GSG-16 Clarification of NR Status

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Give us a proof of american GSG-16 non restricted status at the time of your import and sale to Canadian customers

Why, it saids on the rcmp you cant import prohibited firearms as new import. Now i do not know if that applies to business firearm licence as well or not. I would assume no. Because why would they allow an importer brings in 50 to 100 prohibited rifle just to sit on them
BL announced that vague pricing at a time when IRG had already announced theirs, so its anyone's guess what price BL had planned before that.


This reminds of of ICBC, they monopolize insurance for so long that we no longer care how much we pay for car insurance. When i got a new car last year, i was pissed that i had to pay 4000$ a year. Now that i have gone private, because there are competitions and choices, i picked bcaa and i paid 1800$ for the exact same coverage.
This reminds of of ICBC, they monopolize insurance for so long that we no longer care how much we pay for car insurance. When i got a new car last year, i was pissed that i had to pay 4000$ a year. Now that i have gone private, because there are competitions and choices, i picked bcaa and i paid 1800$ for the exact same coverage.

$1800 is way to much still
This reminds of of ICBC, they monopolize insurance for so long that we no longer care how much we pay for car insurance. When i got a new car last year, i was pissed that i had to pay 4000$ a year. Now that i have gone private, because there are competitions and choices, i picked bcaa and i paid 1800$ for the exact same coverage.

I pay 900$ USD a year for insurance just 5 miles from the Canadian border it was almost 2500$ a year in BC.
Zero at fault accidents.
BL said they were contacted by police (both, on forum and on phone with Yuoza (if you listen to phone call)). BL also listed FRT dated September showing ATI model listed as prohibited.

It seems simple - conflicted FRTs, cops investigate, FRT is updated. End of story, but for stupid choice of words that created drama and accusations
They want to have the rcmp prohibit their competitors product while keeping theirs non restricted. See how well that strategy worked out the last time someone tried that...

When you are dumb enough to send in one of your own rifles as a control sample that turns out to be prohib with the competitors non restricted rifle, you are kind of asking for it
^ Hey Assasdasasd-hat don’t be a trolling do proper homework.

I too don’t get all the hostility. BLS might b pissed cuz IRG undercut. So what. As a consumer I got a great rifle for a solid price from a first to market dealer who beat out the next guy down the street. This is proper free market competition in my mind. Sure, IRG might never pick up the phone, and I might be using their free t-shirt to wash my car (don’t worry IRG I have a really nice car lol) but if you think BLS is going to send you a Christmas card for being a ‘loyal’ customer I think you’d b sadly mistaken.

Did GSG/ATI screw up their territories? Maybe. But IRG customers benefited while BLS shipments are still outstanding. Both would have gone through the same ports and customs scrutiny. The one better at executing in their route to market won. It’s that simple.
If it was another competitor that contacted the rcmp to push for prohibited status than they are taking actions that are directly affecting us as Canadian gun owners.I don't know who reported it but if it was a competitor i would think a total boycott of their site would be in order.It doesn't affect me on this particular firearm but i could on future ones.
Ordered one from IRG yesterday, they actually even called my home to let me know my shipment was ready.
Tracking number by mid afternoon.
Blue line still has many orders outstanding.
Enough said.
We are moving on and will be locking this thread…

We would like to leave you with this realistic thought:

Given all the high-profile firearm related offences or arrests in the last few months compounded with an election and a hungry Liberal party trying to make a statement, do you really think the RCMP

with an unlimited amount of resources,
access to the criminal code,
the Canadian firearms program,
the FRT,
SSFS Inspection Services,

compounded with all the information on the GSG-16 rifle that was submitted for classification and a detachment less then two miles from us, why not stop in and say hi, why would they reach out to another exporter?

An exporter who is our competition, and our only competition on this platform who’s GSG-16’s were 4 weeks out and who has had everyone posting pictures of our rifles on their forums.

What benefit, guidance or information could the RCMP possibly receive from Blueline other then their frustration and distaste for us…. Then, the RCMP turns around and contacts us, I don't think that is how an investigation works...

Or is it a possibility Blue Line had enough and decided to reach out to the BC CFO and stir the pot even further, possibly imploding the whole thing considering they had already called and complained to anyone who would listen at ATI and even GSG in Germany got involved several weeks ago.

We are also not sure where this came from, this is not part of the FRT


Have a great Thanks Giving weekend.



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