Norinco NZ 85F

I want an NP7 (Glock 17 clone); they are already building them; why don't we have them in Canada.:

I want an NP7 (Glock 17 clone); they are already building them; why don't we have them in Canada.:


You can buy a lightly used or even NIB Glock 17 (gen 3 and Austrian made AKA the best one) for $500-600...unless these are like $399 and 100% accept all "Glock" parts and accessories/upgrades I dont' see them selling too well.
Isn’t it a patent problem? First gen Sig P226 patent are expired and thats why we have NP22 over here if i understand right. Probably the same for these Cz75 clone. If CZ has patent on the Shadow frame thats probably why they wont be here anytime soon
Isn’t it a patent problem? First gen Sig P226 patent are expired and thats why we have NP22 over here if i understand right. Probably the same for these Cz75 clone. If CZ has patent on the Shadow frame thats probably why they wont be here anytime soon

The patents on the earlier Glocks having expired is why the Polymer80 guys can sell theirs.
not Glock fan but would buy one if it was 7.62x25....

Oh yes!!! I’d be in for anything in 7.62x25! What a fun round! Love my P762 and my Toks. TT-33’s are a bit small for me though. I still enjoy shooting them.

I’d be all over a Glock copy in that round. I expect that’ll never happen though...
Norinco is not always the easiest company to deal with and if they have a big military contract, then they ignore the civy market for awhile. Plus the gun has to be sent to the RCMP firearms lab, which takes time as well.
Norinco is not always the easiest company to deal with and if they have a big military contract, then they ignore the civy market for awhile. Plus the gun has to be sent to the RCMP firearms lab, which takes time as well.

Are you mentioning the type 81 pre-order delay duo to a "military contract" ? That's just an excuse either from norinco or the importer.
Honestly what I want most is for them to bring back those 5.56 SKS' that they had planned just before the import bands in the US.
Oh yes!!! I’d be in for anything in 7.62x25! What a fun round! Love my P762 and my Toks. TT-33’s are a bit small for me though. I still enjoy shooting them.

I’d be all over a Glock copy in that round. I expect that’ll never happen though...

I agree, they are fun; loud, spit clouds of fire; but been there, done that as they say; can't use them for anything other than informal completion; I consider them a "novelty" the same way I consider my .45 cap and ball. I thought briefly about the NP762 after getting rid of my Serbian Tok, but then I remembered that the NP58 I had was a bit large for my hand (NP762 was larger yet), and was plagued with feeding problems with all but one type of bullet. No standard mags available for the NP762 either.
There are already many Norc CZ clones brought into the country tho?

By the same importer? I.e. does North Sylva bring in other CZ copies? If it does then I missed with my theory, if not then I may be right :p

Then find out who imports the Norc CZ copies and get them to import the 85F. CanadaAmmo, hopefully this describes you :) AND WE ABSOLUTELY NEED 9mm conversion barrels at the same time!

And I'm in for the Norc Glock clone just for ####s and giggles. If they make one in 7.62x25 I'd be all over that too. My only complaint ever is the rebranding CanadaAmmo does to Dominion Arms. Let's not pretend these are anything but a Norinco :p Where the Dominion Arms brand belongs is on things they designed and built themselves like the 50bmg uppers...

For the record I thoroughly enjoy the p762, my only complaint is lack of a conversion barrel (which can be ordered locally, just too expensive) and lack of nicer aftermarket grips.
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