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Thread: Blair not ruling out federal order to implement potential handgun ban

  1. #141
    GunNutz Bartok5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scout_289 View Post
    Your advice is taken to heart, trust me, but it seems like the only way to get attention on this site is to have a bit of an edge to ones' posts.

    True, my posts come across as self aggrandizement but they can also be "pointed reminders" that we as a group may have lost the last real opportunity that we had to shock the Liberals to their senses. I know that we'd never get them to change their long term goal of disarmament but we had a good chance to delay it almost indefinitely by staying one step ahead of them. The reason for the reluctance to accept the realities of our struggles escapes me and since my family stands to lose so much the frustration is hard to hold back??

    I started out with a polite approach several years ago and a small group of posters piled in as they do on everyone who doesn't add their voice to the echo chamber. Seems to me that they deserve to be reminded of the significant negative impact that they are having on our chances of success. And collectively should we not be looking ahead of this October just in case the predictions of a massive Liberal fall flat - because I'm setting the table for that very real possibility?

    Any suggestions for getting the point across and getting it acknowledged / acted upon? If the suggestions are valid why aren't they being acted upon - the USA NSSF has picked up on it so it's hard to accept that the unpopularity of one individual is all that's holding us back?

    Thanks for the advice, I'll see what I can do. Might be a bit of a good time to take a bit of a break and let things play out. If there's as much of a setback as what seems likely right now it may be time for everyone to take a deep breath and starting acting like a mature group who are under siege.
    Well said. Thank-you for listening.
    Mark C

  2. #142
    CGN Regular quikcolin's Avatar
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    If this has been shared, feel free to delete... but it's brilliant and will help me sleep a little deeper tonight:

