++OFFICIAL PRE-ORDER++MORE COMING++ for GSG-16 9 in. Barrels From Dlask Arms Corp.

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They like taking money fast, and answer all questions during pre order, after they get our money they say stop bothering us with your niggly questions!
It’s true... wouldn’t kill them to have an updated ETA, or set benchmark dates for an update in advance. Maybe I’ll call and ask for an update.
It’s true... wouldn’t kill them to have an updated ETA, or set benchmark dates for an update in advance. Maybe I’ll call and ask for an update.

Probably get pissed off at you, and say "NO BARREL FOR YOU" And then come here, and say that they had to shut down production, to respond. I think they can take 5mins and update customers. A machine shop isn't a sweat shop.
I'll just throw this out there since dlask won't comment.

Has anyone who ordered a barrel in the first pre order been contacted by dlask?

I'll start.

I'll just throw this out there since dlask won't comment.

Has anyone who ordered a barrel in the first pre order been contacted by dlask?

I'll start.


I am on the first batch and still havent heard anything yet but no stress... Leigh will let us know when they are done
I am on the first batch and still havent heard anything yet but no stress... Leigh will let us know when they are done

Morning danzMtl,

Thank you Sir for being mature and confident and for respecting the "don't call us, we'll call you" request for updates, we GREATLY appreciate it.

And here is the update for Monday, March 2. We are still waiting for the thread adapters from the CNC turning shop, they are delayed, nothing we can do about it. Barrels themselves though are here back from bluing and are being installed into the complete rifles we have.

And to those of you that comment on me not posting updates as quickly as YOU'D like....Frankie says ....RELAX. I understand that this is an exciting project for you all but it is not the be-all, end-all for us. We in fact spent the ENTIRE week last week dealing with the cancellation of the IWA Outdoor Show and did not even give these barrels a thought. (Since the adapters weren't ready so we couldn't work on them anyways). It's called energy prioritization.

As I have posted numerous times here already....we are working on this project and when the parts are all ready for sale we will contact people in batches in the same order of whom ordered first. If this upsets you then call me and cancel your order so it doesn't cause you unneeded stress and a trip to your safe space.
Did you guys get a chance to test out that fixed stock that you ordered to see if it will fit and if it’s something you will bring in and instal on the completed rifles for those who want the fixed stock?
Morning danzMtl,

Thank you Sir for being mature and confident and for respecting the "don't call us, we'll call you" request for updates, we GREATLY appreciate it.

And here is the update for Monday, March 2. We are still waiting for the thread adapters from the CNC turning shop, they are delayed, nothing we can do about it. Barrels themselves though are here back from bluing and are being installed into the complete rifles we have.

And to those of you that comment on me not posting updates as quickly as YOU'D like....Frankie says ....RELAX. I understand that this is an exciting project for you all but it is not the be-all, end-all for us. We in fact spent the ENTIRE week last week dealing with the cancellation of the IWA Outdoor Show and did not even give these barrels a thought. (Since the adapters weren't ready so we couldn't work on them anyways). It's called energy prioritization.

As I have posted numerous times here already....we are working on this project and when the parts are all ready for sale we will contact people in batches in the same order of whom ordered first. If this upsets you then call me and cancel your order so it doesn't cause you unneeded stress and a trip to your safe space.

Wow, I have to say this response, is pretty condescending.
We are your customers and this is how you reply.
I think this will be the last thing I purchase from you.
Wow, I have to say this response, is pretty condescending.
We are your customers and this is how you reply.
I think this will be the last thing I purchase from you.

It is how I treat customers that do not respect our time and express request to let us alone so we can get this done. You want to beak off about us on this forum about how I am not meeting your communication standards then yes, I will be condescending and cheeky.

Despite how you think we should spend our limited time and energy we have other thoughts on that. The IWA Outdoor and all of the logistics for it (and now the delay of it) have consumed every waking moment for the last 5-7 working days. I eat lunch at this computer writing emails and answering the phone.

