Modern Sporter update Nov 12 2019 FURTHER UPDATE DEC 10

Any updates for December ATRS?

I ask myself this question every morning when I wake up...

We've got more receivers back here from anodizing, more coming back from anodizing later this week, and more going up as well... The only answer I can really give you is we're going as absolutely fast as we can. I believe at this point, all of the Run2 lowers are finished with the first two operations, the vast majority are past the 3rd op. We hired a new guy to help with surface prep, sanding, blasting, etc to help with the back log. Anodizing has been doing quick turnarounds for us, and it looks like we've got some more rear-pins that are going out to nitriding here.. I'm really hoping to have everything out the door by year end.

Probably no change in the week since Shawn posted this...
I'm having anxiety about the email ending up in my junk mail and being buried in ###### ads.

I too have anxiety about it ending up in junk mail.

But I don’t have ###### ads. Must not be searching google for the same things as you :)
“ Picking up more lowers from the anodizer tomorrow”

It’s dumping snow is Edmonton, qe2 is real bad. Feel feee to toss my set out the window when you’re driving through Nisku lol
Will you be posting here when your finished shipping the 2nd run , like you did when you completed the first ?

Maybe, maybe not. We encountered a strange phenomenon where the more forthcoming we were with information, the more questions/phone calls/emails we got about "is mine ready???". That's pretty much the reason our updates are so cryptic and far spread now.
“ Picking up more lowers from the anodizer tomorrow”

It’s dumping snow is Edmonton, qe2 is real bad. Feel feee to toss my set out the window when you’re driving through Nisku lol

The roads SUCKED!!!!!! But I made it round trip without issue, much more than I can sday about the 50 or 60 guys who now have rhubarb rash on their vehicles.
The lengths I go to to make you guys happy. Sheeesh
The roads SUCKED!!!!!! But I made it round trip without issue, much more than I can sday about the 50 or 60 guys who now have rhubarb rash on their vehicles.
The lengths I go to to make you guys happy. Sheeesh

Haha the joys of owning a business...working 80hr weeks so that we don’t have to work 40hr weeks for someone else
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