Trudeau's Gun Ban and Buy Back

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There is currently about 68,000 ARs registered in canada. I'm not sure what your source is for 250,000 "Assault Weapons", but it doesn't really matter, because depending on the defition of "Assault Weapons", the number can be anywhere from 0 to a ####load.

If you count every semi-automatic rifle and shotguns as "Assault Weapons", and tried to buy them all back at fair market price (retail), you would need a lot more than 400 to 600 millions. There's probably over a million units if you just add SKS and 10-22 (no one really knows tbh), with an average market price of 350$. That's 350 million$ just for 2 types of guns. If you start piling up the pricy Daniel Defense and semi-auto shotguns, you'll quickly get to a bilion and you won't be done counting.

And that’s why the Turd won’t release the costs till well after the election cause the social justice warrior class who vote Libs knew the true costs of a “buy back” they may balk.
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Think of this for a minute.... supposedly less than 70,000 AR style assault weapons in voters hands as opposed to close to 1 million handguns in votes hands. Many many more crimes are committed with handguns than AR style guns in this country. Libs don’t want to go after the handguns cause it’s jeopardizing way too many votes in a tight election race that they can’t afford to loose. So the gutless pieces of sh@t decide the provinces and municipalities can decide for themselves to ban handguns thus extricating the Libs from that mess. This all an excercise for political gain and nothing to do with public safety, for if it were, Libs platform on guns would have looked more like PC’s with illegal guns and criminals being the target, not law abiding citizens with legally purchased property.
Well they finally came out and said it... Once again I forced myself to listen to this lying manipulative dolt.. I am beyond being polite anymore as in the last twenty minutes he has spewed more lies and false information about the firearms industry and honest Canadians..... this could be super long winded on how many lies he just stated, or statistics he skewed to make "alarming" numbers, but I will state the facts instead.

They are coming for your property.... they have said it loud and clear.

- Full ban on what they determine to be an "assault weapon"

- Buy backs for legally obtained property that they now determine to be illegal in their opinion. (assault weapons)

- Municipalities to have the power to ban handguns

The game is a foot now ladies and gentleman, unless you want to see the freedoms and liberties of every legal firearm owning Canadian stripped away from a black face wearing, mouthpiece of a lying hypocritical clown you better be voting Conservative in October...


Three points to include in your letters: Trudeau's announcement today to take the heat off his Black Sambo imagery scandal this week in a ruthless cynical ploy to deflect and throw us under the bus as firearms owners.

1) Firearms is federal jurisdiction, not provincial not municipal and it involves property rights

The idea of letting cities ban handguns; should not only be fought, but also fought with a class action lawsuit ( I am not a lawyer but there is an idea for those who are). This is a reckless the end justifies the means and firearms owners have no right to keep they private property in their own private homes as Mayor Tory of Toronto is telling people. I guess firearms owners are second class citizens? To use the disgraceful derogatory term we are just lower cast "porch monkeys" who are known for sitting on the porch eating watermelon waiting for darkness so that we can go out and find something to steal, or shoot some one as marginal personalities as firearms owners. A a firearms owners I have heard pretty much everything thrown at us to degrade, marginalize or dehumanize us in some way

2) A powerful comment made by then Justice Minister Doug Lewis in 1989 after Marc Lepine who also killed one of his victims with a knife as Doug Lewis said then after the gun control frenzy started " You cannot legislate against insanity". Please repeat these words in all of your firearms letter, and please write them on paper and PDF or fax them, but mail the original to your MP in Ottawa postage free. emails are a dime a dozen and we are under full on outright attack as firearms owners

3) Calling this matter "Gun Violence" is a discriminatory terms against us as a minority and it abdicates dealing with the basis of crime. When they say "Gun Violence" they are talking about us, not an inanimate object which is not capable of good or evil. We are the low hanging fruit; just as Japanese Canadians were when we disgracefully called them the enemy, oppressed them and stole their property in the name of national security due to the actions of Imperial Japan that they has no connection to let alone any part in. They left Imperial Japan for a better life and to escape the society of what became our enemy at the time. Canada disgraced itself ten and is disgracing itself now with another minority as firearms owners. As a WASP firearms owner growing up in Canada I know well what it is like to be black and living in the Southern United States 150 years ago. Its not a very pleasant feeling. Even as a WASP, I have never had the luxury of white privilege as I am a firearms owner in Canada. The tradition of discrimination against minorities is alive and well today in Canada; we are just another "flavor" and we are clearly not the "right color" no matter who you are as a firearms owner in Canada. Instead of the government apologizing to us in another 10-20 years how about not discriminating today? A totally radical idea?

