GSG 16 Bolt Catch Spring

I think there should be a sticky about that damn spring lol

I second that. Let our errors be others caution.

That Bic pencil spring worked perfectly without me cutting any coils off or stretching it. No mods whatsoever. Getting the spring out of the pencil was the hardest part.

I had seen the video on the 522 before I got mine so I always paid attention to the spring. So far it has not fallen out once, but I will probably keep a couple of those bic’s around just for good measure. Thanks for figuring out such an easy to source replacement!
So this spring will pop out of the gun during the recommended disassembly for cleaning?
I just did that and don't recall seeing a spring. I'll check out the video.
My spring popped out as well. I almost lost it. looked everywhere. Finally found in inside the gun stuck to the side. Was a very happy moment. My son was looking at me like whys dad going so nuts lol. I think im gonna put a lil piece of black electrical tape over it so it doesn't go missing again. hope that helps me. Good to hear about the bic tho if it does go missing.
I'm in the same dilemma, except mine must have popped out after about 100 rds at the range. Slide locked back, wouldn't charge. Had to use a small tool to push the lever down while holding the bolt back to get it to go forward. No doubt it fell out of the mag well and ended up on the floor.

UPDATE: By sheer luck, we had a bic mech pencil. Did as you guys said, works like a charm !!! Thanks all !
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Try putting a generous amount of white lithium grease on the spring and channel it sits in. It'll help keep it in place when assembling/disassembling the gun and won't cause the spring to bind.
Like many of you, first time taking down my gsg-16 tn. Upon reassembly, remembered a note about that spring from a youtube video I watched. Check to make sure it was there, and it was not. Spent about an hour with HID lights scouring my garage floor and work bench area. Finally decided to call it a night and see how much a replacement would cost. Put the gun back together, springless, put her back in the safe and called it a night.... That's when I happened across this thread....

Tore down a bic pencil for the spring and went to reinstall. With the gun tore down, got my son to hold the light up so I could see what the hell was going on and wouldn't you know it, the slide catch lever spring was captured within the coils of the re-coil spring. Some tiny picks and a few swear words later and she's back in the safe, all parts accounted for.

So two take always. I compared the bic spring to the OEM spring and there is not much difference. I will keep the bic spring on hand for future cleanings. Second take away, if you are in a similar situation to my own, make sure you thoroughly examine all internal components as your spring may just be hiding out as well.
Question is, how do you hold the rifle in order to prevent the spring from falling out...?
I gave it a little dab of grease so that it sticks more in place. I always go to the hobby store parts section for odd replacement parts like that.
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