New! Gsg mp-40 9mm restricted & non-restricted versions

Blue Line Solutions

Expired Business Member
Hello Everyone,

We are back with an amazing announcement, just in time for Mother's Day. :dancingbanana:

Many many many of you have been waiting for this, and we are finally able to share this with you. This is right off the news press!

The German Sport Guns MP-40 in 9MM Caliber, will be available in Canada under the RESTRICTED & NON-RESTRICTED status. CANADIAN SPEC WITH FOLDING STOCK


Final pricing and MSRP will be determined on arrival, but we can say in confidence that it will be under the $750 mark.

Also, to make things clear for anyone wondering; BLUE LINE SOLUTIONS is the exclusive importer of GSG products into Canada, and if you read elsewhere about this specific rifle on another blog, website, or forum, it is most certainly a grey market rifle. On that note, our limited lifetime warranty will only apply to rifles imported by Blue Line Solutions. Thus, grey market rifles will not be covered or supported under any warranty. Always ask your dealer if your rifle has been imported by Blue Line Solutions. Be vigilant, and always go to the source!

Happy Mother's Day and Happy Shooting Everyone.

More details and answers will be available on Monday morning!
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When will the NR versions be here in country??

PLUS bring in a boat/trailer/train load of mags, I'm gonna need em LMFAO!!!!!!
Right On... keep the awesome stuff like this coming... This is so G. Cant wait for the NR version. Hopefully the Boy King JT will be out soon and we can enjoy cool things like these in peace.
The nr version is gonna be goofy looking with an 18.5 barrel, considering the restricted version should be 10”. But I think restricted is calling me.
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