.458 Socom 5/10rd Magazines

So explain this


Answer, YES its legal!!!! Its answered for you right there in the first line.
Answer, YES its legal!!!! Its answered for you right there in the first line.

Not to stir the pot but I think the problem is the beo rounds are designed to fit in STANAG pattern mags which were originally designed to hold 5.56/.223 in standard capacities. When the capacity limit is applied to those mags its the 5 rounds of the original design which it is limited to.

Now with these mags they are specifically design for 458 SOCOM, and more importantly demonstrably designed for 458 SOCOM and other calibers should happen to work in them then the above statement gives them a pass.
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Not to be that guy but aren't Beowulf mags prohib now tho to great displeasure?

(Since the 50 Beowulf calibre magazines are adapted from the original 5.56×45 mm NATO design and the ability of the magazine to perform as originally designed has not been compromised by the adaptation, such magazines are prohibited if they contain more than five 5.56×45 mm NATO cartridges. The magazines are in effect dual calibre magazines and will be prohibited if they exceed five shots capacity of either calibre.

Magazines have recently been manufactured in, or imported into Canada bearing markings suggesting they are exclusively designed for 50 Beowulf ammunition, and at four or five shot capacity, are non-prohibited magazines. This is simply not the case. All magazines for 50 Beowulf calibre AR platform firearms presently on the Canadian market are prohibited devices.)

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I still run mine, havent got any registered letters from those oxygen thieves saying otherwise !
No I doubt they would go a on a witch hunt for them if they did they’d probably would have done it a long time ago along with the 10/22 mags. Only thing I’m bitter about is when they were available I was still a kid and too young to have know to get a couple dozen of em for later in life.:bangHead:
Not to be that guy but aren't Beowulf mags prohib now tho to great displeasure?

(Since the 50 Beowulf calibre magazines are adapted from the original 5.56×45 mm NATO design and the ability of the magazine to perform as originally designed has not been compromised by the adaptation, such magazines are prohibited if they contain more than five 5.56×45 mm NATO cartridges. The magazines are in effect dual calibre magazines and will be prohibited if they exceed five shots capacity of either calibre.

Magazines have recently been manufactured in, or imported into Canada bearing markings suggesting they are exclusively designed for 50 Beowulf ammunition, and at four or five shot capacity, are non-prohibited magazines. This is simply not the case. All magazines for 50 Beowulf calibre AR platform firearms presently on the Canadian market are prohibited devices.)


Not prohib. Although they did tell people that they were 556 mags and had to be pinned to 5 rds.
Not prohib. Although they did tell people that they were 556 mags and had to be pinned to 5 rds.
I see I wasn’t into this hobby till a bit later so I am a bit confused in some areas thanks for clearing it up I honestly did think they were didn’t really give it a second thought.
Last time I checked the 458 case is thicker than 50 beowulf. How did you get asked THIRTEEN times about this when you couldve been asked a FEW more times? More like FIFTEEN?

This is what I came to post also, the rim thickness of 458 is about 30thou thicker so I was expecting there might have been about 15.5 people asking this question. My guess is they are pinned for a tight 5rds of 458 so only 13 people asked this question. A lot of the 50BW mags on the market were this way.
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LOL! This reminds of the feds wiretap on The Simpsons;
*"Did you get da shirt?"
*"Yeah, I got da shirt."
*"Ok, well... did you get the bullets for da shirt?"

Totally unbreakable code... :cool:
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