New Dominion Bushcraft axes


Canada Ammo - CGN Sponsor
Vancouver, BC




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Where are these made? Some nice weighting for the handle sizes I admit, not often you see a 1.25lb head on a 20” handle. If I could suggest if there is another run, a 24” handle with the 900 gram would be a nice sweet spot.
Are these made in Canada?

I can almost guarantee these are not made in Canada. I am guessing they are made in central/South America.. perhaps they struck a deal with Condor in El Salvador, they are making new axes in 1060. As long as they are not Chinese..
I would like to get one of these to compare against my hultafors and wetterlings axes - want to know country of origin before I buy though. Could canadaammo give country of origin please?
The Dominion brand is Canadian. Doesn't mean it was made here.

Would love it "if" these were made in Canada.

Chris, please let us know.
Took my Camper axe out on a canoe trip this weekend. Fit well in my pack, weight was good for carrying. I liked the longer handle, compared to my Fiskars hatchet I normally bring. Axe swung good for clearing branches. Split OK with the right wood.

The edge was very dull, it was flat and blunt in spots. Took some time with a file and stones to get a usable edge on it.

The 1060 steel is no match against the steel of a Fiskars. My buddy had his Fiskars hatchet, we were splitting some tough wood, so used my Camper as a wedge, hammering with the Fiskars. The Camper mushroomed quite a bit, the Fiskars didn't even dent.

Overall a nice axe for the price. Glad it wasn't an expensive axe, as my buddy hit the back of my handle with his hatchet, splitting my handle a bit. Now to find a new handle. Tough first trip for this axe.
Thats really cool that Canada Ammo got axes made with their logos in them, and in the box for the price of $29.99

I'm confused that anyone would complain that these aren't as quality as something from Finland or Sweden, how is this even in the same ballpark?

This is like buying the cheap hand tools, screwdrivers or pliers are a good example. They are perfect for small tasks here or there. But not for the full time professional and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Not sure why you guys would even compare them. If you use an axe all the time, why would you even look at these. If you leave it in the dry box to use camping once or twice a year, and it is more likely to get lost or stolen than broken, this is a much smarter investment.

Expensive tools are great, till you have to leave a stuck or broken vehicle in the bush and walk out, then they are a liability, cheap tools are a liability if you rely on them for an income.
ITT: People upset that an inexpensive product is made from inexpensive materials with inexpensive labour.

Lol. So true.

You don't need to tell everyone you spent a lot of money on an axe and now are superior to all those who would purchase this.

I'll bet that most people who purchase this will use it more than the hipsters and their Scandinavian axes because they don't mind if it gets a nick or a ding.

You get what you pay for.
Took my Camper axe out on a canoe trip this weekend. Fit well in my pack, weight was good for carrying. I liked the longer handle, compared to my Fiskars hatchet I normally bring. Axe swung good for clearing branches. Split OK with the right wood.

The edge was very dull, it was flat and blunt in spots. Took some time with a file and stones to get a usable edge on it.

The 1060 steel is no match against the steel of a Fiskars. My buddy had his Fiskars hatchet, we were splitting some tough wood, so used my Camper as a wedge, hammering with the Fiskars. The Camper mushroomed quite a bit, the Fiskars didn't even dent.

Overall a nice axe for the price. Glad it wasn't an expensive axe, as my buddy hit the back of my handle with his hatchet, splitting my handle a bit. Now to find a new handle. Tough first trip for this axe.

Thank you for the review. Our goal is to create on axe of comparable quality to the Swedish axe, but this will take time to perfect.

Could you send us some pics of the axe head that was muhroomed by the fiskers? Much appreciated.

I will point out that the head is usually not hardened, as the blade is
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My pleasure with the review. Unfortunately I took the axe to the bench grinder as soon as I got home when I was cleaning and sharpening it. Don't want shrapnel wounds in the backcountry. I didn't realize the end wasn't hardened, but that makes sense. (Edit: I realize using an axe as a wedge wasn't bright. Similar to splitting wood with a knife and complaining about the knife when it breaks).

These axes are right up my alley. I have nicer axes, but I don't want to leave one behind or lose them on trips, or have drunken friends hit the handle with his axe. Had I been on a solo trip, I likely wouldn't have used it as a wedge. I usually treat my tools better, also wouldn't have two axes while solo. I was actually being a bit rough with it so I could review it here, putting it through it's paces knowing we had a second axe.

I'm pleased enough to be thinking of ordering another. Good value, as always from Canada Ammo. Thanks for continuing to offer us product such as this.
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Just compared the Dominion Camper to a Husqvarna hatchet. I would say the Dominion has a better fitting handle. The Husqvarna isn't as tight a fit, and sticks out the top.

I don't know enough about metal to compare the quality. Not am I a lumberjack, or hipster. My experience is just a dude who goes camping.

Dominion on Right.



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