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Thread: Action: Gun Ban is a Western Alienation Issue

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Prince Albert, Sk
    Well, my letter is drafted , how is everybody else doing?

  2. #42
    CGN Regular mctrigger's Avatar
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    Southern Alberta.
    Sent. We certainly need to stick together and impede Trudeaus country destroying actions.

  3. #43
    CGN Regular sledge's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    We need to call this the "DIVISIVE gun ban on semi autos targeting western gun owners".
    Greentips is on to something. Linking an attack on gun owners, and we know Albertans like their guns, as part of Western alienation is a good political move.
    UNPROFOR 94/95, SFOR 2001
    Member of the CCFR and CPC.
    If you are not donating $20/month to the CPC then you are not serious about owning and keeping your guns.

  4. #44
    CGN Regular
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    It's a smart move, for sure. Talk to your MP's. Mine is a staunch conservative, and I definitely plan to talk to him about this.

    It also doesn't preclude western separation. Personally, I would LOVE to see Saskatchewan, Alberta and most of BC (except Greater Vancouver and VI, due to all the bloody leftist whackjobs and crack heads) form a new country. Imagine how powerful a country it would be - Saskatchewan's fertile farmland, Alberta's oil and BC's timber and a port at Prince Rupert to ship it all to the world. Awesome.

    Up with the Western Republic!

  5. #45
    CGN frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by dizzy View Post
    Here is my solution for western Alienation Its time Alberta becomes a State, and leaves the federation behind. We have 95% of Canada's Energy and our neighbours are smoking us out with resistance to pipelines.
    And this gets you a pipeline through Canada or the US how exactly?

    3.3% of the Canadian population voted conservative in Alberta during the election, which would work out to something like .33% of the US population. To quote 3:10 to Yuma: "Sometimes a man has to be big enough to see how small he is". Except in this case a province.

    The conceit is that most of you voted conservative so that in the first past the post system you count as almost all blue. But that is the same mechanism that allows the Liberals without even winning the popular vote to skate to a "victory" (insert sick emogi). It is time to start playing by the adult rules.


    I think the liberals will be looking for a reason not to do the gun bill: a) bad politics in a minority; b) stupid, stupid, to get rid of a wedge issue when you are facing another election at any time.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Only Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by ponymusic View Post
    Actually, you would skip back to full auto, not ahead. The same as we skipped back from the long gun registry, not ahead.
    Alright thanks for the technicality

  7. #47
    CGN frequent flyer ReverendX's Avatar
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    Sounds like the typical Canadian thing to do..

    The West does all the work and the East has a free ride.

    +1 for western seperation

  8. #48
    Administrator greentips's Avatar
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    Many of us in the firearms community voted for the CPC, and many of us are in Alberta and Sask. It is time to remind the MPs we elect to push forth our issues concerning firearms if there is going to be open negotiation with the Federal government.

    This is an opportunity where we can get our elected federal CPC MPs and PC provincial MPPs to bring our issue to the bargaining table with Trudeau ( the reason we support them in the first place ) If there is going to be a grand bargain between the west and the Fed, we need to make sure the Liberals know that the "Toronto" gun ban has the same weight as carbon tax and the pipeline road block, which will not be accepted by the constituents in the Western provinces.

    Please send all private messages on CGN admin issues to "CGN Admin" account

  9. #49
    CGN frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longarm9 View Post
    It's a smart move, for sure. Talk to your MP's. Mine is a staunch conservative, and I definitely plan to talk to him about this.

    It also doesn't preclude western separation. Personally, I would LOVE to see Saskatchewan, Alberta and most of BC (except Greater Vancouver and VI, due to all the bloody leftist whackjobs and crack heads) form a new country. Imagine how powerful a country it would be - Saskatchewan's fertile farmland, Alberta's oil and BC's timber and a port at Prince Rupert to ship it all to the world. Awesome.

    Up with the Western Republic!
    Yeah, just as soon as Brexit happens, Quebec separation, South Oregon breaks off, and California splits in 3. Or maybe the people that make a living at frustrating that stuff are smarter than the people that propose it. Just for starters we are setting up for a nice little study that links AR-15 ownership to western separatism. While I can see that as a positive for the people who want to divide western separatists, I don't see the positives for gun owners in printing up tin foil hats with "Save Our Guns" on them.

  10. #50
    CGN Regular
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    I just sent this to my MP (Conservative):

    Hello Mr. Strahl,

    Firstly, congratulations on your re-election. I voted early, and my vote was for you. I was surely hoping to topple the most disastrous government and the most corrupt Prime Minister in Canadian history, but unfortunately we in the west have once again been cheated out of our political voice by an unfair distribution of ridings that heavily favours the east. If there weren't at least 23 more ridings in the east that should be in the west based on population, we would have Andrew Scheer as our PM right now.

    Having said that, we have much work ahead of us, and I hope you will continue being a strong voice in parliament, as you have consistently been. I am writing to you to bring up the issue of Justin Trudeau's proposed gun bans. The liberals know full well that gun bans do absolutely nothing to reduce crime, and only target law abiding gun owners.

    What I hope you will also help make very clear to him and his government is that gun bans are absolutely unacceptable, especially in the west, and they are one of many factors driving western alienation. The lawful, responsible use of firearms is a cherished and very long standing tradition in the west, and we will absolutely not tolerate his outrageous attack on our property rights. I hope you make it clear to him that if he wants to have any shred of hope of saving the federation, he had better hard reverse on gun bans and start actually targeting criminals and their smuggling networks, not law abiding target shooters, hunters and competition shooters.

    It may already be too late, to be perfectly frank. Western Canada is beyond sick of the eastern provinces dictating to us, sucking up our resources and giving us essentially nothing in return. There is a very real possibility that if Justin Trudeau attempts to steal the lawful property of Canadian gun owners, he will be driving the last nail in the coffin of confederation and igniting the spark that leads to the west separating from Canada forever. I hope you will make this issue clear to him, as I am confident you will be hearing similar sentiments from other constituents in the near future.

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