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Thread: "Trudeau Has ‘Secret Plan’ on ‘Sweeping Gun Ban,’

  1. #141
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by CobraGuy View Post
    "This is Liberal political suicide"
    They don't care. They aren't going to win anyway, unless they rig the election - I wouldn't put it past them. They have already established ZERO respect for the rule of law, control the media etc. You don't think they can control those voting booths?

    "This will never happen"
    Maybe not, but what if it does? The stage is set - Women's Conference, NZ Prime Minister etc. Seems like the perfect venue for some virtual signaling to me. If you wait to find out, it is too late. Then again, I think it is already too late. Everyone figured the election would save gun owners - guess they underestimated the Liberal agenda again.

    "We will be fine after the CPC wins the election"
    The New Zealand ban happened fast. Chances are, your restricted guns would be seized or need to be turned in prior to the election date. Once gone, good luck getting them back.

    "The CPC will just repeal it"
    Are you sure? The Liberals need a media win. What better way than setup the CPC to defend owners of "evil guns". The Liberal media would eat them alive before the election and if they tried to repeal a ban of so called "evil black assault weapons". Even if they do repeal, chances are, your restricted firearms have already been seized / turned in.

    "We won't comply"
    Are you seriously going to risk your life, the safety of your family and risk becoming a criminal by not complying (Please don't answer this here)? When the RCMP shows up to seize them, they aren't going to knock, be friendly or have a conversation. If you resist, you're a criminal - Liberals "we told you they were criminals / dangerous".

    "We need to protest"
    This really means you are waiting for others to protest, you can't attend because you have to _ _ _ _ _ <-insert excuse here. Gun owners have repeatedly shown they have no interest in mass organization. One only needs to look as far as the CGN to see the in-fighting and lack of organization. Sad but true.

    "I will just move to the USA"
    Good luck with that unless your job is in a very high tech industry or you are a doctor and have a company willing to sponsor your relocation to the USA. Unlike Canada, you can't just show up at the USA border and say "I want to move to the USA" - well, you can, but it won't go well for you. I speak from experience. I had an error on a Work Visa application. I was refused entry, detained, finger printed and sent packing back to Canada - over a typo.

    "Well negative Nancy - what can we do then?"
    Scandal. Push hard for investigation on SNC, Mark Norman etc. Call & write the media, the RCMP, demand publicly for an investigation. At this point in the game, the only way to stop this is for Trudeau to be forced to resign in shame ASAP. After all that has happened with SNC, Mark Norman etc, I doubt that will happen though no matter what comes out.
    100% on the money

    Tony gave us a small window to put pressure

  2. #142
    BANNED Kanaskichuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djm View Post
    Vote them out . CPC Sheer.

  3. #143
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Chuckbuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epoxy7 View Post
    Blair’s response confirmed it. Learn to interpret Liberal. Here’s a hint, in the old Western movies when the bad guy owes money and says “you will get what you deserve”. We all know what that means. When Liberals say to reduce crime, public safety and get guns off our streets, well they mean legal firearms owners, not criminals who are the real victims here. When called out on a secret plan to ban numerous firearms after a BS fact finding mission and the response is, we will do whatever it takes to keep Canadians safe... that’s Liberal for yes they are going after our guns.
    I think this is absolutely correct. The Turd and the rest of those halfwits are in danger of losing the coming election. If there's one thing we know about Liberals it's their lust for power and their interest in keeping it. Whether they have to prostitute their grandmothers or confiscate your guns is a matter of supreme indifference if they think it will give them a better chance of retaining power.
    Look to your front! Mark your target when it comes.

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loosethoughts View Post
    Wonder how many RCMP officers are watching this thread...
    Who gives a ####. After the Vice Admiral Norman trial the RCMP are just as corrupt as "The Turd". The RCMP did nothng and continue to do nothing. Time to disband the RCMP.

    Edit: As I said the RCMP are as corrupt as "The Turd" RCMP defends 'thorough, independent' investigation into Vice-Admiral Mark Norman.
    Last edited by Peerless; 05-10-2019 at 03:25 PM.

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grock-co View Post
    For the hate Trudeau gets on this site, some of you give him to much credit for having a secret plan. There is no plan, let alone a secret one. The tin foil has affected a lot of you, you want change get out and vote this October, get out and help your local candidate what ever the political orientation. And quit dreaming up doomsday scenarios.
    Trudeau is stupid, and stupid means unpredictable.

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by cerebral_bore View Post
    Let’s get Dana Loesch at the Vancouver Women’s conference.
    Great idea

  7. #147
    Member morganrz's Avatar
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    Keep sharing this with your amigos. Get a CCFR membership and insurance!
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  8. #148
    Member jrossi90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CobraGuy View Post
    "This is Liberal political suicide"
    "This will never happen"
    Maybe not, but what if it does? The stage is set - Women's Conference, NZ Prime Minister etc. Seems like the perfect venue for some virtual signaling to me. If you wait to find out, it is too late. Then again, I think it is already too late. Everyone figured the election would save gun owners - guess they underestimated the Liberal agenda again.
    I'm going to have to agree with this - sad as it seems ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by CobraGuy View Post
    "This is Liberal political suicide"
    "We will be fine after the CPC wins the election"
    The New Zealand ban happened fast. Chances are, your restricted guns would be seized or need to be turned in prior to the election date. Once gone, good luck getting them back.
    I'm admittedly novice on this subject matter, so apologies if this is a silly question: Is there really enough time between the supposed June announcement and the October federal election to implement something like this? Secondly would it be possible and/or likely that the provinces would challenge the constitutionality of such a ban in federal court similar to what is happening with the carbon tax?

    I'm just wondering - if this goes through would getting it wrapped up in 4 be months feasible?

  9. #149
    Super GunNutz Grain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peerless View Post
    ...After the Vice Admiral Norman trial the RCMP are just as corrupt as "The Turd". The RCMP did nothng and continue to do nothing. Time to disband the RCMP.
    Well said.
    Victory Formation

    "Somebody get a gun and shoot it! Doesn't anybody have a gun?" Jaws 1975
    A society grows great when men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit.

  10. #150
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer drift1122's Avatar
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    This will happen because most Canadians don't care about guns, they think guns = bad. As long as the gov doesn't interfere with their phone and TV time #### will continue.

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