How do your "brass" knuckles your selling skirt the law?

I want someone to bring these on their person at an airport before a flight to see how far the "not a weapon" argument takes you.

I'm leaning towards the "keep them and you dont fly" consequence...

Your example is very poor because there is lots of fairly innocent items we can carry in our daily lives, that cannot be carried on board a passenger plane.
And why would you want them anyway?

Because It pisses off libtards

You clearly don't understand. A hammer has a utility purpose as a tool so yes it is legal to own. Knuckles DO NOT have a utility purpose.

And as I mentioned it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon. Meaning if your walking around with these knuckles in your pocket that's carrying a concealed weapon.

It doesn't matter if they are a prohibited weapon or not.

Even if you carried a hammer in your pants and police could prove you have intent or had used it as a weapon. You would catch a carry concealed weapon charge.

Same with a screwdriver. If you using it to break into houses. And police have grounds to believe that. You would be charged with possess break and enter tool.

gotta love armchair lawyers,,these knuckles are 100% legal.and that's pretty much all you need to evade that criminal record as you put it.,
it's the same as those stun batons and canes that are sold everywhere now,
I want someone to bring these on their person at an airport before a flight to see how far the "not a weapon" argument takes you.

I'm leaning towards the "keep them and you dont fly" consequence...

By the same standard, nailclippers and water bottles are also weapons.
Whats your point? Plastic forks and knifes are obviously no problem to possess, they have a utility purpose. That's my point their is no utility purpose with plastic knuckles. Even if they are plastic they are clearly still only a weapon

Where in the criminal code is it written that anything must have a utility purpose in order to not be considered a weapon? Most things in out modern have no or little utility purpose.

The reason why the list of prohibited weapons is so long is specifically because anything not on it is deemed not being a prohibited weapon. Actually, the fact that brass knuckles are on the list of prohibited weapons, and specifically defined as made of metal, would indicate that an item of the same shape made of any other material is specifically intended to not be a weapon.

As for article 90 of the criminal code (Carrying concealed weapon), section 2 of the CC defines what a weapon is:

“Weapon” means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use
(a) in causing death or injury to any person, or
(b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person
and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm

Honestly, anything that's not readily visible can be considered a concealed weapon if you use it, or intend to use it, to cause death or injury to any person. That includes your belt, your keychain, your underwears, your wallet or phone, etc... Proof of the purpose for possessing the weapon may be established by the manner in which the weapon is used, circumstances and statements surrounding its use and the rational inferences to be drawn from the facts.

So yeah, a cop could arrest you for carrying a g10 knuckle under the pretense that he believes you have the intent to harm someone with it. Depending on the circumstances, you could be charged. For example, if you're in a bar trying to start a fight, or in a dark street following someone. But a cop that would just arrest you for carrying one of these as a keychain on a normal day would be a total ####, and at that point, he could just as well arrest you and charge you with any of the laws or bylaws that cops routinely use to harass people, and it would be more effective.

On a side note, the people who have been searched multiple times by cops in canada might want to rethink some of their life choices. Just saying.
gotta love armchair lawyers,,these knuckles are 100% legal.and that's pretty much all you need to evade that criminal record as you put it.,
it's the same as those stun batons and canes that are sold everywhere now,

Your still missing a big chunk of my point. Sure they are not prohibited but neither are kitchen knifes but if you walking around with one in your pocket good luck explaining to a officer why your carrying it.
They won't buy your carrying knuckles for any reason other than to harm a person. They can't be used for anything else.
And like that except says one of the definitions of a weapon is something designed to cause harm. Obviously that is the design of plastic knuckles. They have no other purpose.

And again if you got found with a stun baton in your pocket I would gurantee prohibited or not you would be in hot water.

But again the onus is on police to determine somekind of intent as a weapon. But carrying concealed is the problem IMO
Your example is very poor because there is lots of fairly innocent items we can carry in our daily lives, that cannot be carried on board a passenger plane.