    **Disclaimer: not my words, just sharing**
    For my gunnie friends. This is long but worth the read
    OICs significance
    It is not the Liberals who give 30 days notice. The Canadian Firearms Program revokes your registration certificate and it is the CFP that gives 30 days to comply. And they have ALWAYS given 30 days regardless of what government was in power.
    30 days is not an arbitrary amount of time. The firearms act gives you 30 days to appeal a revocation, and the 30 day compliance window is to allow you to file an appeal. Once you file the appeal the revocation is stayed until the judge settles it.
    No one is interested in getting an injunction to an OIC because in order for it to work you need to know the wording of the regulation before its published which is almost impossible. Its also unnecessary.
    Familiarize yourself with the details of the administration of law and you will realize that a ban by OIC is nothing to fear, and if you want Trudeau to lose the next election it is actually something to hope for, as long as you possess the stones to fight it.
    Walk with me. (Metaphorically)
    Government bans (hypothetically) handguns by OIC on June 1st. Regulations typically require 30 days before coming into force, in order to allow the affected government department time to respond, but let's assume Justin goes full retard and it comes into force immediately. The CFP gets notified reviews the law and realizes approximately 900,000 restricted firearms and 100,000 prohibited firearms, all handguns, are registered and those registrations must be revoked.
    By law, revocations need to be sent registered mail. That's almost 1 million pieces of correspondence that need to generated, reviewed, stuffed in an envelop and posted. Thats one green sheet of paper for the address, one for the revocation notice, and possibly one for a new registration certificate if grandfathered status permits ownership as a prohib. Go to your local office supply store and look at how many boxes three million pieces of paper is. Imagine 1 million envelopes. Ask your mail man how many letters he can deliver in a day. The roll out of this will be anything but quick.
    The CFP is already allegedly having trouble with their printers keeping up with the routine issuance of 400,000 licenses annually. You think that the CFP is just going to up and deliver 1 million pieces of registered mail at the drop of a hat?
    It will take months and it will be a gong show. Summer vacation is coming and the CFP has been chronically undermanned already. The malingerers will all take stress leave and the union will be stepping in to signal crushing workloads and lobbying for more staff. There will be an epic number of complains when other routine work goes undone, and their performance standards will drop below the acceptable service standards to such an extent that managers performance bonuses will be affected, The first time a manager throws a hissy fit there will be accusations of toxic work place, investigations etc.
    The CFP simply does not have the manpower tools or funding to roll out mass revocation of registration certificates. To contract that would take months and probably involve privacy violations. Either way the costs will be significant and immediate.
    Slowly, eventually, the revocation notices will start to show up. They will allow 30 days for compliance. By now we are well in July, with seizure notice effective in August. Just in time to ruin everyone’s summer vacation and when the media will be hunting for some salacious political happenings in the middle of summer doldrums. Gun owners everyone vowing non compliance. Others claiming it impossible due to a lack of responsiveness from the CFP. Local forces will claim way too cash strapped chasing actual criminals to follow up. Municipal forces still haven’t followed up with the half a million prohibited handguns that went dark after the last round of bans 20 years ago. This will make news, and in a bad way for government, right in time to kick off the election.
    Every revocation notice is supposed to include instructions for filing a S74 judicial review. Every single person subject to revocation is entitled to review by a provincial judge. Now we are certain to lose that appeal, but that's not the point. First, filing the appeal buys you time, as I mentioned, the revocation noticed is on hold until the judge settles it. Second if even 20% of affected owners filed appeals. we would be talking 50k to 100k court cases that must be handled by an already overloaded legal system where legit murderers are being acquitted due to excessive delays in court times. With 100k judicial reviews on the books crown prosecutors will be first in line begging the government to rescind the revocations, otherwise more murderers will walk free. Organized criminals will take note. The provinces would need to create whole new courts just to handle the backlog and demand the federal government
    to cover the costs while the media will be there asking at what cost and at what benefit. While the gun orgs may not have the resources to fight to the fight directly, they will be advocating everyone file their judicial review application. And not only is this a perfectly legitimate exerrcise of our legal rights, its also an excellent PR stunt and act of civil disobedience that will force the government’s hand.
    Not exactly something the liberals will enjoy campaigning on and even the NDP would campaign on putting an end to it, especially with thousands of gun owners in every single riding begging any party that will listen to put an end to it.
    Under normal circumstances it takes months, 6 or more for the court to get around to handling revocation reviews. With that many all at once it will take years, which is plenty of time for the next government to reverse.
    Now, remember that per section 12.8 of the firearms, all guns prohibited by OIC are entitled to grandfathering. Banning by oic can't change that. Only legislation can. So the government goes through the ass pain of the ban and doesn't actually get to remove any guns from circulation.
    Further, 12.6.1 handguns are already banned and grandfathered. Even if they were banned again by OIC, only legislation can repeal the original grandfathering because it is baked into the firearms act. So even if a new handgun ban by OIC was successful the ban would ironically let the allegedly more dangerous handguns stay in circulation while trying to seize the longer barreled sport pistols. A curious irony that no Liberal will be able to convincingly explain.
    If anyone in the Liberal part had two brain cells to rub together (remains to be seen) there is no way they would ban anything by OIC this close to an election. And as we already know, there isn’t any time for legislation. While the Liberals may be stupid enough or desperate enough to try, if you familiarize yourself with the logistics you quickly realize its nothing to be afraid of.
    The only thing to fear is a future government that has a four year majority and the determination to stay the course. Then there will be some tough choices ahead
    Between now and October the only thing guns owners need to do is take a deep breath, shoot all summer and help an unlicensed friend get their license, help a licensed friend buy their first restricted, and be vigilant. If a revocation notice comes file your application for judicial review get your court date and vote accordingly.

  3. #143
    GunNutz 1ABNDT's Avatar
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    Jesus walks!

    Sounds like an advocate from an org talking. Repeal!
    I Will Not Seal My Fate Without a Fight, If You See Me Running, I Run To The Front.

  4. #144
    Member AlbertaPatriot's Avatar
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    If quebec could defie harper and not get rid of its registry data, then could provinces with conservative leaders decide not to follow a federal gun ban?

  5. #145
    CGN Regular bogozzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quikcolin View Post
    If this has been shared, feel free to delete... but it's brilliant and will help me sleep a little deeper tonight: ………...

