So where are we now?

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Well damn, looks like I may end in J/K wing of Kent after all. Sucks, but I really don't want to give into this tyrannical gun grab and since I don't have any childrens, I think this may have to be my line in the sand. I'll go peacefully, but I'm betting all of my firearms get "stolen" the night before.
First rule for success… Never rely on one but yourself to take care of business.
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Yes we gave seen the rise of populism, but we're also seeing the rejection of it as well. Look at the reaction to Doug Ford, and Maxime Bernier. Look at Britain. Populism is a reaction to disenfranchisement, and people are starting to react.
Yes we gave seen the rise of populism, but we're also seeing the rejection of it as well. Look at the reaction to Doug Ford, and Maxime Bernier. Look at Britain. Populism is a reaction to disenfranchisement, and people are starting to react.

Populism is tricky. I don't think we've seen anything but the beginning of that wave. It will ebb and flow for the next 10 years.
Canada has seen the rise of the city states--like in Europe in the Middle Ages.
The population centres and knowledge industry and service jobs are
increasingly centred in just three places: Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

These are populations that are younger, more educated, ethnically diverse, and tolerant
socially of issues like ### marriage, abortion, and the environment.

You cannot win a majority government without winning a substantial number of these seats.
This is the political reality of Canada today.
So the liberal voter is younger, better educated , tolerant. So following your logic conservative voter is the opposite to that. You should do a better research my friend to really understand why libs hold the power
If I were younger without so many responsibilities and a family, I would gladly stand firm and not hand in squat if the hammer came down. Unfortunately martyring myself will only hurt those around me. I'm going to resist up to the point they knock on the door, and even then they are only getting the restricteds back.

Unlike most here, I'm fully aware that from a legal standpoint the restricted firearms are in reality signed over to the state from the get go. We are only their temporary custodians. This is why when C68 came into force the registration aspect was almost as important as the licencing. A registered gun will be an eventual confiscated gun.
This is why I'm de-restricting as many firearms in my collection as possible, to reclaim legal ownership of them.

To be a devils advocate, a gun "buyback" is factual when it comes to your restricted firearms. A "buyback" is confiscation when it comes to your non-restricted (not registered) firearms. Both are theft in reality but legally one is correct in terminology.
So the liberal voter is younger, better educated , tolerant. So following your logic conservative voter is the opposite to that. You should do a better research my friend to really understand why libs hold the power

I did not read anything in the post you quoted to infer anything about the conservative voter? Like Wolverine had hoped, and I myself, this thread is for good positive ideas and discussion. I believe more younger people are better informed with information at their fingertips than any generation before!

Instead of taking offence to your interpretation of what someone has said ask for some more information to base your decision off of. Just like I will ask of you, please save me a lot of time and inform me as to the real reasons why the liberals hold the power? I am really interested in how they can do it with all the really bad decisions they have made?
I sent my incumbent Liberal MP an email to ask that they reconsider their gun control program going into 2020. I just noted that gun owners are a minority in Canada. When taking away their property for a non fact based laws they are not doing their jobs as law makers. Given that law biding gun owners are statistically the most law biding Canadians, their proposal will effectively waste 250-500 Million $ with little benefit to the public.

I acknowledged that they said they'd spend 250 million on communities in the cities but asked the question "what if we had spent 2 billion $ on those communities back in 1995-2005 instead of the failed long gun registry?" I implored her to not make the same mistake again.

I also asked that they consider making their commitment to those communities more of a long term thing as a quick 3 year commitment historically will not work.

I just wanted to get my opinion to her now while they're forming cabinet and planning their path forward as a government. Last time they came out the gate and said, yeah that whole this will be the last first past the post election thing.... not gonna do it!!! hahahahahahaa!!!!. Hopefully on Nov.20 they will be silent on the gun file because of all the larger issues to tackle. I think we all know, gun control seems to be low hanging fruit for the liberals though....
If I were younger without so many responsibilities and a family, I would gladly stand firm and not hand in squat if the hammer came down. Unfortunately martyring myself will only hurt those around me. I'm going to resist up to the point they knock on the door, and even then they are only getting the restricteds back.

Unlike most here, I'm fully aware that from a legal standpoint the restricted firearms are in reality signed over to the state from the get go. We are only their temporary custodians. This is why when C68 came into force the registration aspect was almost as important as the licencing. A registered gun will be an eventual confiscated gun.
This is why I'm de-restricting as many firearms in my collection as possible, to reclaim legal ownership of them.

To be a devils advocate, a gun "buyback" is factual when it comes to your restricted firearms. A "buyback" is confiscation when it comes to your non-restricted (not registered) firearms. Both are theft in reality but legally one is correct in terminology.

Buy back. What a joke. I bought the gun with my hard earned money. Now JT is offering to buyback my gun with money that he took from me in the form of taxes. If he wants to buy them back why not with his own money?
did not read anything in the post you quoted to infer anything about the conservative voter? Like Wolverine had hoped, and I myself, this thread is for good positive ideas and discussion. I believe more younger people are better informed with information at their fingertips than any generation before!

Instead of taking offence to your interpretation of what someone has said ask for some more information to base your decision off of. Just like I will ask of you, please save me a lot of time and inform me as to the real reasons why the liberals hold the power? I am really interested in how they can do it with all the really bad decisions they have made?
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How libs retain power? Let's see.. Main stream media payed and controlled by left, constantly brainwashing the population, education controlled by left, brainwashing kids as soon as they enter the system, manufacturing future voters, corrupted unions , importing future voters from overseas . Soon we will be stuck with liberals forever. Libs are very, very good in social engineering
every liberal MP should be getting a letter from gun owners in their riding that express their solidarity with those in the west who wish to separate from Liberal Canada.

