
Honestly, I've seen walk-ins have better range etiquette and a better ability to follow the rules than some of the members.

Than “some member” sure, but not the majority of members. Every time I’ve been swept by a gun at Silverdale it was by an unlicensed guest.
Honestly, I've seen walk-ins have better range etiquette and a better ability to follow the rules than some of the members.

you must be referring to the walk on's that shot over the berm , got the range closed, and eliminated walkons, and got the fees increased. bet they got off scot free.
Rise prices is in silverdale.
Shut people out silverdale
Increase memberships cost silverdale
Stop walkins silverdale.
Lack of communication with customers silverdale

Range closed... Silverdale and CFO
Range is open.
Members only and 1 guest only with a member and is members responsibility to make sure that the guest does not “sweep” other members
It’s about time if you ask me.
Membership is more money but unfortunately someone has to pay for the damage caused by these non-members
Possible 500m range in the making. So that’s definitely worth $200 more and less idiots
They will sell out all their memberships, so either join while you can or go somewhere else.
Range is open.
Members only and 1 guest only with a member and is members responsibility to make sure that the guest does not “sweep” other members
It’s about time if you ask me.
Membership is more money but unfortunately someone has to pay for the damage caused by these non-members
Possible 500m range in the making. So that’s definitely worth $200 more and less idiots
They will sell out all their memberships, so either join while you can or go somewhere else.

500 meter range and it’s worth the 500 a year to me

+1 me too! They've been building their 300 Meter range "next year" for over 4 years though... I'll gladly pay their membership fee for use of a 500 Meter range when I see it open to the membership and not a day before. I suspect they'll never open a 500 Meter range.
+1 me too! They've been building their 300 Meter range "next year" for over 4 years though... I'll gladly pay their membership fee for use of a 500 Meter range when I see it open to the membership and not a day before. I suspect they'll never open a 500 Meter range.

From what I heard the $500 membership does not include access to the 500m range. You have to qualify and pay extra for the prilivage
I was there today and the 500m range is being built. There are already some huge berms up now and I am guessing that it will be ready for summer. This is just my personal guess but there looks like quite a bit of progress made so it’s definitely going to happen. I am sure that you will have to qualify at say 200yds before moving to 500m but have not heard anything about additional fees for full members. Maybe for members with a guest.
I am renewing as I would not want to take the chance of losing my membership and end up on a waiting list for the next 2 years. I suspect the memberships will sell fast with the longer range as there is nothing else around with that kind of range and access. Borden won’t let you shoot on their long range every weekend and have to join ORA and shoot on select days only.
you must be referring to the walk on's that shot over the berm , got the range closed, and eliminated walkons, and got the fees increased. bet they got off scot free.

I have seen on several occasions where the police have rented out the 100/200 range and had waked down range and were shooting (not shooting from the benches as required by all other shooter). I am perplexed as to how they were allowed to do this as this could be a way for shots going over the berms. Makes me wonder about this apparent incident of bullets being found on another property and possible sources of these bullets.

I agree we need to introduce new people to the sport but I stopped bringing guest to Silverdale due to the way the range offices would berate and talk/shout to/at people. It did not make for a good experience for guests to see this and it happened all the time. My guests were commenting on this too often so that's when I stopped bringing new people to this range. The atmosphere could have been so different and inviting to encourage new people to get into this sport but it was not the tone the RO set.

At $500 for a membership I will pass thanks. I will believe the 500 meter range when I see it. They have been talking about a 300 meter for years now and there still is no sight of it.
Is it posted anywhere? How do you know? I'm waiting for my RPAL and I'd hate to see that happen since this is the best range by far that's remotely close to me being in the GTA.

Yeah. Basically if you live in the GTA, you're not shooting. Damn shame.
The project was stopped by the ministry of something-or-other because it was infringing on "wetlands", so the ministry claimed.
This is true and is what I heard as well, but now the plan is to reverse the range and have the benches on the wetland side and shoot the opposite direction. This is why it’s going to happen and I can’t wait. It’s like every rifle I have has a new life to live
This is true and is what I heard as well, but now the plan is to reverse the range and have the benches on the wetland side and shoot the opposite direction. This is why it’s going to happen and I can’t wait. It’s like every rifle I have has a new life to live

i heard this too from an orange shirt over the weekend -
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