V3 Survivalist Give Away!!

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Gravel Agency

Expired Industry Member
We haven't had a contest in awhile and figured it's time to get more semi autos into the hands of legal firearms owners.

Being the V3 survivalist we are hoping we survive this election and seeing as we can't sacrifice a goat, we are going to sacrifice (give away) a V3 Survivalist.

So, if you'd like to win one, feel free to post a comment about the Survivalist or the Goat on here ;) That will be your entry to the contest.

We'll do a random draw on the day of the election Oct 21st at 12:00 EST

*No goats were harmed during the making of this post



PAL Required to take possession of the V3 Survivalist
A goat a day keep the doctor away
This v3 survivalist looks awesome with the macheteee and the scabbard
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