Here is a proactive approach to firearm reform that will fall on deaf ears


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Here is a cost effective fix to the current problem we all face:

The Government is put in place to work for the betterment of the people, when the people are enslaved to work for the betterment of the Government, you have tyranny.

The following will do more to curb illegal firearms than any gun confiscation or gun ban currently being examined by the Liberal Government. Being one of the largest exporters of Defense Products and having companies on both sides of the border we have a complete understanding of how things work to ensure compliance with all Governing agencies that regulate our industry. I am going to share some of our thoughts with you to help address the problems we face as a firearms community here in Canada.

Taking firearms away from people who have been properly vetted by the most stringent firearm policies to date is pointless and absurd. It will do absolutely nothing to curb the current issues at hand. Furthermore, our current Government has created division and put the country in a downward spiral to which we will most likely never recover. The cost of implementing a “buy back” or confiscation program of firearms can be compared to the long gun registry, which was not only a total failure, it cost the taxpayer billions.

There are 4 directions that can be taken with the help of the US Government which will minimize the statement made by The Toronto Police Chief who stated “82% of crime guns come from the U.S. ILLEGALLY.”
The key to the 4 points below is most of these provisions are already in place and would cost us, the taxpayers and society, virtually nothing to implement and enforce as policy.

1. Close the open door at the Akwesasne Reserve. This is one of the biggest pipelines for illegal contraband and as the reserve shares both the US and Canadian borders it is virtually unmonitored. This contraband includes Alcohol, Tobacco, and most importantly firearms. Nothing will ever change until this is addressed.

2. People caught smuggling firearms into Canada should have their assets seized. Mandatory incarceration, their assets are liquidated by way of public auction to pay for their incarceration. Why should the taxpayers pay for it? Should they be found guilty the balance of their assets would be considered proceeds of crime, they are
liquidated, and the proceeds go directly to healthcare.

3. If that is not a deterrent, once they have been prosecuted, they are turned over to the US Government to face ITAR (International Traffic of Arms Regulations) violations. It will only take a few examples and the problem will diminish itself.

The export of Defense Products out of the US is one of the most highly regulated and the DDTC (Dept. of Defense Trade Controls) have developed some great policies to monitor and ensure compliance.
In this case the importing country (Canada) can utilize some of these polices to correct and help combat the issues we currently face.

The Canadian Government has longed to find a way to maintain accurate records of the firearms imported into Canada. The current system used by CBSA and the Canadian Government is outdated and flawed.

The following is a synopsis that would cost the Canadian Government and us, the taxpayer, virtually nothing to implement and would benefit both counties in monitoring the movement of Defense Products:

There are 2 governing agencies in the US that regulate the export of firearms and related items. The DDTC and the Dept of Commerce.
Here is a brief outline that the Canadian Government should adapt to further combat the illegal export of firearms out of the US.

When filing for export licenses with either US agency, we must provide the commodity, quantity, the source of said commodity, country of origin, and the end user.
The commodity is outlined by way of Make, Model, Caliber, Barrel length, and action or mode of fire for all firearms.

Once the licenses are approved those license numbers with the above information are then electronically filed with AES (Automated Export System) by the issuing agency.

As an exporter we are then required to file through AES using the commodities on those license applications prior to export.
Each commodity has its own commodity code and subsequently is subtracted off the license applications therefore maintaining an accurate assessment as to what is exactly leaving the US.
Provided everything is done properly the export is then logged with CBP or US Port Authorities though AES and you are provided a transaction number with the date and port of exit.

These commodities are also subsequently filed with CBSA for importation into Canada. The filing of this information is more generic though CBSA and thus it is structured more towards tax collection than accurately assessing what is coming into the country.
That’s one of Canada’s short comings.

Upon the firearms leaving the US this authorization through AES is then manually cleared and authorized at the exiting port through CBP.
Failure to do so is a major ITAR violation and as I mentioned earlier it is not a path anyone wants to take. This ensures the export is authorized and approved to leave the US and accounts for everything right down to a single magazine.

CBSA should require at the time of entry the AES authorization code which is also date stamped by CBP.

Not only would it ensure that the export of firearms is authorized and approved to leave the US by the US Government, but it would also provide a complete manifest as to every defense article in that shipment. Therefore, giving the Canadian Government what they have been trying to accomplish, an accurate account to everything coming into the country.

The US Government is more than willing to share the AES information as it ensures the importing country, in this case Canada, is doing their diligence to ensure the exported defense articles are authorized to leave the US.
Should firearms show up at CBSA without the correct AES authorization they would be turned around and returned to the US to face a much more serious problem.

In closing, if the Canadian Government would follow this outline they will surely find a more positive outcome then implementing any further firearm legislation.


