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Thread: Area 51, Will they stop everyone!?!?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Surrey, BC
    I don't think this will happen.

    If it did though, the military would love the opportunity to test it's non-lethal equipment. Heat rays, rubber pellet grenades & claymores, sticky foam, and enough tear gas to blot out the sun. Heck even jet engines blasting up a sandstorm would work. I also can see the military jamming GPS and communications in the area too, just so the Naruto runners can't congregate and co-ordinate.

    Of course this being Area 51, they could have an industrial sized neuralizer a la Men in Black.

    Spectating this would be cool.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Only Alberta
    Where's Kyle tho? Get them monsters in ya.

  3. #23
    CGN frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolverine .303 View Post
    Not strictly firearms related but a noteworthy subject coming up!!

    I have been following this one since its inception... It has grown beyond a silly little group making jokes into something of a monster with 2.1 Million registered "Going" members and 1.5 Million "interested" members in their Facebook group.

    So who has heard about this one!?!? The premise is that this group wants to go to Area 51, and if there is enough people to join in that the government cannot stop them from doing so.. Which in its truest form is correct is it not? If enough people banded together ( 3 Million + ) what could really be done to stop them. There is no way to arrest/detain that many people, and blatantly engaging them in a combative manner, against an unarmed populace would not end well for anyone in the short or long haul....

    It has been an ongoing joke for some time but we are nearing the date of September 20th, what do you think is going to happen??

    "We will all meet up in Rural Nevada and coordinate our parties. If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens. "

    Nothing an A10 can’t handle in a days work. Burrrrrrrrp —-Dieseldog!

  4. #24
    Member Zircarg's Avatar
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    They'll start by deploying ultrasonic generators, which will leave the masses writhing in pain, vertigo and nausea and that's the conventional technology at their disposal. No one is going to get into that facility no matter how large the group.
    "A Conservative Government recognizes the legitimacy of private ownership of firearms and will resist any domestic or international pressure to the contrary." Resolution 202

  5. #25
    Member AnUniqueName's Avatar
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    Wish I can be a machine gunner at that base.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by VinnyQC View Post
    Of course, at most there will be 1000 people showing up to drink beer and eat hot-dogs. Think of a semi-large tailgate party. Nothing more, and nobody is gonna try to break a fence or get arrested or anything. Maybe a few drunk people locked up for the night by local PD.

    But it's still funny AF. Because of course any threat of an attack on a military installation must be taken seriously. Young(ish) soldiers had to make a presentation to the brass on what a Naruto run exactly is.

    On a side note, if there was actually 3 million people, the base would be overrun in minutes, even if not a single one of them was armed with more than a keychain. Even opening fire would merely make a bloodbath before the inevitable. Most people can't even imagine what 3M people looks like. If you've been to a nhl hockey game lately, that arena was ~20k seats. So, imagine 150 arena just like this one, full of people. Now imagine they're marching toward you. 6 out of 10 canadian provinces don't even have population of 3M. No wonder it's hard for most canadians to even imagine what such an amount of people is like.
    An A-10 can change 3,000,000 minds pretty darn quick.

    In reality, the CIA/FBI have likely already handled any part of this joke even taking place.

    Like others have said, nobody is getting into anywhere.

  7. #27
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Last edited by Gotrek; 05-05-2020 at 10:20 AM.

  8. #28
    CGN frequent flyer jw8's Avatar
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    I heard the numbers were pumped up by Chinese inter-net bots. I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to try and rush a secure military facility, but I could be wrong.
    i'll keep beer on ice, just in case lol.
    "an armed society, is a polite society"

  9. #29
    Super GunNutz hsatimmy's Avatar
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    If I were trump, first thing I did in office would be reclassify area 51

  10. #30
    CGN Regular
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    It could happen! I mean they are Americans. Hell they voted trump in and look where that’s landed them.

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