latest upper/lower Mystery box ... contents revealed?

I'm going to honest here. I just received my order, and yes it's a BCL set. And I'm very disappointed. In terms of finish, this BCL set takes the cake. Machine and tool marks on the trigger guard, holes look like they were drilled by monkeys and overall just an ugly, ugly receiver set. Worse than the Z marked NEA lower I had before. Regrettably, I know for a fact, that had I known the quality would be this sub par, I would have never gone ahead with buying a set. I really wanted to give it a shot and given my fair share of ARs already, this is one I can do without.

I received mine today and it's my first AR receiver so I don't have anything to compare it to. I bought it with the understanding that it might not be the highest quality set out there but at the time, it was the best possible deal of any lower receiver available. In fact it was the only receiver set available that I could find for under $550. In fairness to TNA, they let everyone know in the description that the mystery set was for those looking to have an AR 15 registered to them before a potential ban rumoured to take place on June 4. Truthfully, I think that TNA should be applauded for finding a way to sell a bunch of receivers sitting on shelves and getting them into the hands and the names of people hoping to support the cause. Mine's kinda ugly too. Tool and machine marks here and there and the anodizing is kinda blotchy but as far as I can tell, nothing that would prevent it from functioning properly (please correct me if I'm wrong).
It's kinda so ugly that I find it kind of appealing lol.

I've given TNA a rough ride before because of their lack of timely customer problem acknowledgement and return policy which ended up with me being out of pocket for shipping on warranty work on a brand new rifle, but I think they got this one right. I think it's pretty cool they're willing to pick the receiver up from you and if you don't return it, I'm sure someone out there might be happy to take your fugly ###y receiver set.
I can't help but feel that drama could have been avoided if they were just advertised as NEA blems/seconds to begin with, rather than as a pig in a poke.

Still would have sold out, but to informed buyers.
Got shipping notice Today 4pm.

Got mine this morning! Honestly aside from 2 holes (2 on each side) looking rough as hell both the upper and lower are pretty awesome! Amazing quality for price. Fit and finish is great IMO! I was def worried by all the terrible reviews but mine is reall good
Sorry to read you're disappointed,

If you want to return it for a full refund that's fine. I see you're in Mississauga, I could pick it up next time I'm in the area (frequently).

Send us an email/PM or post an order # if you want to discuss further.

Thank you, TNA for facilitating a relatively pain-free return of this item.

I am glad that your firm sided with customer satisfaction.
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