Gunbroker and IRUNGUNS working together to open the borders for Canadians

I Think it would shipped to IRUNGUNS in the USA , who would then subsequently import it to Canada on your behalf ??

Good point. Some users have said some sellers are reluctant to sell to Canadians. I wonder why that is if this is the case. Can someone with experience chime in?
Gun broker won't let me register because I have a Canadian address.

Lack of information from IRG

finding the same thing

You have to contact GunBroker yourself.

Personally, if I had to do it again, I would just put the mailing address of the exporter you are going to use. Then, speak with individual sellers to let them know you are a buyer from Canada.
This is at the bottom of their website:

Please call for address
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406
US Office: 1-928-505-6794
Canadian Office: 1-780-449-7220

Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm MST
I've done this a few times. Its very easy. Setup the account on GunBroker. You will probably have to email support and tell them that you are Canadian and using IRUNGUNS with an FFL in AZ. Once that's done, just buy the thing you want as normal (As long as you know for 100% that you can bring that specific model into Canada you are fine). As for the not wanting to sell to Canadians; they just don't want to deal with a possible added hassle of an international sale. Explain to them that the firearm is going to the FFL in AZ, and it shouldn't matter to them after that. IRUNGUNS will send it to you once all the paperwork and waiting period is over. I got something through this method that doesn't get imported to Canada very often and is priced higher than it should be once it is here. I did mine before COVID though.. so I am not sure how the process has been affected. 4 Thumbs up for IRUNGUNS and their staff.
I've done this a few times. Its very easy. Setup the account on GunBroker. You will probably have to email support and tell them that you are Canadian and using IRUNGUNS with an FFL in AZ. Once that's done, just buy the thing you want as normal (As long as you know for 100% that you can bring that specific model into Canada you are fine). As for the not wanting to sell to Canadians; they just don't want to deal with a possible added hassle of an international sale. Explain to them that the firearm is going to the FFL in AZ, and it shouldn't matter to them after that. IRUNGUNS will send it to you once all the paperwork and waiting period is over. I got something through this method that doesn't get imported to Canada very often and is priced higher than it should be once it is here. I did mine before COVID though.. so I am not sure how the process has been affected. 4 Thumbs up for IRUNGUNS and their staff.

And you could still get some seller unwilling to sell to a Canadian for one reason or another. Some just plainly dont like Canadians. Ask me how I know.
I use Gun Broker a lot, the bottom line is that you have to have a US Bank account with quick access for a US Postal Money Order as payment due to
sellers wanting there payment within 7 days, next to imposable from Canada by mail as they don't do EMT'S down here, there are also lots of bidding wars
as you are competing with thousands of other byers. It is very helpful to have someone to go between for the purchase and forward to IRG US
to IRG in Canada. I do this with up front deposit payment in CDN funds with a small handling fee that is all spelled out at the start of any transaction.
Understand that the Canadian dollar is always weak between 1.30 cdn - 1.40 cdn and there is shipping / handling FFL fee along with all purchases.
I like IRG and have used them for years when i lived in Canada with great service but i had a friend in Oklahoma to bid and purchase the item i needed
now that i have duel citizenship and spend time living in Arizona it is very easy for me to get great deals on items and ship to Canada.
They all suck and canadians come last. None of us should support any of these >RICKS businesses. Support the Canadians that are on this site and even the ones that arent. F>>K the yankee doodle dandees! Great at starting wars and havent ever won one unless you believe in John Wayne the draft dodger!! HAHA
I am having this same issue. Anybody know anything we don't?

Email them through the contact center, they have no problem with Canadian bidders they just need to manually approve the account. I've bought through them.

The bigger challenge is finding retailers that are willing to sell to a Canadian. My one caution is to make sure whoever you buy off of, through gunbroker, can process the Credit card over phone. I couldn't get my Canadian credit card to work through gunbroker, but the retailer accepted it just fine over the phone.
Email them through the contact center, they have no problem with Canadian bidders they just need to manually approve the account. I've bought through them.

The bigger challenge is finding retailers that are willing to sell to a Canadian. My one caution is to make sure whoever you buy off of, through gunbroker, can process the Credit card over phone. I couldn't get my Canadian credit card to work through gunbroker, but the retailer accepted it just fine over the phone.

Yeah I tried emailing them last week, but haven't got a reply yet. Thanks for the other info!
Email them through the contact center, they have no problem with Canadian bidders they just need to manually approve the account. I've bought through them.

The bigger challenge is finding retailers that are willing to sell to a Canadian. My one caution is to make sure whoever you buy off of, through gunbroker, can process the Credit card over phone. I couldn't get my Canadian credit card to work through gunbroker, but the retailer accepted it just fine over the phone.

Got a Link? I thought I had gone through the contact centre twice and got no useful reply.
How can I place a bid on gunbroker ? I already set up an account. But they said I can’t place a bid because I’m in Canada.

Can you explain how this system works ?
Got a Link? I thought I had gone through the contact centre twice and got no useful reply.

I just used the "Submit a Request" option and contacted them that way. It took a couple of different tries to get a response, and it wasn't fast. But eventually they answered back and activated my account.

How can I place a bid on gunbroker ? I already set up an account. But they said I can’t place a bid because I’m in Canada.

Can you explain how this system works ?

I could be wrong but I think the problem is not with gunbroker. I was getting an error message when I tried to use my credit card but it turns out the problem was with MasterCard. The error message did not indicate that the issue was with my card and I was led to believe it was gunbroker. It wasn't until I called MasterCard that I found out the issue was at their end. I would call up you CC company and confirm there isn't a problem there.
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