Norinco NZ 85F

By the same importer? I.e. does North Sylva bring in other CZ copies? If it does then I missed with my theory, if not then I may be right :p

Then find out who imports the Norc CZ copies and get them to import the 85F. CanadaAmmo, hopefully this describes you :) AND WE ABSOLUTELY NEED 9mm conversion barrels at the same time!

And I'm in for the Norc Glock clone just for ####s and giggles. If they make one in 7.62x25 I'd be all over that too. My only complaint ever is the rebranding CanadaAmmo does to Dominion Arms. Let's not pretend these are anything but a Norinco :p Where the Dominion Arms brand belongs is on things they designed and built themselves like the 50bmg uppers...

For the record I thoroughly enjoy the p762, my only complaint is lack of a conversion barrel (which can be ordered locally, just too expensive) and lack of nicer aftermarket grips.

Which calibre you want to convert the p762? It seems to me like the whole point of the p762 is to shoot 7.62.
Which calibre you want to convert the p762? It seems to me like the whole point of the p762 is to shoot 7.62.

9mm. Common second caliber and keeps it running if 7.62 gets rare. Tokarev pistols have had these for 50 years.

What Deckard said.

I also want to be able to shoot 9mm from the same gun. Like I said - doable but expensive if I'm custom ordering for myself only.

The Chinese rebrand all sorts of shotguns in the USA. It isn't odd. Maybe vain, but not a big deal.

It's just a personal preference for me, CanadaAmmo will do what CanadaAmmo does, I'm sure :)
I'd still want one. Also that was probably a pre production sample from like 20 years ago.
It might've been for all I know, yeah.
It's definitely a neat product, in the same way as the M305A's in 7.62x39.
As for rebranding firearms, it has been commonplace for a long time. Pretty sure Cooey's were commonly sold as the store brand rifle all across North America, for instance.
9mm. Common second caliber and keeps it running if 7.62 gets rare. Tokarev pistols have had these for 50 years.

Norc makes the np22 which is a clone of p226 in 9mm.
Norc makes the p762 which is a clone of p226 in 762.

Not sure why you would want a conversion kit when a norc goes for less than a typical conversion kit (I mean the conversion kits for good guns like CZ, SIG, etc...). You can get the np22 for barely more than a conversion kit would cost. 2 guns is still more convenient than one gun+kit, and you get all the extra stuff from the 2nd gun (box, magazine, etc...). And if you find out there's a caliber you rarely or never shoot, you can sell a gun, which is much easier than selling a conversion kit.
You'd get the Chinese to make them from the get go. We can't assume x25 will last forever. In the day, Tokarevs also spotted. 38 Super spare barrels. Nothing new.
In fairness, wouldn't you be more likely to respond to something sent to your work email than a 3rd party forum?
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