My experience with Target Sports today

Been to Target Sports 2-3 times. Of all those times, none of the staff asked me if I need anything. They aren't busy. They were just talking among themselves.
To add my 2 cents I've been a member for roughly 5 years @T.S.C and I've always found the staff and R.O's to be super friendly & helpful. Many times I've seen the staff fix and repair members guns and take the time with them to show them disassembly and reassembly & how to clean their firearms ( myself included) free of charge even when the firearm wasn't purchased from them like my BCL 102 bought elsewhere and I had nothing but issues with it until the guys at T.S.C helped fix it for me.

My only complaint would be the lac of bulk ammo they have ( like none.... ever) but when I shopped around for my Gen 5 Glock their gun and optics are priced the same as everyone else in the area.
I only go because my friend is a member. Waiting on another range to open before I get a membership. I considered Target sports but after the run ins with rude staff and range officers I'll take my business elsewhere when I get a membership.
went once to buy a gun my buddy said they had in stock... the sales people were busy with a couple other people so I stood at the counter till they were done. Other people would come to the counter and the sales people were done with the initial people they would just go with whoever they saw closest to them. This meant that I stood there around 35 minutes or so waiting and watching just how many people they will help with me just standing there at the counter until SOMEONE would notice me still patiently waiting there... At around 45 min mark I called it quits and just left.
Wow.... just wow...

They say the truth hurts and this, while brutal is simply the truth.

I have to personally apologize and am going to work carefully with Julie the GM to sort out this ongoing issue as we have all the right tools to offer exceptional service at Target. There is absolutely no excuse not to and not to continually have done so.

A multitude of different issues were mentioned in this tread and we'll be dissecting it all to see where we need to re-boot. It is obvious that the behavior is systemic and major changes are needed.

The retail is just as important as the range to me. Target Sports was set up to help from the beginning of someone's shooting experience all the way through... We are seriously dropping the ball and it is NOT because staff are new. 80% have been with Target over a year. 50% over 3 years....

This is all on us.

I appreciate the response, and while I personally did not have a decent exprience with the sales team nor at the safety training, this doesn't mean that this wasn't a one-off issue. I have couple of friends who go to target, and hell I also was a member until last year, and they don't report issues. It's sort of hard and unfair for us to come in here, describe our odd one off negative interaction and just lump the entire business and all who work there in the same barrel and be done with it.

Problem is with social media, forums, and increased competition, these issues get blasted open and a business can be hurt badly by them. So as a business owner it would be on their own best interest to cut it off at the source.
Easily avoided.
Treat every customer that walks through the door with respect.
Assume each customer is going to spend their hard earned money at your business BY CHOICE.
Don't take customers for granted.
In simple terms apply the "Golden rule".
Easily avoided.
Treat every customer that walks through the door with respect.
Assume each customer is going to spend their hard earned money at your business BY CHOICE.
Don't take customers for granted.
In simple terms apply the "Golden rule".

I agree 100%. Given there were 4 pages of responses with similar issues, this cannot be taken as an isolated incident.

If we want the sport to grow, we have to ensure everyone feels welcome, respected, acknowledged.

If we want retail to flourish, we also have to add in some attention to detail.

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