    Every single person subject to revocation is entitled to review by a provincial judge. Now we are certain to lose that appeal, but that's not the point. First, filing the appeal buys you time, as I mentioned, the revocation noticed is on hold until the judge settles it. Second if even 20% of affected owners filed appeals. we would be talking 50k to 100k court cases that must be handled by an already overloaded legal system where legit murderers are being acquitted due to excessive delays in court times. With 100k judicial reviews on the books crown prosecutors will be first in line begging the government to rescind the revocations, otherwise more murderers will walk free. ………

    If a revocation notice comes file your application for judicial review get your court date and vote accordingly.
    Great thought. If every license holder who's impacted takes full advantage of the appeal processes we are entitled to, this could be the next major demonstration of poor governance by the Liberals.
    Funding the "Bank of Dad" for over 30 years.

  6. #146
    Newbie Albertaboy68's Avatar
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    "Who cares what they Protest, as long as they keep paying their taxes" Alexander Haig. I'm not quite sure government listens to our protests any more.

  7. #147
    Join Date
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    Loved the Thomas Jefferson quote.

  8. #148
    Super GunNutz Jacqson's Avatar
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    I am not a failure, I'm just good at finding things that don't work.

  9. #149
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    While there are some informative posts like #142, there is also a lot of wasted time telling one or the other they're goofs, or self centred or whatever.

    1-The Liberals have since the 70's sought total disarmament. They want Canadians to percieve them as slightly left of centre, "progressive" ( a word the Cons should take back!!) but in fact they are closer to fascist ideals of an autocratic dictatorial government, with a clear long term plan towards globalism

    2- put absolutely nothing past this government. They will subvert any democratic process, spend any amount of borrowed money to achieve their goal. Any comments 'they can't do this' or 'won't dare do that".. are completely delusional.. they WILL.

    3- This I believe , is our last chance. we need to inform journalists repeatedly, harrass them with facts and objections. I have been quietly doing this for the past few months. If we can either change their opinion or intimidate them to stop toeing the gov't/anti line... great.. We HAVE to change public opinion and quickly.

    4- I'm sure there is a snap fall election coming. Turdo is spending billions buying favour from every segment of society. He is hoping for a majority win against disorganised Cons with a new leader, and a financially broke NDP.

    Donate to the CPC, donate to your org so they can mount publicity campaigns (they should hire a PR firm) to change public opinion which is critical.

    5- educate fudds politely that they are next. CSSA has already shown the banned list is quietly being expanded to add shotguns and bolt action. Handguns are also very clearly threatened. Every single owner is threatened

    6- Point out to others the dictatorial nature of the government. The last time a gov't used an OIC to confiscate legally owned property was against Japanese Cdns in WWII. This govt is heading towards a $400 Billion deficit..unheard of in Cdn history, and towards an equally unheard of TRILLION $ debt.

    No matter what Turdo says, he will be FORCED to raise taxes, And cut services.. but will only do so after enough blind people re-elect him.
    He has opened our borders to freeloaders, kow tows to China, offends the U.S, embarrasses us on the world stage with blackface and costumes and silly socks, attacks veterans in the courts, panders to First Nations, while also doing nothing to improve conditions on distant reserves, removed accountability from tax money sent to band councils, is not green -buying pipelines, and cancelling public transit tax rebates, all while raising carbon taxes (up in April again) which does absolutely ZERO towards carbon reduction. does nothing to defend the north as it becomes more accessible (see how Russia is seriously beefing up its north) even as China wants a seat to determine policy in the north... and so much much more.

    Even if one is not a gun owner, Canada's future is at stake, the country Turdo has said "has no cultural identity" a "post national state"
    I do not want the govt to keep me "safe".
    Nothing was ever achieved by being "safe". Nothing built, discovered, invented, or created by being "safe".
    When Trudeau says he wants to keep us safe, he's saying he wants to keep us down

  10. #150
    Join Date
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    Church Lake, NS
    Once again, a brilliant post by straight and arrow! Thank you brother.
    “Hear us when we pray to thee, for those in peril on the sea”
    Ready Aye Ready

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