Gun laws, F/A uppers starting to ship out and where am I in the que?

There seems to be some confusion on timing.
We closed production run #1 late in September 2018, so ALL orders placed after September 25th 2018 fall into production run #2 which closed April 15th 2019 thereby creating production run #3.
Production run #2 and #3 uppers are for the most part done, we are now retooling to start production run #2 and #3 of lowers. We expect production run #2 uppers and lower sets to start shipping out in August.

Hopefully that clarifies things a bit better?
a lot of people I believe are confused at what each production run consists of

First order (let’s call it lower production #1) was started first, before ANY uppers
First set (let’s call it upper production run #1) was Slick aside (ss) uppers (enough to fill order 1)

Second set (let’s call it upper production run #2) was Forward Assist (FA) uppers. (Enough to fill orders 1+2 to prevent retooling and setup)
Second order (let’s call it lower production #2) is tooling up now. However, I’m not sure if this is enough to fulfill order 2+3 or just order 2.

... third (upper production run # 3) will be back to SS and will begin in the NEW YEAR

We know the ‘first’ batch of FA(upper production run #2) are done.
However, im not sure if that includes enough for ‘orders’ 1+2... but it sounds like even enough for 3 were done?)

Next will be the SS... but those are not to be completed until the NEW YEAR, despite someone ordering in the second run of LOWERS.

The confusion: lowers are getting started now... which is eta of aug/sept? if I’m not mistaken. It sounds like you’re doing enough lowers to fill order 2+3...

In the event of doing BOTH 2+3 (lowers)...
It could be plausible that someone from order 3 (who did lower+FA) might receive them before someone on order 2 that is doing lower + SS *if you’re doing enough lowers on “lower production #2” to fullfil order 2+3, and that you did enough FA uppers on ‘upper production #2” to plan for 1,2+3

Is that correct?
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This production run thing is like the "Who's on first" skit....

Sadly it seems like it.
I will try again.

Whose on 1st should have their guns already with a few exceptions.
Those on 2nd will start to have their sets shipped starting in August and probably running into October depending on their place in the line.
Those on 3rd will have lowers shipped if they want towards the end of this year and depending on what upper they opted for may get the complete set then. We are suggesting to have them shipped as sets however as Shaun pointed out earlier.

Once we are done runs 2 and 3 of lowers we start on SS uppers again for runs 3 and 4. We did tag on about 100 extra SS uppers before we shut down upper production to move on to lowers. Some in run 3 who opted for SS uppers will see their complete sets spring of 2020 if they ordered early.

Hope that helps.

Whose on 1st?:confused:
Hey ATRS, im curious about the custom modern sporters RDSC is pre selling on their website and which production run they fall into?
This week we actually kept track of the number of inquiries as to status on production.
54 phone calls.
29 email inquires.
18 drop ins.
This equates to about 20 man hours of wasted production time just this week alone.
Several of these inquiries were answered last week yet the customer opted to check in weekly.

Guys we can be answering calls or emails or entertaining drop in's that have time to kill OR we can be being productive but not both. We truly appreciate all of you who have accepted the fact that the day your parts are ready to go we WILL be in contact with you to let you know. However those who seem to need weekly updates are killing our production timing and delaying our progress needlessly. EVERYONE of us here is directly involved in production. We do not have dedicated phone/email answering staff.
We are looking at ways to discourage this waste of our time.
Please make no mistake, we are very grateful for your orders and are doing everything in our power to get parts made, but these "is it ready yet, is it ready yet, is it ready yet" inquiries are going to make it impossible to make the ship dates we are aiming for if they do not decrease immensely.
Kinda scared to call in and ask this lol, When I paid off my order back in May, should I have received a receipt by email of some sort?

Also does SN = place in line, or does it go by time of order? Sorry if this has been answered before.

If you have your sn then you have your invoice. If you don't have your sn then it's worth a phonecall. Probably a simple missed email. They got back to me very quickly. Best of luck.
Kinda scared to call in and ask this lol, When I paid off my order back in May, should I have received a receipt by email of some sort?

Also does SN = place in line, or does it go by time of order? Sorry if this has been answered before.

As long as you are not pestering them needlessly they will make time to answer your questions. Email them and they will get back to you when the opportunity arises.
Seems like your aren't confused at all... That's exactly correct.

First run
Started lowers, finished uppers

Second run
Started uppers, finishes lowers

Third run
Will start lowers, will finish uppers

Basically doing it this way saves us a day or two of tearing machines down with each cycle.

Now somewhere in there we're going to be squeezing in a limited edition CCFR version, with custom engraving and fire control markings, but the exact time hasn't been finalized... And they're still drawing up the licensing agreement. Anybody who went to the CCFR agm or banquet got to see the early design artwork. :) no we aren't taking orders on those yet, need the licensing in place first. Just a heads up of what's coming down the pipe!

Ps. Tear down to switch to lowers for the second run starts tomorrow!

So if i have a slick side upper on run #2 would i be looking at receiving it . Aug-Oct. Or in the new year?
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