Over seventy-five thousand - 75,634 - AR-15s currently registered to individuals

True North Arms Corp

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In July we filed an Access to Information request with the RCMP, asking for the number of AR-15s* registered to individuals. The number was 75,634 as of August 14, 2019.

*specifically, "the number of firearms that are considered a variant of the M16/AR-15 as per SOR/98-462".

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$1000.00 to $1500.00 a piece so $75,000,000.00 $110,000,000.00 to start for ARs.

How many SKSs out there? $?

How many total black rifles? $?

And the accessories?????

How much for the Pony Soldiers to visit each house?

Heard New Zealand has full cooperation from responsible gunowners........................................
Average of 1500 dollars each that's $113,451,000 that could be used to combat the real cause of gun violence in this country instead of buying back at fair market value
You're not going to get anything over a couple hundred dollars for your rifle. AT BEST you'll get 15% of what you paid. Look no further than New Zealand's model
Those amounts don’t even begin to scratch the surface. That’s just the price they may have to pay to “buy them back”. There will be hundreds of millions needed to be spent to put forth the infrastructure to even commence a “buy back”. Plus that’s just AR’s. This will go deeper than AR’s. The true cost of a buy back will be in the billions. There’s a reason they didn’t say what their estimated cost would be because the truth would sink them. Taxes are already going to have to go way up to pay for his spending this would send them soaring.
Average of 1500 dollars each that's $113,451,000 that could be used to combat the real cause of gun violence in this country instead of buying back at fair market value

It is very doubtful that a Liberal govt. will pay anywhere near $1500 for an AR ; the Govt. will decide what fair market value is , and if the gun owner does not like it , the police will seize the firearm regardless . I suspect that the Govt. idea of fair market value will be about $ 300 bucks per gun . Anyway you look at it , the owner of the firearm will get screwed .
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