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Thread: Petition and Letter Writing

  1. #11
    CGN Regular bcbravo2zero's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
    Great post.

    Why did the LGR get scrapped?
    It wasn’t b/c Canadians were suddenly on our side, or pro-gun. It wasn’t b/c the average citizen became aware of the actual facts and stats re: guns and crime/violence (that don’t tend to work for the antis and their emotion-based arguments).
    It was massive costs + a public impression that it wasn’t actually doing much. Failure.

    I predict that non-compliance will be massive...particularly if they go after widely held non-res firearms.
    Last edited by bcbravo2zero; 01-09-2020 at 10:50 PM. Reason: sp
    "Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi

  2. #12
    Administrator greentips's Avatar
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    Link fixed.

    Please send all private messages on CGN admin issues to "CGN Admin" account

  3. #13
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer SigWig's Avatar
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    Last edited by SigWig; 01-09-2020 at 11:34 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    SW Ontario
    Actually the AR platform is number 2 at 15 to 20 million examples out there. The AK platform is numero uno with between 75 and 125 million examples: The east block pumped them out like sausages!

  5. #15
    CGN Regular Vishnu's Avatar
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    My letter to the Liberal MPs, Trudeau and Blair. I sent it via email, and snail mail to Trudeau and Blair. I have already contacted my Conservative MP several times.

    Before I go into the purpose of this letter, I would like to introduce myself.

    I am 51 years old, married for 20 years and have an 11-year-old daughter, and a 14-year-old son. I have been employed most of my adult life since I was 17 years old. I work hard, pay taxes, and have voted in every municipal, provincial, and federal election since I was eligible to vote.

    I love my family and my country. I am willing to defend both. But, I'm having serious concerns with how your government is planning on banning and confiscating (through compensation) certain firearms.

    Firearms in Canada are very regulated, and in my opinion, too much already. More regulation is going to do NOTHING to prevent the criminal element (ie: gangs) from getting illegal firearms on the black market, which I might add, are smuggled in from the United States. Your proposed prohibition of certain semi-automatic rifles will have no affect gang shootings in Toronto, Surrey or Winnipeg. There has never been a single shooting in Canada with an AR-15. EVER.

    The AR-15 is no different than any other semi-automatic hunting rifle that shoots the same calibre of bullet, which should exclude it from even being considered.

    In your proposal, you also suggest handguns should be relegated to municipal control. This will be a complete failure, as certain jurisdictions will ban them, while others will not, and of course, criminals will not even bother to follow any such laws. Maintaining a location, to store and administer, handguns will put extra costs and manpower on municipal police forces. These funds would be better served fighting actual gang crime.

    The costs of all prohibitions will be in the BILLIONS.

    Your government is on the slimline of a minority, and this is something that WESTERN Canada, nor your government, needs.

    I urge you to reconsider your proposal.


  6. #16
    CGN frequent flyer R005t3r's Avatar
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    I receved a response to my letter from The PMO. They forwarded a copy to Minister Blair's office; now he will have two letters from me! How very nice of them.

    Regardless of the tools used by this government to push their agenda; laws passed without proper legislative process, by a minortity representation, is a dictatorship by any measure.
    Last edited by R005t3r; 02-19-2020 at 03:37 PM.

  7. #17
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Flash's Avatar
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    Here's a letter template you can use

    Prime Minister Turdeau and his party are doing everything they can to increase violent crime against Canadians.

    In addition to relaxing penalties for violent offenders, they're disarming the innocent. Once criminals know everyone is defenseless violent home invasions will increase. Right now violent criminals don't know which occupants can defend themselves. Disarming all Canadians while reducing penalties for violent offenders emboldens criminals.


    Of all the emotions, fear is the greatest motivator. Tell people if Turd gets his way they're ripe targets for home invasion. It's true. It's also human nature, which politicians and bureaucrats ignore.

    The shorter your letter the more likely it'll be printed.

    The more arguments you make the less likely it'll be printed.

    The more back story you include the less likely it'll be printed.

    PM me if you want assistance.

    Original CILA writing team member and former national magazine editor.
    "Every gun store in Canada should stop doing their gun transfer paperwork, stop paying taxes, sell their verboten inventory to the highest bidder, and tell the government to pound sand." - Cameron SS

  8. #18
    CGN Regular Mioryder's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    Letter writing does nothing, stops nothing, save our trees!!!

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