By the same standard, nailclippers and water bottles are also weapons.

lol, don't try to convince me... I'm talking about any rent-a-sec person at the airport seeing these on you... I'm sure they'd never let you on, whatever reason(s) you'd give them. Heck they dissalow items that are obviously less "weaponny".

The point is that it doesn't matter what's true or not, if you're carrying these and whoever is controlling you (cop, security,etc) will likely win in the sense that you'll probably won't be able to continue on your path with said item...


And for the whole "ciminal code" and what not, two things:

Actus reus, and mens rea

(Google it)
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CGN compliance agents out in full force I see.
The people who jump into threads with:
"wHo NeEDs tHaT!?"
"iSn'T tHAt iLlIgaL!?"
"wHy WoULd rEtAiLErs eVEn SElL tHIs!?"
Lol, these people are far worse than liberals.
CGN compliance agents out in full force I see.
The people who jump into threads with:
"wHo NeEDs tHaT!?"
"iSn'T tHAt iLlIgaL!?"
"wHy WoULd rEtAiLErs eVEn SElL tHIs!?"
Lol, these people are far worse than liberals.

Collection of Dudley do rights know it all...wish they would just beat it
Your still missing a big chunk of my point. Sure they are not prohibited but neither are kitchen knifes but if you walking around with one in your pocket good luck explaining to a officer why your carrying it.
They won't buy your carrying knuckles for any reason other than to harm a person. They can't be used for anything else.
And like that except says one of the definitions of a weapon is something designed to cause harm. Obviously that is the design of plastic knuckles. They have no other purpose.

And again if you got found with a stun baton in your pocket I would gurantee prohibited or not you would be in hot water.

But again the onus is on police to determine somekind of intent as a weapon. But carrying concealed is the problem IMO

used for any other purpose?,,says who.?,,,you.
better go back to law school,because at this point you wont win any of the cases you just put forth,
"your Honnor" the accused was carrying a concealed hammer.LOL,i think it was to harm someone,
judge,,he was coming back from the hardware store,
bye bye case,
Its the same logic that prevented (and yes THEY DID TRY) legal firearm owners legally transporting legal firearms being charged with having concealed weapons by following the transport rules of keeping their firearms out of sight, cased, in the trunk etc.

The law enforcement mentality saw that as opportunity for claiming that this makes them concealed weapons because......hey! Its a 'firearm' and its 'concealed'.....regardless of logic and that they are following the law

Yes our law enforcement community and the crown did try that angle and more than once.

Its a bonus if the law gets you to break the law without having to commit actual crime.

BTW for all those transporting Non Restricted out there, nothing prevents you from being treated as it is a Restricted until the judge says otherwise.

I know people that always add an extra layer like putting a trigger lock and cable on their NRs......just sayin'
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Even if made of plastic I don't see a point in owning these.

If you were to be searched by police (or police saw you with them) carrying these, they are clearly a weapon.

And as per Canadian Criminal code, possessing or carrying a concealed weapon is illegal.

But as for say a knife there may be a utility purpose behind carrying a knife, used for cutting various objects, or a rescue tool trapped by a seatbelt etc etc. Utility purposes allow you to carry a knife legally. Self defense is not one.

But as for these there is no utility purpose. They can't be used as a tool in anyway, they are clearly for use a weapon.

Enjoy your new criminal record if your caught with these.

agreed. The loop does not correct the only intended purposes of this. Unless you beat something for a living in a legal way.
On a side note, the people who have been searched multiple times by cops in canada might want to rethink some of their life choices. Just saying.

Or perhaps maybe the police should be more respectful of our constitutional right against unreasonable search and seizure. Just saying.

agreed. The loop does not correct the only intended purposes of this. Unless you beat something for a living in a legal way.

Let's postulate that all the aforementioned utility reasons don't exist, there still remains one incredibly valid reason: wilderness protection.
I had a long argument with a co-worker who said that my (SOG) assisted opening knife was prohibited because I could open it with little to no effort. I brought him the criminal code which stated otherwise. Loopholes!
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