impressionable youth, I'm sure that any drama teacher can engage and entertain while teaching Drama skills ( we all know a drama Queen/King! )
My question to Canadians is: Were you really surprised that a Drama Teacher with limited to no political experience has a hard time getting a handle on running a country like Canada?
Or perhaps you were surprised when the drama teacher was convinced (By firearm laypersons) that all Canadians with guns are bad people!
Perhaps we should all take the time to reflect on the engagement of selecting our new leadership?
Are you prepared to give up your moral values, and ethics because some manicured prince, sweet talks and promises the moon the stars and the sky? I'm Not!

Just be careful using this to discredit JT as Scheer certainly isn't an overeducated man (BA in history), and didn't have much work experience at all prior to entering politics (he sold insurance for a few years), and has about as many years as an MP as JT (and less as a party leader).
I still can’t figure out why the United States let him cross over into there country after openly admitting to his father helping to cover up his young brother being charged with possession of an illegal substance yes weed lol and keep his record clean he also a openly admits to smoking weed himself seems his whole family is tied into the illegal drug trade but I guess laws only apply to the lower classes not people in positions of power shame on you Trump for allowing this criminal into your country
It would be offensive to call him a teacher since he doesn't even have a teaching degree. He taught drama at some high priced private school that hired based on his last name not his credentials, much like how he got elected Prime Minister.
Are people really surprised??
He only answers in circles or refers the opposition to one of his assistants...
I hope his butt goes out at the next election.
Not only has Trudeau and his Lie-berals been neglegent, they have stolen our dollars, have paid convicted terrorists, and lied to everyone that disputes his/their uneducated opinions.
I am so tired of being screwed by this. Isnt it time for change? We are in dire need of strong positive leadership for Canada. Stand up for Canadians! Lets be a role model to other Countries, not a laughting stock due to Lie-beral rule
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