LAR-15 223-556 Stainless 10/30 Round pistol Magazine in Canada 23.94USD

Ya the three I got were riveted and crimped. I was hoping I would luck out and they would be like the last batch I ordered, but no joy.
Sold out and only two people bothered to report back how they work...

I didn't get any from this batch, but I did get one from an earlier batch, last autumn.

It was a little difficult to get the 10th round in the mag at all, and it latching the mag into the rifle on a closed bolt would have required an irresponsible amount of force.

However, I found it was entirely possible to strip the magazine to modify the follower. My baseplate was not riveted, it came off normally, and I was able to release the mag spring with a pair of needle nosed pliers. From there, some patient wriggling and judicious pressure was enough to work the follower past the crimps.

I removed about 1mm of material from the bottom of the follower at each corner. I then reinstalled the spring in the follower, reworked the follower into the mag body (reinstallation required a little more patience than removal, due to the spring being on the follower), and it holds a perfect 10.5 rounds, now.
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