SAS hero who foiled Kenya terrorist attack to get bravery award

...and over here, the same person would have been charged for various firearms related things after saving the day.

If I remember properly there was a Canadian that pulled a gun from their truck and held it on someone he saw attempting to abduct someone at a mall. The police later went after the guy that prevented the abduction. I think Runkle even did a video about that.
I think he deserves the VC but who am I right ??

Same as those posthumous gallantry awards to two passed away SAS troopers. Battle of Mirbat 1972.

The conditions for a VC get tighter and tighter. The NZ SAS trooper who ran out into the exposed Taliban beaten zone and dragged out a wounded guy met the two-factor criteria of disrupting the fight and bringing out friendlies which reduced a distraction. Just being a good trigger man isn't enough.

From the videos the Colour Sergeant did not engage the enemy, but he was instrumental in ramrodding the Kenyans.
Part way through the episode. Interesting guy to say the least. Shame his govt betrayed him.
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Just listened to his interview on the Shawn Ryan show today. That man is incredibly humble and heroic.

Not really, he outed himself on social media. If you really were humble you would not have done that

I like how every article in the western hemisphere makes it sound like he went in himself when in reality he teamed up with pretty much never named locals who were also heroes.
Well deserved.
In Canada, sometimes we celebrate and reward terrorists. Or we bend over backwards to bring them home from waging a war of terror and mass rape. Or, instead of stripping them of citizenship like many of our allies do, we go to great lengths to keep their citizenship safe and secure.
Sunny ways!

Don't forget in Justin Castros Canadistan if your a murdering al-qeada bombmaker you could be freed from imprisonment and become a millionaire ,rewarded up to $11 million in cold hard jihadi cash.
The conditions for a VC get tighter and tighter. The NZ SAS trooper who ran out into the exposed Taliban beaten zone and dragged out a wounded guy met the two-factor criteria of disrupting the fight and bringing out friendlies which reduced a distraction. Just being a good trigger man isn't enough.

From the videos the Colour Sergeant did not engage the enemy, but he was instrumental in ramrodding the Kenyans.

I wonder if "enemy" is the key word. I know I'd call them that, but would the honours & awards committee consider them a bona-fide enemy or civvies with guns?
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