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Thread: C-71 SUCKS SALE, 15% Off

  1. #21
    Newbie SigPig75's Avatar
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    Thank you for the sale. Made a few purchases.

  2. #22
    CGN Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanOnymus View Post
    I'm not proof-reading it, but there it is!

    A widespread rumor by the Pro-Arms lobby that the Trudeau government is preparing to ban AR-15 assault weapons has led to a surge in sales of these types of firearms across Canada in recent days. , say different sources.

    Sold in Canada with significant restrictions, the AR-15 is the most common firearm in the United States, where it has been implicated in many killings.

    "For two weeks, it's hell! We sold 75% of our AR-15 inventory, "says Jonathan Bastien of the Montreal Gun Center, a Montreal armory.

    "We are talking about increases of 30 to 40% in the last two weeks," said Daniel Blanchette, owner of the DanChasse store in the Quebec City area.

    "People do not know what the Trudeau government is going to do. They do not know if they will still have the right to own that weapon, if it will become prohibited. We keep our inventories close to zero because we do not want to pick ourselves up with a model that we will not be able to sell on the market, "added Mr. Blanchette.

    On May 9, while Bill C-71 strengthening gun control was under consideration in the Senate, independent MP Tony Clement said in the House that he learned from "a very good source" that the government Trudeau had a "secret plan" to ban AR-15s. "The Prime Minister plans to announce this ban at the Women Deliver conference in Vancouver, during the visit of New Zealand Premier Jacinda Ardern, from June 3 to 6," said Clément during the meeting. question period.

    Marie-Emmanuelle Cadieux, spokeswoman for the Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, Bill Blair, denied yesterday that there would be such an announcement next week. In a statement sent to La Presse , however, the minister's office indicated that "all possibilities are studied". "Assault rifles are military weapons designed to kill humans, not animals, in the most efficient way possible to maximize mortalities with minimal effort," the statement said.

    Despite the vagueness maintained by the Trudeau government since the release of Tony Clement, the Shooting Sports Association of Canada and its director, Tony Bernardo, spread this rumor.

    "[The rumor] has triggered a buying frenzy for the AR-15s. The stocks of most retailers are dry in Western Canada. "

    - Tony Bernardo, Director of the Shooting Sports Association of Canada

    "The rumor of banishment may be true, maybe not. Who knows ? One thing is certain, people do not want to risk being excluded from this category of weapons. They buy them to be sure they can take advantage of a [grandfathering] clause, "he adds.

    The pro-gun lobby vehemently opposes a ban on AR-15s, noting that they have never served in mass killings in Canada since their sale is more framed than in the United States.

    15% discount

    In particular, the SFRC Weapons Store in Ontario launched a "C-71 sale" on Wednesday offering a 15% discount to anyone who buys a firearm online by next Tuesday. "We do not know exactly what the Liberals plan to ban next week. We are pretty sure it will be the AR-15s, but there are strong rumors of all handguns and semi-automatic weapons too. Make sure you have acquired rights, "reads the Facebook page of the store.

    The SFRC Weapon Store is promoting its "C-71 Sale" on its Facebook page.


    Two Quebec sports shooters who regularly participate in competitions said they ordered AR-15s in anticipation of a possible prohibition. "I bought two," said Tommy Gervais, a shooter from the Quebec City area, who already owns two more. The possible banishment precipitated my decision. If it happens, we do not even know if we will still be able to buy replacement parts. "

    "I ordered one the day before yesterday," says Gabriel Pasquier. This will be my third of the same brand. It's getting harder to find online, lots of retailers are running out. People are afraid that handguns will be banned as well. "

    " It's scandalous "

    "It's scandalous," says Heidi Rathjen, spokesperson for PolySeSouvient, an organization that promotes arms control. We've been to the United States, where when it comes to better control, the gun lobby is using this opportunity to increase sales, profits and increase the pool of assault weapon owners. "

    According to the Washington Post , rifle production more than doubled in 2016 in the United States, largely because of a fear that Democrats would ban semi-automatic weapons if they were elected.

    A study published in May 2017 in the medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine indicates that gun sales increased by 35 to 85% in some areas after the killings of Newton and San Bernardino. The author of the study, David Studdert, believes that the fear caused by these killings largely explains the surge in sales.

    - With the collaboration of Mélanie Marquis, La Presse
    Thanks for that!

  3. #23
    CGN frequent flyer josh1976's Avatar
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    Your website is DOWN. I cant get on it from any computer in the house... Red screen warning that ammo source is a corrupt sight.
    Did you piss off Ralph too bad? RCMP shutting you down in the name of public safety?
    If you meet more than one azzhole per day...chances are you're the azzhole....

  4. #24
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    Something is up with your website

  5. #25
    Sponsoring Business Chemist's Avatar
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    Use explorer, edge or safari. We changed how we forward from our .ca to our .com page and chrome didn’t like it. We changed it back but it takes a while for google to recheck it. It’s all good and thanks for the heads up

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemist View Post
    Use explorer, edge or safari. We changed how we forward from our .ca to our .com page and chrome didn’t like it. We changed it back but it takes a while for google to recheck it. It’s all good and thanks for the heads up
    fyi that was in opera, but it's based on chrome

  7. #27
    CGN frequent flyer windage's Avatar
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    Install IE Tabs extension in Chrome, it simulates IE9 or what ever version you want up to 11. Works great for this sort of thing.

  8. #28
    Member AnUniqueName's Avatar
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    Click 'details', then 'access this unsafe site'.

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