DU damage control email....

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I’ll say it again! Only selfish morons would trash an organization that raises and spends millions if not billions of dollars over the years so we will have places to hunt and wildlife to hunt. They are a habitat and hunting organization not an AR gun advocating group. That has never been their mandate nor should it be if we want them to leverage funds from non gun owners to help provide us with hunting opportunities. You folks should be ashamed to call yourself sportsmen, if you think you can.
I am going to agree with Melvin on this one, as I debated with my friends the other day on if they would be comfortable as liberals if cons decided we did not want abortion, or some other highly cherished liberal freedom and just banned it would that be okay.. anyways the long and short of it there complaint was this..."when it comes to YOUR rights, you are up in arms literally! but when it comes to any other movement or cause where are those same voices" SO moral of my story...we CAN NOT only support the cause which serve us TODAY...if we care about actual individual liberty and our rights then we should always stand up for these type of causes it can only strengthen our support. As for Environmental and hunting conservation this is a no brainer we need this to hunt, and they don't want to rock the boat as they know they are 2 (free speech) words away from loosing all funding that supports anything to do with a gun.

How do you think each of them votes, or will vote now? Our votes, and those around us votes are the most important tool..
The real reason I bring this up, as we should be all over this as a cause, women, black, native, LGBTQ etc...fought so hard for their rights, do they really trust the police(think Minnesota currently) and RCMP(notorious womanizing ####) to be the champions of their rights and protect them. At the end of the day the more people with guns the better we off we are.

So in short support any right which does not infringe that of another!

I’ll say it again! Only selfish morons would trash an organization that raises and spends millions if not billions of dollars over the years so we will have places to hunt and wildlife to hunt. They are a habitat and hunting organization not an AR gun advocating group. That has never been their mandate nor should it be if we want them to leverage funds from non gun owners to help provide us with hunting opportunities. You folks should be ashamed to call yourself sportsmen, if you think you can.

As others have said in this post, their main source of their funding is going to be memberships and fundraisers supporting the firearms community. Many hunters are sport shooters. Many new hunters want to use modern shotguns for hunting. Detachable magazine, adjustable stock, semi auto shotguns. If DU wants to have a future in this country, they have to take a vested interest in the firearms community, or they'll be managing a resource without a free source of population control. Look at the province of Quebec trying to encourage deer hunts to decrease spread of chronic wasting disease or the feds bringing in contractors from out of state to cull Sitka black tails off BC.

DU plays an important role in understanding how many ducks can be, or should be hunted from each WMU, and they need that population to be controlled.
Happy Saturday everyone....

I think this thread has run it's course and I am going to lock it down.

Everyone is understandably angry for so many reasons right now. I want to avoid this discussion from jumping the shark.


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