Talking about "Gun Violence" is like calling us the N word as black people or other racial terms as towel heads, dirty Indians or dirty Japs or a range of other sicking discriminatory terms. They cannot deal with the social-economic problems in a knee jerk quick fix at the basis of crime and crazies so you and I are it as the N word or as the dirty whatever as Trudeau did when he passed the buck today
The simple fact is that Canada is changing. That a person of Trudeau’s quality can become PM speaks volumes. That he, apparently, still has the support he does is a downright frightening reflection of society.

My thoughts exactly, I think we are under control of some alien force, Canada has become a crop circle, what the hell happened?
The joke is they wont give you a dime for the extra mags and other costly accessories you have for that newly contraband smoke pole.

As it was said earlier... he's just changing the subject from Blackface. Classic move. Beware of any politician that goes on a gun rant, he's really just distracting us from what sleazy other moves he's making.

Why would they even offer a dime for your extra mags? Keep them! Use them for tomato stakes if you want.

Think of this for a minute.... supposedly less than 70,000 AR style assault weapons in voters hands as opposed to close to 1 million handguns in votes hands. Many many more crimes are committed with handguns than AR style guns in this country. Libs don’t want to go after the handguns cause it’s jeopardizing way too many votes in a tight election race that they can’t afford to loose. So the gutless pieces of sh@t decide the provinces and municipalities can decide for themselves to ban handguns thus extricating the Libs from that mess. This all an excercise for political gain and nothing to do with public safety, for if it were, Libs platform on guns would have looked more like PC’s with illegal guns and criminals being the target, not law abiding citizens with legally purchased property.

I highly doubt handgun owners are breathing a sigh of relief right now. They are lumped in with the "assault weapon" gang whether they like it or not. All firearms owners had better realize, and I think they do, fudd or not, the day of reckoning has arrived.
No, they’ll still be federally regulated with all the same restrictions, but provinces will be able to impose FURTHER restrictions.

Example: Flight training is federally regulated. However, they’ve allowed Ontario’s Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development to impose the Provincial Private Careers College Act On flight schools as well. The province can impose additional requirements and restrictions, but not undo any of the CARs.

When the long gun registry was still in effect the Solicitor General for Alberta told the courts to stay any charges that were simple possess unregistered long gun. He knew it was a dumb law that would destroy lives for cheap political points.
Great posts guys! I also recommend taking your friends to the range instead of isolating ourselves and attacking one another. Many people are scared of guns because they have never seen, touched, heard or fired a gun themselves. We need to be active and get people involved, and/or participating, in our way of life. Nothing is more effective to a cause than winning hearts and minds.
can't wait to drive into the city to drive back into the country to shoot at my club, makes a lot of ####ing sense.

I would guess the ranges themselves will be the central lockup, which would require huge infastructure/documentation ect funding. That on top of the hundreds of millions in buyback costs, gee the taxpayers are going to love these next coming years.
the Turd wont do ####,,he had 4 years,all he did was flap hi ignorant french lips,stuttering like a fool,anything to keep those crazy anti-gun chicks in Montreal in check,now he's flapping his gums to try and get votes,but almost everyone i talk to that not into guns think he's an idiot and dont believe a word he says about guns,and think he's an ignorant Libtard.
What frightens me the that some ppl are actually stupid enough to split the conservative vote because they don't like the conservative leader...….

I couldn't care less if it was Donald Duck, spongebob squarepants…..or my neighbors dog leading the conservative party.....I will still vote for the CPC.....everybody needs to put their pettiness aside and concentrate on getting the liberals OUT...

Voting for the conservative party of Canada is the ONLY way to get them out...

People really need to understand this....

Amen to that brother.
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