SAS hero who foiled Kenya terrorist attack to get bravery award


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The 34-year-old is in line for the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, second only to the Victoria Cross, the Daily Star Sunday can reveal.

He shot dead one terrorist, injured another and led dozens of civilians to safety after jihadis attacked a shopping mall in Nairobi in January.

It is understood the SAS trooper was acting on his own initiative.

The Colour Sergeant is one of the most experienced members of the SAS and has fought in every campaign involving Britain in recent years, including the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and Northern Ireland.

The incident began when armed terrorists belonging to al-Shabaab – a terror group linked to al-Qaida – attacked shoppers inside the dusitD2 mall in the Kenyan capital.

Some 21 people were killed, including one Briton, and dozens injured.

But the balaclava-clad SAS soldier took control of the situation after being asked to help by Kenyan authorities. TV footage and photos taken at the time show him repeatedly entering the complex and leading terrified members of the public to safety.

One source said: “The Col##our Sergeant was in Kenya working as a liaison officer to an SAS training team.

“At the time of the attack he was in an apartment where he was staying.

“He received a phone call from the Kenyan military, who asked if he could help, and immediately headed for the scene of the attack.

“He put his body armour in his car along with his Colt Canada C8 assault rifle and ammunition.

“It is our understanding that he has been written up for the CGC. These things are always subject to change and he could be issued with a Military Cross.

“Either way, he is going to get a big gong for his actions on that day.”

The medal is awarded “in recognition of an act or acts of conspicuous gallantry during active operations against the enemy”.
...and over here, the same person would have been charged for various firearms related things after saving the day.

Bravo for him though.

We need more events like this to showcase how good people with guns can help the world.
Well deserved.
In Canada, sometimes we celebrate and reward terrorists. Or we bend over backwards to bring them home from waging a war of terror and mass rape. Or, instead of stripping them of citizenship like many of our allies do, we go to great lengths to keep their citizenship safe and secure.
Sunny ways!
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...and over here, the same person would have been charged for various firearms related things after saving the day.

Bravo for him though.

We need more events like this to showcase how good people with guns can help the world.

Dont forget hate crime.

This guy has seriously got stones. Verified badass.
I’m sure he has done a lot of work like that; nice to see him get some recognition for it, although I’m also pretty sure he wishes he could avoid the public part.
All in a days work!

It breaks me up. "Excuse me, could you please come, on your own, and attack this group of terrorists, and rescue this shopping Mall, full of people?" Good to see he was armed with the Canadian copy of the M16.

His targets would be dressed to identify! A vest full of 30 round magazines. Another day at the Office.

I would buy him a Guinness!
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