22rd magazine missing two screws


New member
The magazine came with my GSG16 is missing two screws out of the box. I have submitted warranty form online, what is the expected wait time to hear back from Blue Line Solutions?
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If I paid for a screw, & didn't get it, let alone a double screw! I'd be p*ssed too~ g/l
I have a complaint, my 22-round magazines actually hold 23 rounds. Now I’ll run out of ammo faster..

Seriously though hope you get your screws. Let’s see how this warranty works. Though, most decent companies would just send you the screws no questions asked.
If I paid for a screw, & didn't get it, let alone a double screw! I'd be p*ssed too~ g/l

Yes, but would you not pick up the phone and call them first?
Just because one has sent an email doesnt mean it will be resolved in as a timely fashion like picking up the hardline and calling and speaking to someone.
Yes, but would you not pick up the phone and call them first?
Just because one has sent an email doesnt mean it will be resolved in as a timely fashion like picking up the hardline and calling and speaking to someone.

Time zones, work schedules, long distance charges while on hold, are all things that need to be considered, e-mail is the easiest at times, and if the vendor has an email address they should respond to it, otherwise they shouldn't have it.
The trigger adjustment screw didn't come with my gun as it was supposed to so as directed by my vendor I emailed Blue Line. Never got a reply to my email but the screw showed up a couple of days ago so obviously they received it and did respond promptly to my request. I imagine they are pretty busy with the GSG-16 orders so I would cut them a little slack. I do agree that it would keep customers a lot happier if even a simple "We got your email" reply was issued so people weren't left hanging. I'm sure they will make good on the issue, however.
Time zones, work schedules, long distance charges while on hold, are all things that need to be considered, e-mail is the easiest at times, and if the vendor has an email address they should respond to it, otherwise they shouldn't have it.

Here is a tip for the long distance call.
Canutel 10-10-710 then the 1 and the area code followed by the number.
.99 cents for an hour to anywhere in continental North America.
The time zone is a laugh, Toronto the Center of Canada and the rest of the country has to work around the time change...
Love those guys in Newfoundland where they have their own unique time zone.
When it is time to watch the late news at 10:00 pm its 10:30 in Newfoundland !
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I received an update from Blue Line on Nov 7, which says they are sending out 2 screws to me for $0. The description is 2x GSG-16 magazine lip screws RA A441

It's been one month passed by, I still have not received them.
Yes, but would you not pick up the phone and call them first?
Just because one has sent an email doesnt mean it will be resolved in as a timely fashion like picking up the hardline and calling and speaking to someone.

If everybody did that, we'd have nothing to talk about.
Time zones, work schedules, long distance charges while on hold, are all things that need to be considered, e-mail is the easiest at times, and if the vendor has an email address they should respond to it, otherwise they shouldn't have it.

Long distance charges? Most cell phone plans have Canada wide calling included. I haven't paid long distance charges in Canada for over 5 years.
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