Please share with everyone.
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Has it been sent to newspaper editorial boards, key law enforcement agencies, provincial governments and the federal government?
I don’t think public safety is their goal. Votes in Quebec and Toronto paid for using that western tax revenues.
No way #2.

Stealing is stealing, regardless of who's doing it. Please take a close look at the stealing practices government agents euphemistically call "asset forfeiture." It's stealing, and it's out of control, even here.

For example, were it not for pro bono work and public outcry, the McWimpy Lieberals would have stolen everything Bruce Montague had -- even the house he built himself using his wife's inheritance.

As one who understands bureaucratic mentality and paperwork better than 96%* of both countries, you're aware that government agents already steal more than to what they ought to be entitled.

Besides, crime is only the gun grabbers' excuse. Crime is not the reason the Tyrant Parties (Lieberals, Dipsters, Watermelons and Blokheads) want your business shut down and us disarmed. Let's address the true reason instead.

BTW thank you for that excellent price on an Anderson lower.

*I use Pareto's 80-20 rule; 20% of 20% is 4%.
Just one problem. The gun grab isn't about crime. It's about vote baiting by pitting one side against another knowing most left leaning individuals agree with more gun control on an emotional level. These people can be easily motivated to vote for the weakened and desperate liberals. Yes, they are willing to curb stomp our rights to hold onto their power. They know we will never vote for them so our place at the table is not respected whatsoever. What you have suggested sounds very good but unfortunately the issue is not about crime. We are being scapegoated by desperate scumbags digging their rat claws into the power that they're addicted to.
"...structured more towards tax collection than accurately assessing what is coming into the country. That’s one of Canada’s short comings."

The Liberal mindset is to tax, tax, and tax some more. The Trudeau Regime has no interest in implementing a computerized system that actually works when it comes to our Canadian border.

Considering that it is now 4+ years since the Phoenix pay system 'boondoggle' that Trudeau and his bureaucrats implemented without properly testing it ("testing it" like Harper was in the process of doing - can't do that says Trudeau) ... that alone says something about the Trudeau/Liberal incompetencies. Yes, I know the list is much longer.

AND FINALLY I ASK AGAIN...What happened to the petition thread that was leading people directly to the HoC petition. Why was it taken down? I've used it give people an easy link to sign the petition (CGN - very first thread).

Point well taken, we are not here to debate that, the Government however wrong they are has drawn a line in the sand and clearly stated crime is the issue for the current upcoming changes in firearm legislation.

This addresses that and nothing else, given this is an effect fix and there is virtually no cost to implement this, it will hopefully redirect the Governments thought process or at least take some of the wind out of their sails.

Our .02

No way #2.

Stealing is stealing, regardless of who's doing it. Please take a close look at the stealing practices government agents euphemistically call "asset forfeiture." It's stealing, and it's out of control, even here.

For example, were it not for pro bono work and public outcry, the McWimpy Lieberals would have stolen everything Bruce Montague had -- even the house he built himself using his wife's inheritance.

As one who understands bureaucratic mentality and paperwork better than 96%* of both countries, you're aware that government agents already steal more than to what they ought to be entitled.

Besides, crime is only the gun grabbers' excuse. Crime is not the reason the Tyrant Parties (Lieberals, Dipsters, Watermelons and Blokheads) want your business shut down and us disarmed. Let's address the true reason instead.

BTW thank you for that excellent price on an Anderson lower.

*I use Pareto's 80-20 rule; 20% of 20% is 4%.
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No way #2.

I completely agree with you. The reserve and being tried in both countries would be good, but not civil forfeiture: civil forfeiture is legally allowed terrorism, assault, theft and destruction of one's life. Remember, the people who hid Anne Frank were breaking the law while the ones looking to kill her were with the law (from a speech in Virginia I watched).

It's about vote baiting by pitting one side against another knowing most left leaning individuals agree with more gun control on an emotional level. These people can be easily motivated to vote for the weakened and desperate liberals. Yes, they are willing to curb stomp our rights to hold onto their power. They know we will never vote for them so our place at the table is not respected whatsoever. We are being scapegoated by desperate scumbags digging their rat claws into the power that they're addicted to.

You, supernova, understand it...
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Well said. If only though.

Unfortunately the charter of rights has been perverted and protects the bad guys more than anyone else. Mandatory minimum sentences for firearm offences went out the window a few years ago because of this and we'll never see it again.
Great information. However law enforcement is as crooked as a b.c highway. No crime no need for police. Greed ,power, and money. Im tired of all the licences (permission). The taxes. Political parties are all a farce, only thing that changes are the faces. We all have God given rights quit giving them away.
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