Samson Manufacturing Mini-14 factory folder type stock?

I got excited when I seen this just picking up a mini 30 maybe if they make there own wooden blanks. looks cheap the way they just cut the butt portion off a regular stock the original stock had a rounded profile where the metal stock mechanism attaches too the wood. This looks like it’s just cut square across and if so there is a chance it is going to want to turn
I just read on their Facebook page that they'll be ready for Christmas.

However the folding stock is reported to be a DIY add-on to the existing stock for now
Had a Flacon, pretty kool. Saw a GB sit in EE for awhile last year, with that same stock.. I didnt have extra $ to buy it...

Can't get the video to embed properly, but according to this interview with Gun Talk, Samson is now using the original Ruger moulds for the metal parts on the stocks, with full blessing by Ruger!

Edit to add: They're also making a version for the 10/22.
Bill Blair is a ass hat.
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Big grain of salt because it's a rumour I heard, I think Ruger might be offering rifles with these stocks from factory
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