Sad day for Nikon Scopes...

Thread: Sad day for Nikon Scopes...

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  1. Prophet River's Avatar

    Prophet River said:

    Sad day for Nikon Scopes...

    We have had confirmation that there will be no more Nikon scopes
    Its too bad, as they have been one of the best value scopes in the business. We have truly enjoyed working with Nikon Canada and our rep, Travis. In many recent years we sold more Nikon scopes by unit number, than all other brands combined. It is very difficult to exceed the quality of the nikon lenses in their price range. We love these scopes and will miss them in our lineup.
    Good news is we have a decent inventory now, including a few of the old models.

    Do not worry about warranty as the company is still around and they will do something, perhaps giving a cash voucher for and scope that malfunctions (will follow up with details as they become available)
    Thanks again to Nikon Canada for the years of business and in particular to Travis and his pro staff team. We will miss you at the Calgary gun show and on our customer appreciation days.
    inquiries - 780-875-0575 /
    Prophet River Firearms
    4206 66th Ave
    Lloydminster, AB
    T9V 3S9
  2. jiffx2781's Avatar

    jiffx2781 said:
    Seriously, what's up? Is Nikon no longer manufacturing scopes period? Or is this only a Nikon Canada issue?

    "Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon..... No matter how good you are, the bird is going to s#!t on the board and strut around like it won anyway."
  3. RyoTHC said:
    Quote Originally Posted by jiffx2781 View Post
    Seriously, what's up? Is Nikon no longer manufacturing scopes period? Or is this only a Nikon Canada issue?

    I’d be willing to guess the company is trying to distance itself from guns and “military sniper rifles” .
  4. Clayton Bigsby's Avatar

    Clayton Bigsby said:
    Wow. That’s real unfortunate. Lots of good products.
  5. Prophet River's Avatar

    Prophet River said:
    Quote Originally Posted by jiffx2781 View Post
    Seriously, what's up? Is Nikon no longer manufacturing scopes period? Or is this only a Nikon Canada issue?

    It seems its more of an economical issue. Rifle scopes are a tiny portion of their sales and its almost totally a North American market for them while their other products are worldwide. USA sales, apparently, have been quite soft. Its really quite hard to believe as, although we are one small independent retailer, the number of Nikon scopes we see go out is almost unbelievable.
    inquiries - 780-875-0575 /
    Prophet River Firearms
    4206 66th Ave
    Lloydminster, AB
    T9V 3S9
  6. kolik1's Avatar

    kolik1 said:
    Truly unfortunate. I love my monarch, and I have friends and family that love their Prostaff's. I guess they had too high of a value factor to remain viable to the company.
  7. vpsalin's Avatar

    vpsalin said:
    More then half the scopes on my gear are Nikons
  8. BigRobb's Avatar

    BigRobb said:
    They will continue to sell rangefinders, binoculars and spotting scopes. For the birdwatchers and golfers I guess.
  9. Shooter1971's Avatar

    Shooter1971 said:
    Best bang for buck
  10. TA0502 said:
    Awwww, I was just about to switch to Nikon from Vortex.