IRUNGUNS brings a new entry into the NR platforms available to Canada...

Dennis Young has been working on making the FRT tables publicly available via Access to Information Requests.
I suggest everyone support him by spreading the word and donating.

Isn't that also the guy who got the number of registered AR-pattern rifles? If so, he has been doing a great job and I look forward to seeing the numbers post panic-buy.
Dennis Young has been working on making the FRT tables publicly available via Access to Information Requests.
I suggest everyone support him by spreading the word and donating.

I think it’s Kerry Mould who has been fighting to have it released in its entirety. Goofdale and the RCMP are going to federal court against the Office of the Information Commissioner as he recommended it be released.
We are finalizing a couple variants with the lab so the NR FRT is in place and we want the rifles in stock and ready to go before they go online. We will never have a pre-sale as they never work out in anyone's favor, especially the customers, pre-sales are to raise capital for the project and that's a terrible way to do business. . We apologize for the delays but it will be worth the wait.

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We are finalizing a couple variants with the lab so the NR FRT is in place and we want the rifles in stock and ready to go before they go online. We will never have a pre-sale as they never work out in anyone's favor, especially the customers, pre-sales are to raise capital for the project and that's a terrible way to do business. . We apologize for the delays but it will be worth the wait.


I think it's more understandable if you're a start-up manufacturer or something, but in general you're absolutely right. Saving and reinvesting your profits is definitely the way to go.
Because there is no good reason why we shouldn't have access to it?

Also, while they are not legally binding, anything published by a government entity such as the RCMP bulletins absolutely COULD help you in a court of law.

Could also go against you in the event the frt says an item is prohibited, have to remember it goes both ways. You can not just rely on the information in the frt table when it suits you, then ignore it lets say in the case of what capacity 50 Beowulf magazines should be pinned to.
We are finalizing a couple variants with the lab so the NR FRT is in place and we want the rifles in stock and ready to go before they go online. We will never have a pre-sale as they never work out in anyone's favor, especially the customers, pre-sales are to raise capital for the project and that's a terrible way to do business. . We apologize for the delays but it will be worth the wait.


Why not post a picture or two to give potential buyers an idea whether or not this is something they may be interested in and put money aside for.
Could also go against you in the event the frt says an item is prohibited, have to remember it goes both ways. You can not just rely on the information in the frt table when it suits you, then ignore it lets say in the case of what capacity 50 Beowulf magazines should be pinned to.

The FRT table has no legal standing. You can't use it in court either way. Doesn't matter if you're the prosecution or the defense, the judge won't admit it.

You can point out to a cop that something is NR in the FRT though, and they might just let you out of that situation. On the other hand, no one is dumb enough to just walk out to a cop, show him the FRT for something prohibited, and explain to the cop how he should be charged. So, yes, in that sense, it works pretty much in only one way. Think of it like someone arguing with a cop when he was speeding: nobody argues that they were going faster than lidar measured.

Also, you could still be charged if something is NR in the FRT, even if you show the cop a printout of the FRT entry. As long as the cop believes you're in possession of a prohibited device, it doesn't matter that much what the FRT says.
We are finalizing a couple variants with the lab so the NR FRT is in place and we want the rifles in stock and ready to go before they go online. We will never have a pre-sale as they never work out in anyone's favor, especially the customers, pre-sales are to raise capital for the project and that's a terrible way to do business. . We apologize for the delays but it will be worth the wait.


Right on!!! I like the way you approach business. Cheers!!
We are finalizing a couple variants with the lab so the NR FRT is in place and we want the rifles in stock and ready to go before they go online. We will never have a pre-sale as they never work out in anyone's favor, especially the customers, pre-sales are to raise capital for the project and that's a terrible way to do business. . We apologize for the delays but it will be worth the wait.


Yup, and then you have sponsored dealers say that the pre-order is not to raise capital for said product, but then contradict themselves later and say it was to pay for the orders.
The FRT table has no legal standing. You can't use it in court either way. Doesn't matter if you're the prosecution or the defense, the judge won't admit it.

You can point out to a cop that something is NR in the FRT though, and they might just let you out of that situation. On the other hand, no one is dumb enough to just walk out to a cop, show him the FRT for something prohibited, and explain to the cop how he should be charged. So, yes, in that sense, it works pretty much in only one way. Think of it like someone arguing with a cop when he was speeding: nobody argues that they were going faster than lidar measured.

Also, you could still be charged if something is NR in the FRT, even if you show the cop a printout of the FRT entry. As long as the cop believes you're in possession of a prohibited device, it doesn't matter that much what the FRT says.

Judge will admit the rcmp sfss labs testimony as experts on the subject matter, question is, who can you bring in as an expert in deciding firearm legalities in this country to successfully contradict their testimony which will mirror the frt?

Explain that to the person I quoted since they believe it will help them, just like the many other posters on cgn who ask for frt#'s and details to carry with them. If you want to draw police awareness to their own database, don't expect them to overlook enforcement on subjects you do not agree with is all I am saying.

Of course you can still be charged with a crime having done nothing wrong, it happens all the time, I am the one who has pointed that out many times in various threads concerning firearm legality, it is others who believe it is impossible, I was naive just like those people until it happened to me. After spending an insane amount of money fighting false accusations, I know better
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