Future Gun Control

Hey guys,

I have written a letter to my MP and since I live in Nova Scotia I have a Liberal MP I know....... Booooo! right? I agree I voted Conservative. Regardless I have just finished writting a letter to Justin my next letter is to Bill Blair who else can and should I send a letter to ?

As I have served 13 years in the army I have a fond passion for firearms as I am sure all of you do as well lets stop fighting amoungst ourselves and start fighting those who threaten our law abiding hobby. Use thatvengergy and anger by keeping up the pressure. In my experience in the army the more pressure you can put on them the better to make them realize this will not be worth their while from all sides. Write those letters ! This is our only shot ladies and gentlemen.



The senator representing your area/province
I've heard that an OIC would also require a budget approval.
Once they say we need $650 million for this OIC, we'll see if the buyback becomes reality.

Yes, I've written many letters and my MP is CPC.
Do you guys really think they will give cold hard cash?

Anyone who chooses to hand in their rifles will not be receiving cash, cheques or gold.
You will walk away with nothing to be contacted much later after they assess the value of your firearm. You may hand them a brand new rifle in, but once stacked under 100's of others and transported who knows where to be assessed it will be anything but new.
Then you will receive notice of the value of your firearm. I would guess a $300-$800 tax credit for a $2000 rifle.
That is if you choose to give them your rifle.
We need a pro gun owner form letter opposing the liberals attack on licensed gun owners .
It should include reports from police dismissing gun bans as a way to stop gun violence .
It should include stats on where most of the crime guns come from .
It should include some Provinces rejection of the planned attack on licensed gun owner.
It should include real solutions to fight gun violence by going after the people who cause it not the object they use .
I'm sure there is more to add.

This way we could all print it off, sign & mail it and flood them with the same info word for word over & over .
After all it seems we all get the same cut & paste reply from them . :rolleyes:
i live on vancouver island,bc.i have informed the liberal overlords if the bill goes through i will never vote from them again.(not that i ever had)if the bill goes through,then i think it"s time the west seperated.
Check out this police raid in New Zealand. Some people don't think the police monitor our chat rooms? Think again!!!


I agree. Personally, I think LEA tactical units just wait for the day that they can dress up and play commando, get out the big boy guns, and put all their "training" to the test.
And I fully expect thats exactly what would happen to law abiding firearm owners should they not turn in their banned firearms. :mad:
Also, if you are considering buying something that may get banned, buy it now in case they go the grandfather route. By this I mean they will allow folks who own the items before the ban, to keep them and use them, similar to prohib status for short barreled handguns.

grandfathering equals registration and only a fool would see that as a viable option at this point

im beyond caring what the Liberals "will allow"
turdboy wants em he can come and get em himself and see how that works out for him LOL
I agree. Personally, I think LEA tactical units just wait for the day that they can dress up and play commando, get out the big boy guns, and put all their "training" to the test.
And I fully expect thats exactly what would happen to law abiding firearm owners should they not turn in their banned firearms. :mad:

if only 0.1% of firearm owners physically resist, which represent 2000 firearm owners, there will be some major incidents posted on social media.
Hard to explain why someone got shot/killed when they were not a threat to anyone, no criminal record, perfect tax paying citizen, previously to the police charging into their homes.
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