So please, don't assume you know how to better do my job than I do because you really have no idea what my work week consists of. As I have said before, when there are actual updates on these barrels I will post them here for public consumption.

We dropped the thread adapters off at blueing yesterday at 4:30 and asked for a rush on them. I just got off the phone with them (Nitrera, awesome guys) and they are saying we can most likely get them back this afternoon !

This means that we can start getting these actually out the door today / tomorrow. So here is the most expediitious way to deal with the sheer volume of orders :

**If you are on the FIRST PRE-ORDER and just wanting us to ship you the barrel by itself so you can install it, PLEASE CALL THE SHOP and we will take the balance of the payment (plus tax and shipping) and get these out the door and in the post to you asap. If you are on the SECOND PRE-ORDER then as mentioned before your barrels will be about a month out still.

If you have ordered a complete rifle then hold off. Once the barrels are all installed, tested and tuned I will post here again. If you want to send us your rifle to install the barrel then as well, please hold off and I will let you know when to send them. I don't want stacks or random boxes arriving all at once and we have no safe space to store them in.

Thanks very much for your patience. We said we would get it done asap and you guys helped with that. Cheers and now let's go SHOOT !
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Whatever you say to justify being rude to your customers.
No problem, I won't be a customer any more.

Rude ? Lol, OK. If you are unhappy then call me, I will cancel your order, refund your deposit and you won't have to deal with our horrible service or lack of communication.
Sweet! Please rate the difficulty to install at home after you guys have done a few. I was going to send you mine for install but if you guys think the average ar builder can tackle it I’ll attempt it at home. Thanks again for doing these!
Sweet! Please rate the difficulty to install at home after you guys have done a few. I was going to send you mine for install but if you guys think the average ar builder can tackle it I’ll attempt it at home. Thanks again for doing these!

Not *super* difficult but certainly not a novice job. The two things we have noticed when testing / tuning is to polish the chamber really well and cut the extractor notch properly. Other than that I am not giving advice or instruction on the install in case it goes sideways and you want to hold us liable. Sorry.

I will post a quick picture on how we will be 'pinning' the stocks open. It requires a 7/32nds drill bit and a 3/8" #6 wood screw. Super easy and very discreet.

#1 - Remove the stock from your rifle and set it to the length to make the overall length no less than 660mm when re-installed on the rifle.

#2 - Using the 7/32" drill bit drill through the plastic ring in the location in the picture. It is only about 1/8" thick so don't go too deep. There is a steel washed under the plastic, do not drill through it.

#3 - Screw in your 3/8" #6 wood screw. The tip will touch the steel washer underneath so be careful to *not quite* screw it in all the way or you may strip the plastic and bugger it up.

#4 - Re-install the stock on your rifle and go shoot. Lots. Shoot a whole lot. Piss off a Liberal.

screw you.jpg


  • screw you.jpg
    screw you.jpg
    78.5 KB · Views: 375
Not *super* difficult but certainly not a novice job. The two things we have noticed when testing / tuning is to polish the chamber really well and cut the extractor notch properly. Other than that I am not giving advice or instruction on the install in case it goes sideways and you want to hold us liable. Sorry.

I will post a quick picture on how we will be 'pinning' the stocks open. It requires a 7/32nds drill bit and a 3/8" #6 wood screw. Super easy and very discreet.

#1 - Remove the stock from your rifle and set it to the length to make the overall length no less than 660mm when re-installed on the rifle.

#2 - Using the 7/32" drill bit drill through the plastic ring in the location in the picture. It is only about 1/8" thick so don't go too deep. There is a steel washed under the plastic, do not drill through it.

#3 - Screw in your 3/8" #6 wood screw. The tip will touch the steel washer underneath so be careful to *not quite* screw it in all the way or you may strip the plastic and bugger it up.

#4 - Re-install the stock on your rifle and go shoot. Lots. Shoot a whole lot. Piss off a Liberal.

View attachment 357251

That makes sense, I think I’ll stick to my original plan then. Thank you for the quick reply. :cheers:
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