PAL application advice


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Took the unrestricted course on March 09 and restricted today, March 16.. Passed both.

Not sure what to say on the PAL app for section C - Question 16d

"During the past five (5) years, have you threatened or attempted suicide, or have you suffered from or been diagnosed or treated by a medical practitioner for: depression; alcohol, drug or substance abuse; behavioural problems; or emotional problems?"

briefly. Went through a brief bout of anxiety and panic attacks in 2007 after my mother died. Was not sure what it was at first and thought i was having a heart attack. Over the next couple of years i had many tests
and was put on 15mg of Mirtazapine and 150mg of Bupropion in 2009. These count as anti-depressants but Mirtazapine is also for anxiety and bupropion is also used as a quit smoking drug. Does anxiety count as emotional problems?

It has been more than 5 years, have not had anxiety or panic since 2011, but i am still taking the same medications and dosage today. I at first thought i should say yes to that question but i asked at the training centre today and they say i should say no.

What are your opinions? Would this show honesty by saying yes? Would they even have records of me taking these drugs?
As tempting as it may be to reference the "five years ago" and dismiss the issue as long past, the fact is that you're still taking a prescription for the reported symptoms; that is the very definition of "being treated".

Check "yes". Include a letter explaining it all. Your firearms license will come in the mail, same as everybody else.
I would agree with putting yes but putting a letter explaining the situation. Based on how you describe it they will still issue the license. I think this course of action is better than say them calling one of your references and finding out about it second hand.
The issue of your anxiety and panic attacks is over five years ago. Unless you behaved in some eratic manner that was documented I hardly consider it something that almost everyone will go through at some point in their life. I don't think you're lying if you answer no
Based on the language of the question I believe you would be lying. It asks if your are currently being treated, and taking medication is the textbook definition of being treated for an underlying condition.

I don’t think they will care, you could even get a note if you are still seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist indicating they feel your situation is stable and that they aren’t concerned. I think it is a much better course of action than potentially lying on legal document such as this, just my .02 though.
True you are still being treated but for something that hasn't existed in 8 might be great motivation to kick those meds now. I used similar pills to help me sleep and when i quit i didn't even feel any different. You're gonna get your PAL regardless and telling the truth is the best idea. I got my PAL in 8 weeks and said yes to that question for meds
Yeah I think if your honest they aren’t going to care in your case, if you were very recently diagnosed with a serious condition that could cause instability I think it would be a bigger deal. I have a feeling here that honesty will expedite the process. A call to a lawyer might not be a terrible idea.
thanks everyone. I read it as what MattE93 said, currently being treated. Even though i have not had symptoms since 2011. I have thought of going off them for a while but figured the dosage has been the same for the last 8 years, just got in habit of taking them.
Not seeing any doctor except a regular GP. Never really saw a shrink except briefly at a clinic in 2010. And what is funny, the doctors are not the ones that suggested these meds, it was me. I did research on internet and asked doctor about them.

I will go ahead with what i was going to do originally. Just say yes and include the letter i wrote. A slightly expanded explanation of what i wrote in the OP. And i think this will just show that i am being honest about it and not trying to hide things.

no time to consult with a lawyer. Going to be sending it all off on Monday by express post.

Had a good time taking the courses. Never had / shot / held a gun in my life (except for bb guns). Going to be going to an indoor range next week with a friend.
Once i see the pal app moving along and i see it was approved i will get a gun safe. Then go shopping :)

but i see a CZ557 Ranger Rifle / Mossberg 590 Tactical and CZ75 SP-01 in my future
Answering yes to one of those questions is not disqualifying, but may require you as an applicant to give the CFC or CFO an explanation of the situation.
Understand that you will likely be waiting until the end of time if you check yes to that question. Be ready to provide written documentation from a physician, but only after many months of waiting and calling and getting the run around. I suggest calling your member of parliament after a few months of waiting, hopefully it isn't a liberal. Good luck, keep us updated in the pal wait times thread.
And any medication we don't need is medication we don't need.

Your doctor probably has 1500 or more patients to keep track of; your med list isn't even on his agenda, but it should be on the very TOP of your own.

Talk to your doctor.

If we need a medication, fine... but if we don't... we probably should get off it.
so now been 7 days since they have had my application. Not expecting it to show online until at least day 28 but from looking around at PAL app info
i have a question. How much is it for a RPAL? I know the information package says $60 for PAL and $80 for RPAL. Is that total $140?

the info pak is not really clear on this. It makes it seem like it is $140 considering there are 2 separate training courses for each. So one would have to pay $60 for the PAL
then $80 for RPAL. Is that only for folks who first get a PAL and later on get the RPAL? but if you are submitting both tests for pal / rpal at same time it is only $80? so confusing.

FYI on my app i put the amount in credit card info as $140. If that is incorrect can they just charge me the new amount at $80 or do i have to send them or over phone authorize them
for the new amount?
It is $80 for an RPAL application and $60 for a PAL, the cost of the PAL is covered in the RPAL application. You don’t pay for both on the same application. I’m sure they will see your mistake and correct though I would call to make sure they don’t correct it to a regular PAL
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