My riding is true blue but I am still sending cathy mcleod the same message. If Trudeau is allowed to pass any more legislation that affect firearms owners or if an OIC against any firearms in Canada are brought forth, my support of the conservative party will end and I will be 100% supporting separation of the west.
every liberal MP should be getting a letter from gun owners in their riding that express their solidarity with those in the west who wish to separate from Liberal Canada.

My riding is true blue but I am still sending cathy mcleod the same message. If Trudeau is allowed to pass any more legislation that affect firearms owners or if an OIC against any firearms in Canada are brought forth, my support of the conservative party will end and I will be 100% supporting separation of the west.
West separation will never happen, I would love to be wrong on this one
If/when the AR15 ban/buyback happens, what exactly would be banned? A complete rifle, complete lower or just the stripped lower ? Any ideas?
If it's the lower , can it be somehow substituted?

How libs retain power? Let's see..

Thank you for the great insight, great observances. It does sound as though you did read some of my first post on page 2 of this forum.

Others here with more internet savvy than I have added actual articles and quotes from individuals who stand up for our rights and offer evidence that none of the Liberal BS propaganda will make Toronto any safer but the illusion of doing something to stop gun violence at our(firearms owners) expense, property wise(firearms restrictions/confiscation) and financially(done so with our own money=taxes against us) always seems to work for the Liberals! The 2 billion wasted on the long gun registry as a prime example was pointed out in this thread but it took years for the general public to realize it was all smoke and mirrors and a huge waste of taxpayers money and did not make the world a safer place! Only then were more people outside of the firearms community unhappy with the liberals.

It would be interesting if there are any videos of, or minutes of the consultations the Liberals did with the firearms industry professionals across Canada like Wolverine or even the RCMP/police forces, that we could get our hands on to show the rest of the population that they got real answers but they were not the ones that fit with their agenda so they chose to ignore them. Technical, professional, medical, political, industry people who have all said these types of actions have no effect on gun violence and have been ignored. The Liberals are grandstanding again going after the low hanging fruit of a group they already have on file rather than actually addressing some of the issues they are engineering that you refer to.

The Liberals have no shame when talking about all the great things they will do in the future for Canada and the world and spend like drunken sailors on shore leave ( no offence to sailors meant here, you guys deserve to let off some steam)to buy their next election worth of votes from any group they can secure with handouts! After all, it's not their own money, they know that's all secure off shore, in family trusts or their own charities that they administer or work for.

Social issues are what the Liberals thrive on and they are masters at it, just look at how their leader always seems to find himself in some sort of pile of cr"p he has dug himself into but always manages to come up again finding a gold ring in the pile! The best free advertising a politician could get but here in Canada they run the media so not a big deal. In the US lot's of powerful men are before the courts for things they have done or said to women. The courts will decide the outcomes of those issues. Here in Canada we get, well she has her story and I have mine and that appears to be the end of it? Again south of the boarder they want to impeach a man for allegedly calling another countries leader up to ask for some info on a political rival. Here the ex president of a country gives the Liberal leader an endorsement on international media and that is somehow not interfering with our election process?

Social issues like immigration or cultural issues are very touchy subjects, buying votes off of it from different groups across Canada however is not and they know that and use it like magic!

I find it hard to believe that social media is having such an influence in our lives, the world we live in and how it operates! World leaders have all stopped and listened to a 16 year old blast them on how bad they have been treating the earth. Years ago she would have been told to go to your room young lady. Youth around the world have rallied to her cry and protested and marched etc. Maybe it is these youth we need to get actively involved in our community with hunting and the shooting sports? The only time I can remember in Canada's history that 15 or 16 year olds made more of an impact was when they lied about their age so the could go to Europe to fight the axis forces so we could have the freedoms we see slipping away slowly being done to us by our governments because they know best for us!

I ask that we can be civil and grow together as a community. If you can find the list that has been put on gun nutz in the past of how far reaching New Zealand's rules go, like including the 870 and 1022's talk about it at your clubs and ranges. Get more people talking. I hope the organizations we have been paying our dues to can get along enough to work together on this, our industry members can work collectively and mount some strategies and find some ways of informing the more general public in urban centers across our great nation that the Liberal minority government will offer them the moon at the lowest cost ever to be determined at a later date though. Then it's up to the next winningest political party to dig the country out of massive debt at all of our expense, we the tax payers of Canada.
It's time to stop talking and do something, we will lose if we keep our heads down, CSSA, NFA, CCFR and all of the business owners associated with shooting sport and hunting should lead us to a peaceful demonstration, we are not criminals and we should not hide!
It's time to stop talking and do something, we will lose if we keep our heads down, CSSA, NFA, CCFR and all of the business owners associated with shooting sport and hunting should lead us to a peaceful demonstration, we are not criminals and we should not hide!

Agreed. Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal need to be shown there are thousands of people not happy with the Liberals plans regarding firearms. First its the AR and then the municipalities will rage against handguns. Peaceful protest will at least have to be covered by the media.
we need to be heard! we are not the problem of the violence, Liberal policies are! majority of people don"t know Canadian gun laws, Liberals are scaring people with guns that's why we lost this election. just to give you an idea I had a family dinner the other day and one of my relatives said that she will vote for the party witch will ban guns! and that is how they pooled it this time!
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